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Posts posted by AtrumErus

  1. If I'm posting this in the wrong forum, I do apologize, and moderators may move this, as they see fit. In addition, I apologize if someone has made a thread regarding this topic already.


    NOTICE: This list regards the tracks BioWare licensed from companies to place in their trailers. (As an offhand example, Two Steps From Hell.) As such, it's likely that this list will not include music specifically composed for SWTOR, or music from the movies and KOTOR games. On request, however, I shall include them.


    With that out of the way, the list itself begins.


    Trooper Trailer:

    - From 1:03 to 1:16: Two Steps From Hell - Sons of War


    Trooper Progression Trailer:

    - From 0:49 to 2:15: Two Steps From Hell - Sons of War (No Choir)


    Bounty Hunter Trailer:

    - From 0:52 to 1:06: Two Steps From Hell - Hunter's Moon

    - From 1:07 to 1:24: Two Steps From Hell - Titan Dune


    Bounty Hunter Progression Trailer:

    - From 0:48 to 2:17: Two Steps From Hell - Red Omen


    Sith Warrior Progression Trailer:

    - I am sad to say this one eludes me. Will be filled in once knowledge of the song is imparted to me.


    Sith Inquisitor Trailer:

    - 1:08 to 1:40: Two Steps From Hell - Smell of Victory


    Sith Inquisitor Progression Trailer:

    - This one too proves elusive. Bloody Sith and their unidentifiable music.


    Jedi Consular Trailer:

    - From 0:51 to 1:52: Two Steps From Hell - Protectors of the Earth


    Jedi Consular Progression Trailer:

    - From 1:16 to 2:40: Two Steps From Hell - King's Legion (No Choir)


    Imperial Agent Progression Trailer:

    - Yet again, a blank. Although I am fairly certain I've heard this one before.


    Smuggler Progression Trailer:

    - From 1:10 to 2:28: Two Steps From Hell - Norwegian Pirate (No Choir)


    That's all I have for now. I will continue to add to the list as time goes on. It wouldn't hurt to have some help either. :)

  2. For example, I don't want my Jedi Knight, who's a Zabrak, sharing his last name with my Chiss Imperial Agent.


    As for the OP; Legacy as surname shouldn't be a problem. Civil wars (which is basically the galaxy's state at game-time) always have brother-vs-brother...


    Adding onto this, if said Imperial Agent and Jedi Knight are rivals, maybe the Agent takes the Knight's surname as his own, just for the sake of spiting him. Or, as would more likely befit an Agent, he might go undercover with that surname, attempting to get close to the Knight and potentially assassinate him. I don't think families are restricted to a certain species, as there are so many in Star Wars, unlike a traditional fantasy setting, where there's still a decent amount, but there's enough that you can tack it into something like "half-elf". Star Wars, on the other hand, would be more difficult. :p

  3. What do you think? Have you been to Lord Adraas? Do you know how hard core they are over there?


    Hardcore...or elitist?


    Or both?


    Either way, yes I have been there. People got rather riled when I requested help on killing one NPC, with the typical, "I did it, so can you. Not my problem you're not doing it as well as I did." response. Not all of Lord Adraas is bad, though, as I know a few people who do play on it, and they're all fun. :p

  4. What's a female gamer?


    Joking, of course!


    On to serious business, though, I noticed this was touched upon a tad, and it may have been elaborated upon in previous posts, but I was in the mood for typing about it in my own fashion.


    First off, I am male. A good portion of my characters are female, and I actually play them for different stories (ie, what would happen in the story if I romanced this char as a female?), instead of, as I've seen in some cases, for the pixels. I test things out, as I'm an ever-curious roleplayer, so I suppose it comes naturally...?


    Although, oddly enough, my main, whom is female, has had more, ahem, intimate moments than any other character. Of course, she is an Imperial Agent, so I'll let that slide...


    Of course, this habit is slightly averted, when there are times that I actually get slightly in-character without intending to. There have been one or two times where I've been so immersed in my female character where I've typed like one, leading to very confused groupies when I inform them of my masculinity.


    So, maybe I am the average Chuck from New Jersey. Though I don't think I live in my mother's basement.





  5. I can't believe how ignorant this is *Shakes head sadly*


    It's not 'favorite' attacks buddy, it's ONLY ATTACKS.

    That's right, the entire core of the operative power and skill tree (BY BIOWARE'S OWN DESIGN) revolves around Stealth, Hidden Strike, Jarring Strike, Backstab, Shiv, Debilitate, Eviscerate (which only works on weak or strongs, not players).


    That's it, rifle shot misses too often and hits with paltry damage, (like 400, maybe twice out of four shots fired, with 102.3% accuracy rating), there are no buffs for frag grenade in concealment tree, no dots except acid blade.


    But hey, we got a damage nerf, except they, and this is for emphasis, kept the energy useage requirements the same.


    That's right all you non operative boys and girls, they dropped the dps and kept the energy useage, only now we have to use 2x as many hits to kill something, oh and don't forget the energy regen mechanic, we get a penalty if we drop below 60% energy.

    (Which, by the way, is two attacks plus applying acid blade), our stim boost has a 35 second cooldown and is dependent on tactical advantage, and adrenaline probe has a two minute cooldown.


    So essentially we got screwed for fighting anything our level in PVE, as higher damage was the only thing making the energy costs viable and keeping us alive.


    I'll give an example.


    Take a sentinel, keep his skill costs the same, now make his attacks all do half damage as what they used to except for say, Master Strike.


    That's what they did to operatives.


    That's not true, sorry to burst your bubble of one skill tree being the only thing that matters. There's a reason Bioware has more than one skill tree for each Advanced Class, and it's not for decoration. Nor do I think the Operative class is built to just un-stealth and knife, knife, knife, Cloaking Screen, knife, knife, knife. There's other abilities besides the many knife and Stealth abilities. Also, energy is rarely a problem for me, as my Stim Boost seems to come along whenever I do Kolto Injection, though I suppose that's because of my specialization in Medicine. My strategy for PVE is simple, albeit probably frowned upon by the 'hardcore' Operatives. Send my companion in to take the damage, continually use Rifle Shot and Frag Grenade, if said companion loses some health, Kolto Injection, Medical Probe, or Surgical Probe. Stim Boost, for loss of energy. Voila.


    If I still haven't grasped the gist of the nerf, perhaps it's because of my 'narrow-minded Operative Healerness'.

  6. Lol so BW decided that Burst DPS class was just a hoax? You missed the whole point of the discussion regarding BW's decision to nerf the ops burst DPS. Your whole post points directly at the problem. PVP. The change affected PVE significantly.


    Don't get me wrong. I like to pvp on occassion, but I prefer to PVE more. Another reason why we stayed in PVE Server. If the discussion is always towards PVP and decisions are ultimately made towards making pvp balance, the devs are completely losing the PVE community. We want to see end games, better and expansive contents, introduction of new things to do. Not over what happens in PVP. That's how they create more problems. Lots of folks rushed to 50. Wonder how they are feeling about the sudden change.


    Normally, I'm not one to PVP either. Of course, that's all people seem to do these days on MMO's, and it seems that's what people are whining about currently: the fact they can't kill people in a flash. Of course, I still remain un-affected, as I never use those knife abilities, unless my heals are really sucking or if my companion decided to get screwed over (like the Chapter 1 boss for example). :p


    Well, if it makes you feel better, I unsubbed because the game is, at the end of the day, average in every area except voice acting.


    The voice acting is superb. I bear the game or devs no ill will and wish everyone finds something they enjoy to do if they stay.



    *edit* the customer support is utterly crap too


    Well, it's good to see someone quitting for an actual reason, instead of raging that their class got nerfed. Best of luck to your future MMO experiences. ;)

  7. * Facepalm. *


    I cannot believe how childish this is. Un-subscribing, because your favorite attacks got nerfed? That's rather-...pathetic. From what I've been able to discern, it appears that the reason people are whinging is that their up-close melee attacks got nerfed by 20-30%. Well, riddle me this. Do you think that the point of the Operative is to un-stealth and knife a guy to death, in less than a minute? No. Operatives are versatile, asides from eviscerating a guy, you can heal and, God forbid, shoot at people from a distance. The first time I did a Warzone, I was level sixteen and everyone else was in the 25-30 range. End of the game, twenty-three kills and over seventy-five thousand damage inflicted. Without those precious melee attacks. Adapt, people, it's not that hard. You're presented with a problem. Solve it, instead of ragequitting into the abyss.

  8. Jadus. I know the odds are, as a droid would say, statistically impossible, but my God, I would love to have Darth Jadus as a companion. I mean, the Jedi Knight gets Lord Scourge, the previous Emperor's Wrath. Inquisitors get Khem Val, a Dashade, not to mention Xalek the Kaleesh.


    Now we look at the Agent's team. Kaliyo, complete psycho. Vector, a Killik joiner (but my favorite companion nonetheless), Lokin, who distinctly reminds me of a pedofile, Raina Temple, who is a bit unhinged, and SCORPIO, which is like if HK-47 ever had a spouse. C'mon, it just makes absolute sense for Jadus to fit in here. :jawa_tongue:


    Put my vote forward for Watcher Two and Mia Hawkins, as well.

  9. It will probably occur in a book


    I want more branching of the story and success of the SI.

    I also think they should have intertwining stories where your story can switch factions or Class stories. For non-force users they could become Jedi/sith or end up working as spies or just fully switching sides. For force users depending on there Story will decide which council spot they are given.


    I really hope we see force persuade.


    Force Persuade is already in the game. :D


    As for spying...



    Imperial Agent Act II story.


  10. If you read my message, you would see that a lot of the brilliance of the story appears if you know that happens


    The Killiks on Alderaan and their joiners looks pretty stupid if you don't have read the Swarm War.


    I haven't read the Swarm War. Does that mean I automatically don't know anything going on, in Alderaan? Of course not. They don't look stupid to me at all, though, that may be because of Vector. :D


    Agreeably, there are some easter eggs placed throughout SWTOR that make references to the films and KOTOR games (Ziost Shadow, anyone?). To the gist, though, I don't think all-time knowledge of the Star Wars universe is necessary to know what's going on. The NPC's do a fine job at that.

  11. This is a problem for everyone who got tired of the quest progression system from other MMO's. I have the same issue.. And for me also, after getting to tatooine, I started pressing spacebar bcoz it is almost just as boring as to read that the guy is being attacked by horrible things who are just standing in a field where they always are.


    Everyone who came from other MMO's and have grown tired of the quest system already I would like to advice going back to either WoW, or move along..


    You will have to wait for Guild Wars 2 which will be released later this year.


    You're advising people to go back to a game that has an even more boring quest system? Personally, I enjoy the quests and I never have spacebarred through one. Namely, because, even though I'd be doing the same sidequest, there are different reactions to your class/race and vice versa. In addition, of course, my characters all act differently, so I receive new dialogue from the quest-giver. :p

  12. I believe it really is just a metaphor for being seduced by the power itself. You dabble in the shallow end, ala Mace Windu. You realize there are certain flaws or weaknesses within your form, and correct them. Then you realize there is another, even more powerful form.


    And bam. You're hooked. Like a drug, you keep on going for the next best thing.


    I guess the best comparison would be money. If someone walked up and gave you fifty dollars, that would be great!

    But what if they just stood there, giving you more and more money? Would you leave, or sit there, taking all you can get? Then add in the magical corruption aspect, which makes it even more akin to drug addiction and the like...


    Anyway, that's how I always viewed it. Considering politicians are always described as "drunk with power" and power corrupts.

    And what was old Palps again?

    ... Subtle, Lucas. Real subtle. :rolleyes:


    I noticed that too. Those silly politicians and their dark side ways. My bets are on that they eat a cookie with their newfound wealth and just want more. :D


    And I'm rambling on with the irreverance again. 'tis an interesting way to put the fall to the dark side, though, Raiellyn. ;)

  13. The 1,000 year this is very interesting. That, in my mind, would make it far more believable that they're so powerful. Ever heard someone make the statement, "If I know what I know now when I was 18, I'd be unstoppable!" Living 1000 years means you can get 1000 years of wisdom over someone who has just 15,20,or 30, etc. I can really see how that could increase your power in significant ways.


    I still just can't understand the physical part however. I mean they just seem so vulnerable and easy to kill. Literally, like I they seem you could just push one over and they'd lay there helpless like a blob. Seems like no matter how smart you are, there's no defense against that.


    Speaking of knocking a Hutt over...



    On Nar Shaddaa as my Imperial Agent, at the end of the Shadow Sydnicate storyline, after you deal with Ukabi, you have a choice of eliminating the diplomat or sparing her. I chose to spare her, as I was going light side. The diplomat stated that the treacherous Hutt who gave away their location would be imprisoned. He promptly writhed about in place, exhilarated that he was going to live. My Agent then walked over and punched him in the face. He fell over. Suffice to say, I giggled at that.



    So, yes, Hutts could be easily toppled, given the chance. But, how to get to the Hutt when he has bodyguards he no doubt blackmailed? :rolleyes:

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