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Posts posted by Strangewayes

  1. OP must have come from some other game, where rolling a warrior (you know, a TANK class) was great for 1 on 1 DPS'ing at several times.


    A JK-G = a tank, not a dps. If you want a JK-dps, roll sent.


    Other than that, do what everyone else have told you. Roll for utility and tankiness, not PewPew.

  2. I absolutely agree with the Op.


    I do feel we should be rewarded for killing people of the opposing faction. However i do understand to some degree from where bioware is coming from for not providing rewards for pvp..and that's because it WILL be abused if the rewards are good enough (aka kill trading).


    To remedy this i propose maybe doing something along the lines of battlegrounds/turfs. Where each section of a planet is divided into small turfs for the factions...both factions will fight to control these territory due to bonuses given if they have it under their control. (maybe extra experience, better drops or access to new heroics / flashpoints). Have a bar that shows the progress for either faction and reset these bars at the end of every week.


    I remember 2 games did this and it worked out very well .


    ( I haven't fully thought this through but im throwing the idea out there for someone or bioware to build on)


    One game that did something like this (and to a remarkably high degree of success in my book), was the trainwreck of a game called Fung Wan Online. In 2003.

    You had 5 clans, that could form alliances and declare war upon eachother. During a declaration of war, you where free to attack and kill players of the oposing clan without penalty (actually granting you "honour points" or what they where called then. I forget). Attacking outside of war penalized you.

    There where neutral towns that could be taken over by clans, that gave a realm wide bonus that varried with what town wsa held. Either ekstra resistance, more hp etc.

    Each clan also had a relic granting members of the clan a bonus. This relic could be stolen and put into the vault of an enemy clan, and thus they could take over the bonus.


    It was an asian grindfest, and far from a perfect game, but they took some chances, and did things that I haven't seen much else. They still have a star in my book for that. =)

  3. I just find it sad when people claim WoW had good PvP.

    I played WoW. On a PvP server. It sucked.

    It still sucks.


    Arenas made it worse.


    Give meaningfull open world PvP / RvR please thank you.


    And remove zone instancing. I remember hearing about 150 vs 200 fights on a certain endgame planet. Well I have yet to be in a single planetary instance where tehre are more than fricking 50 people on my side.


    One of the reasons the world feels so huge, is that it's utterly devoid of sentient life...

    Allowing several instances of the same server will only make this problem larger.

  4. This is what you get from "Arenas" "Warfronts" "any-other-name-for-instanced-pvp".

    Know where you won't get this?

    World PvP / RvR.


    So fix some decent RvR instead.


    And I actually enjoyed the RvR in WAR. But then again, I tried to play with and against organized players, instead of zerging around like an AV-beginner.


    I was promised RvR. I have yet to see it though =(

  5. Nobody passes, nobody guards, nobody heals/or healss aren't enough. the fire things pop up too fast. The fact that I get this warzone EVERY SINGLE TIME, i hate queing for warzones.


    Stop rolling a DPS class then.

  6. So far SW:TOR is turning out to be a MSORPG (Massively Single-player Online Role Playing Game)

    I could have just as easily played this on my Xbox, or offline (baring the Warfronts, but jesus they don't count!).


    I joined SW:TOR, because my guild did, and we joined because we where promised world PvP (dreaming of RvR), and with some mythic folks aboard, we thought it might be possible.


    Right now, it's turning into yet another theme park ride (a big, pretty theme park, but still).

    Let the PvE servers be themeparks.

    Let PvP servers have, cater to, and promote PvP.

    Pile people into the same areas, and let em stockstrike each other to bits!


    Also +1

  7. When I do battlegrounds there is a substantial amount of time that passes, from when I press a move, to when the move completes.


    Is this just me, or is there a problem with moves going off slow?


    For instance I click blaster whip, and it doesnt go off for half a second to a second or two later. I dont see how pvp can be competitive in this game with that kind of delay.


    They have blasterwhip in WoW?

  8. Good read.


    Most of the tactics are common knowledge, but it did clarify some uncertainties I had with the resolve bar, so thanks for that.


    One question though. If I pop "Hold the Line" (which gives me an 8 second immunity to roots, snares, stuns, knockdowns and the kitchen sink) and someone throws CC at me, does my resolve bar fill up? or does it only fill if the CC actually hits?


    And now for a raving rant on the CC-QQ:


    45s CD on CC breaker? Are you guys nuts? Worst idea ever.

    CC is an integral part of ORGANIZED PvP tactics. Yes if you're zerging around a warfront with randoms, CC is a *****, but if you roll as an organized group, proper CC is very important.


    A 2min CD is fine. Let's leave it at that. Certain classes played without skill or tactics would definitely benefit from a CC less world, but even they can benefit from good CC, and by gaming the system right.

  9. As for locking the servers, that's a bad idea. I have friends who hope to get the game this week, and join up with my guild, and if they were locked out of the server we're on, nobody would be happy about that.

    Well in my view, if you haven't preordered, you shouldn't have a problem waiting 2-3 weeks more to join you.

    Lock down for a limited time will fix the issue.

  10. Don't blame BioWare. Blame players.


    You said yourself that there are plenty of non-full servers. That means BioWare has done their job correctly.


    It's the people who elect to join an already full server who are exacerbating the problem.

    This is NOT the case for EU-English servers (or german/french for that matter) 2 days before end of EGA, there where only 7 servers that wherent with queue. 2 standard, 3 heavy, 4 very heavy at 20 pm CET. the rest full, many with 2 hour + queue's.


    BW. Dropped. The Ball.

  11. Bondar Crystal has a huge queue also. Sat in one for 20 mins, then got disconnected 20 seconds into game... Needless to say I'm back in queue.

    Wow 20 minutes? Really?

    Surely you're jesting. If not have a talk with the fine folks of Tomb of Freedon Nadd, Legions of Letdown or Bloodworthy. They may have a few words of encouragement for you and your life-breaking server queue.

  12. Well I have yet to have waited less than 3 hours on TofN (Tons of Forced Nap-time?).

    and 5-6 hours are normal.


    Some guild have moved away from the server, and cap has been increased some, yet now at launch day, they whole country of spain apparently try to make chars on this server, instead of an empty one.


    There's NO WAY a lockdown wouldn't have helped here. Wait 2-3 weeks, the unestablished new guys have a nice new home, and guilds needing one or two stragglers (let's be honest, any established guild had preordered and so already have chars) can get em.


    TofN is a nightmare right now, with people abusing and exploiting every consivable option to not logout, to avoid the login queue. Something that doesn't help the login time for the rest of us.

  13. Now I haven't seen the US servers at prime-time, but atm there are no full Us servers... we had full servers at the corresponding local time today in the EU.


    There are at the time of writing this 25 full servers in the EU zone, with 10 flagges as Very heavy.


    Clearly there are not enough servers spawned...


    FIXIT! :D

  14. I didn't read all of what you say.

    But HF on the US servers.


    I'm not British or Irish, but I do prefer the language to be English. Not "what ever language". How narrow minded of you to think that only English and Irish people speak English... What about the Scots? or the Welsh?


    Closed minds are closed, and the problem is countries wanting to have their own national servers, that aren't created.

    Since this problem always arises on overhyped MMO's released in Europe (and most of the companies that do the administration of these are based outside of Europe) they do not realize the problem prior to launch.


    It would be great to have 2 official Italian servers. Not a translated client, just a server stated to be Italian language, so that the general English speaking servers aren't "stolen" so to speak.


    Russian servers also should be a given, since they are the one nationality most of the European players flee. They are simply too dominant and tend to break community spirit and in-game economies through bot lvl'ing and excessive gold buying. (Not saying all do it, but I've seen it happen many times).


    For now, we're given English, German and French servers, with Germany fielding 3 "light loaded" servers... why not go to one of them, if you want to make a national server where you refuse to speak English?


    Just a thought =)

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