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Posts posted by Moaky

  1. I have no idea what they will do, just that they need to keep the pace going.




    This game really didnt see many additions for the first yr. Between putting in functions that shold of been there at launch, server merges, and FTP conversion, BW really dug themselves a hole. The pace they are taking atm is the way to get out of that hole.


    I dont care for specifics of what is added, just as long as it is more content for folks to enjoy.

  2. What you are looking for are Vet Rewards, which they obviously do not offer.


    The fireworks are not a big deal. They are just celebrating the game being live for a year, not how long any one player subscribed (that would be Vet Rewards). The anniversary has zilch to do with being subscribed or for how long.


    Usually they are just useless trinkets. I mean, seriously, Blizzard just did the 8 year anniversary of WoW and gave away a trinket that buffed XP. Only, it didn't stack with other buffs, and was therefore useless to anyone in a guild with the Guild XP Buff (which was a higher buff). And the people there complained, too. Seriously?


    Personally, I think the development studios should just stop with the anniversary stuff.


    I remember when SOE went back to offer us vet rewards in EQ. That bonus exp each day was a godsend.



    I am hoping a lot of things that got put to the side for merging servers/FTP starts to see the light of day.

  3. Ah the great "if you dont agree with us you must be a hater" argument lol :rolleyes:


    I dont think anyone gives a crap if they put SGR in the game, its the fact that people are making a big deal out of such a non issue when theres 100's of bugs and glitches, not to mention endgame content that could be added instead of spending time and money writing new scripts, paying for voice actors to do new work, coding in the new convos... etc...etc... simply to get 10 minutes worth of companion romances.


    This x 1000




    BW hasnt done much with this game. They pulled up all resources, and pretty much devoted them to merging servers & converting to FTP. They had to in order to save the game.


    Some folks are wanting SGRs......I am wanting on all the new content/fixes/enhancements that should of been added the past 11 months. It is nearing a yr, and we still havent seen a major add along the lines of a new planet....or fixed PVP for those into it. When was the last time we even saw one of those crappy server events? Stuff like that should of been happening once a month or so.


    This game has lost two-thirds or so of the box sales. Cranking out PVE content for the majority, or getting a handle on PVP will affect a lot more individuals than adding SGR into game.


    What is the saying? The alternate lifestyle community represents a minority of subs, and there are more pressing issues....deal with it. You arent the only ones that have been waiting on things, and this game doesnt have the luxury to be eccentric on how they wish to spend the money. They need the most bang for the buck, and SGR isnt it.



    BTW....I am on board with removing em all romances. They pale in comparison to normal BW titles anyways, and it would be worth their removal to see this topic dropped. Enough already.

  4. Dude, I don't think my spouse would like it if I did that. It *is* possible to enjoy romance stories even if you have romance in your real life, you know? There's a reason why girls make boys watch chick flicks with them.


    Um....I thought it was cause they were blackmailing us to buy them diamonds to get out of it.




    Who wudda thunk it? :D

  5. My ffth level 50 took me 70 hours according to "/played"


    I had purchased every XP perk, I did some space missions for bonus xp, I had rested XP the entire way, my alts crafted all the gear I needed (not included in the 70 hours btw) and I was able to skip over 6 entire planets worth of content on my way to 50.


    "5 days if you are slow", eh?


    Do you really have so little to do in your life that you can afford to spend 14 hours per day over 5 days playing a videogame?


    Good post.



    I remember when Frogloks were introduced in EQ, and some folks worked over an entire weekend to level a character to max. That isnt the norm playstyle, and I would say slamming thru TOR isnt the norm either. Unless you have played thru the class at least once, the average person is going to at least run thru the main story.......not PL their way thru.



    Count me in among those that would like to switch. Only my first character I would swap out for a tank, and although I can live with the others as is, it still irks me I went DPS with my Jedi. I would enjoy the character much more if he wouldnt die so easily.......even if it means that fights take longer.

  6. MMORPG.com is full of people who have nothing better to do than hate on games. SWTOR is #1 on thier list. There are a few of us who defend the game on the site. It's probrobly because bioware isnt paying for advertisement on the site and therfore allows the flaming/trolling/hate...who knows. Just dont read the comments or forums on that site.



    I wouldnt be surprised if he was being payed for good coverage towards TOR. Or perhaps it is simply a way to stir the hornets nest around there for page hits. Although he has stated he plays TOR, I have to believe it is only because there isnt a SWG 2. The guy is an admitted sandbox fan, and if you become known as someone that hates sandoxes, not only will you be flamed for it, the mods will do their own number as well.....including Britton.


    It is OK to flame on themepark gaming there.....this includes those that enjoy them. There are constantly threads in the pub which do so. Claims of ADD, cant work for things, not intelligent enough for sandboxes, etc. The opposite is not true....start a thread to call out those that play sandboxes, or why it is such a bad way to design games, and you are looking to have your thread locked, or yourself banned....if not both.


    The behaviour that happens in the TOR forums is not allowed in the GW2 area. Which isnt shocking, as MMORPG has their own site sponsored guild in GW2. There was a thread that ran months about Xfire numbers in the TOR section. Some tools were trying to use it to claim 200k subs in TOR. When GW2 followed the same pattern, they were closing down those threads.


    I really wish there was a site like MMORPG that gave even handed moderation regardless of the game genre.

  7. Are you kidding me?




    I bought the same amount of coins and got absolutely nothing compared to you!


    I got 3 pink crystals, no whites, no weapons, 1 trailblazer bottoms, no spymaster stuff, no throne.


    You did SOOOOOOO much better than you think.


    Crystals were one thing I didnt see. I did get the Shatele Shan trainer thingy, and 3 total of the glowing eyes.

  8. Fellow SWTOR players


    I got the Mask of Nihilus in a pack last night....i think it looks terrible "plus i play a republic do gooder character.


    Just wondering if anyone had any ideas how much they are worth on the GTN?




    Tree Fitty



    Just getting it out of the way....no clue what it really would be worth.

  9. Wait 2 days. Sell random items on GTN. Buy Nihilus Mask with proceeds. Done.


    I bet we dont see those for a while on GTN. Any that do get sold are going to net a mini fortune for several weeks I would imagine.



    I had 2100 CC, and spent 5 bucks to get a few more coins.....I spent it all on the packs. I got several of the items listed. IMO the best things I got were 2 stacks of ten rare crafting materials. One stack is used for 23 mods, and forget what the other was used for.

  10. SWTOR does not require 1/100th of the envolvement SWG did to be a succesful player.


    Even as nerfed as it was after NOV 2005. SWG still contained more than this game.


    Many players play SWTOR only because SWG is not around anymore. (and that's why LA pulled the plug on SWG too)


    Is that before you write the recursive macro, or after? It takes a pretty damn boring game for it to include botting scripts.



    SWG was full of fail. You decorated your houses, did some crafting, or stood in line for some buffs to fight the same PVP contests. PVE was totally lackluster, and left folks regrinding profs to match up with the flavor of the month class.


    Did I mention bugs.....cause that was a nice mini game for masochists playing SWG.



    SWG was a huge empty parking lot with "Ghost town waiting to happen" signs posted.

  11. The confirmed max of subs is 350,000 for SWG.



    90% of MMOs out Today have twice that and up.


    Now I am one to slam on the PRECioUs as much as the next guy, but that would be incorrect. The themepark genre dominates the MMO world, but not all games keep 350k NA subs after launch.....matter of fact few do according to estimations. Before WoW, EQ was the leader at 450k. Games I know of that have been around the 350k level(or more) for 6 months or longer include EQ, EQ2, LoTRO, FF XI, TOR, and WoW. Sandboxes have EVE(and SWG if you wanna argue it took 6 months to drop below 300k.....that would be pushing it). Only talking about western subs BTW.



    What was deceiving about SWG numbers is that folks ran multiple accounts due to one char per server rule. So although it sported 200 to 250k subs up until NGE, there really wasnt many unique individuals playing. Semantics when it comes to money, but true just the same......SWG wasnt very popular. EVE has this same thing, as RMT helps to prop up sub numbers in the way of PLEX.



    Nowadays hearing someone carry on about SWG is either a case of needing to let go, or some type of play on "yeah I was at Woodstock". When Nov 15th hit 7 yrs ago, I was among those saying it was lame what happened to the SWG folks. Nowadays it is a case of will you shut the frack up......we heard it already.

  12. You can purchase HK-51 for 1million credits or 350 CC only after you unlock him once on a character. That unlocks the character perk to purchase him on alts. You also must pay the 1mil/350CC on each character you want to unlock him on.


    Well then I will be waiting till they change the PVP component.



    For person asking where is it listed....look under table for Legacy perks/unlocks.

  13. DH has a list of prices thus far for items that I am sure most have seen....





    I wonder if the 350 CC is per instance of HK, or to unlock him for all characters? I am going to think for entire account, but who knows.....things could change.



    The thing I am really wondering about is if there is codex entries to be unlocked, and if so, will those be unlocked if we use our CC stash to unlock HK. It would be cool if we had some insight on this.



    I have no intention of subjecting myself to open world PVP with my under-geared characters. This looks to be the answer with our 500 coins per month.

  14. As a Beta Tester and Early Access player i think that those in the same boat as me should be given something to reward us for supporting the game before it was released. Maybe 500 for each beta testing group and 250 for early access (preordering the game months before release)


    You got your reward....it was early access to game.

  15. Then it's clear you cannot be bothered by the rewards that come from those group activities.


    The HK quest is similar to those. It starts as a group quest and ends that way. Since you're not fond of grouping or the rewards they provide for grouping. The HK quest should bother you if it does.


    The same goes for the OP as well.


    Some of us soloers havent said a word that we are locked out of FPs. I played EQ for 5 plus yr(01 to 06ish), and I used to enjoy the social aspect. These days my health is worse, and I use my PC in conjection with my TV from the confines of my bed. Grouping would be bad enough, and then you throw in all the bathroom runs....nah I keep to myself, and understand there are things I cant get in game.



    Putting HK behind the grp stuff is a slap in the face though. Like everyone that has spent hundreds of hrs on the KOTOR series ISNT going to want him. There was no reason this couldnt of been an epic singular quest.


    Putting it into PVP areas is even worse. Someone at BW needs to get their head out of their backside. The PVE servers are the most populated, and yet they wanna subject these folks to PVP? Are you kidding me? Maybe I have read it wrong, but if PVE gamers are indeed subjected to PVP then someone needs to be fired.



    I will eventually try to get the HK companion, but then again maybe I wont. It appears to me BW doesnt understand their fanbase these days, and quite frankly, the novelty of being a fanboi has lost its luster. EA, as a company, has made MP a priority in all its titles going foward. I am guessing DA3 will have a strong MP component, and should pretty much finish my enjoyment of all things with a BW tag.


    I hope when the non-compete clause is done, the Drs open a new studio, and dont bother with an investment firm that is willing to sell their company out from underneath them.

  16. I'm trying to be empathetic here, but I just don't get it.


    I understand why people like a lot of things I don't. I get why people like NASCAR, I get why people collect old Cabbage Patch dolls, I get why people are in love with Justin Bieber, I get why some crazy moms dress their toddlers up like tramps with tiaras. But I just don't get the rage over a stupid file name.


    I found out either yesterday, or the day before my destination server was getting merged into another destination server. With enough time I would of adjusted my characters on the server being moved so that not only would I now have 16 characters, all of them would have the 25 BH commendations to go with the other pet.



    I am not going to lose sleep over it, but I am not happy just the same.



    Perhaps that will explain to ya how folks could be upset.

  17. I'm guessing that we don't get those bonus items anymore on new characters. I think it only applied to characters you moved while those transfers were available. And we're all on new servers now.


    The characters I moved when they were below level 20 still got those items in the mail right away; I just had to level to 20 to use them.


    This will suck if that is indeed the case. Before if you moved, and made characters on new server, you got it. I deleted all characters save 1 after move, and all 7 of my new chars got it.

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