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Posts posted by KelvaKatarre

  1. (Solution that worked for me is in bold text below)


    Since launch, I've gone through three different rigs and at least as many mice. Every rig I have ever played on has had this problem:


    When rotating the camera by holding a mouse button, sometimes - particularly if I have momentary frame rate stutter - the camera will fly off wildly in a random direction and I'll end up pointing off a bridge or into something worse than death, like Episode I.


    It's as if the mouse acceleration keeps compounding during the frame rate skips and slams into the control buffer all at once. Sometimes the acceleration values don't clear properly, either, so I have to sit there for a few seconds spinning the camera manually until I regain control.


    Anyways, I have a Redragon Perdition M901 mouse - I replaced my old Razer Naga with it and never looked back - and this problem was frustrating me, so I decided to fiddle with it.


    On a Reddit thread five years ago, user "OniYume" posted a fix, and I'd like to share that with you because it turned SWTOR from a sad, unplayable dream into a beautiful, functional reality.


    If you have a Razer mouse, or a Redragon mouse, or a fancy Logitech gaming mouse, or anything with big old fancy polling rate settings, TURN THEM DOWN. It sucks to have to do it but I set my polling rate down from 500HZ to 125HZ, and while I can still feel the problem sometimes, it doesn't swing my camera more than a few degrees when it happens. It's playable. I can perfect my speeder bike drifting and one day reach the D Dimension.


    Or, you know. Finally cap that smuggler.

  2. I was flying around Hoth, when some wampas beat me up. While I was incapacitated, Orgus Din appeared to me in a vision and told me that I should suggest this:


    I propose a set of flashpoints and pvp warzones, maybe even a mission hub, that takes place in a vision of the future.

    Players could experience famous scenes and areas from established Star Wars canon, like the movies or the books, maybe even rub elbows with some famous personalities.

    The only other MMO I have seen do this is that one with orcs and humans and big shoulderpads, but it was done to great effect there, and really helped to establish the world as having a vast history (as well as giving players a chance to be a part of it.)



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