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Posts posted by Shokzman



    Second favorite. This is a character who never really changes their focus, though. She knows what she's about, from the get-go, and then barrels towards that goal with singleminded and deadly purpose. Someone earlier recommended playing this character darkside, and I agree. I respect those who enjoyed playing a lightside warrior, but I don't get it. Darkside warrior was an exceptional storyline. I loved it.


    I don't really get how everyone either goes for "Light Side" or "Dark Side".

    I personally pick choices depending on how "my character" would react. My sith warrior resembles me in a star wars universe. Protect and help me allies, destroy my enemies is my mantra. Level 65 and still neutral (and not by choice either)


    Saying that I LOVE the story of the Sith Warrior. Especially chapter 3 all my focus was put on Killing "That man" and I really wanted to see him dead!

  2. @Foreignobject

    Nooooo, I should've kept her alive. I thought killing her was the worst you could do >_<. If I knew that i would have gladly spared her life.


    @the guy above me :p

    If only more Jedi were like you... It would make them much harder to manipulate.



    The way I walked on the ship to meet Jaesa and it turned out Nomand Kaar foiled my plan. I was just like "Ok well bye im gonna continue looking for her" and since I was protesting peace they couldn't do a thing XD


  3. Apart from the one on Balmora, I did notice that most the Jedi that the Sith Warrior runs into (as far as I've played so far) appear to be fairly easily manipulated.


    Oh yeah that one... I killed her! She was soo annoying.

    One with the force my foot!


    I wish there was an option to "send" her to Darth Baras. That guy knows how to torture.

  4. Vette! She is the perfect companion for me. She likes almost everything I do (apart from when I feel like being sadistic). And my sarcastic convo choices... Though I usually tone down my Evilness for her sometimes. and now and again I will spare a life which I would have killed.
  5. A Jedi cannot attack someone who Is protesting peace.

    The amount of times i've used that against them is too funny. My sith warrior choises when I cba for a fight I just say I don't want to fight and they can't do anything because their code won't allow it XD.


    Like when I was hunting Jaesa I always chose the peaceful options (since I was undergeared) and the jedi would just watch as I walked off, like when I convinced Jaesa's parents to come to the empire, or when they foiled my plan on the ship to meet her. Though the friend even said "Why are we letting him go, he's just going to continue hunting her"


  6. My toon always cracks me up when I choose options. To the point of me liking him even more with nearly every convo.


    My favorite was during the Sith warrior storyline when I was manipulating a jedi to the darkside.

    "You are my brother, we are one in the same... Now attack me and finalise your journey to the Dark side"


    (not exact words but along the lines)

  7. I understand exactly what the term means. It is the implementation in this game that worries me.


    If it was as simple as "Your highest level leaves a legacy to those after them", then fine.


    But when I log in a level 1 character and see +50 legacy xp, then I go to character select and realise how many levels I have played on alts WITHOUT getting that....


    That is a LOT of +50s I have been cheated of, because of a system that has never been satisfactorily explained.


    Example, this morning I have played a new character from level 1 to level 10.


    That earned me 9% of a legacy level.


    I have 6 other characters who have already passed level 10, so that is at LEAST 45% of a legacy level I have missed out on (subtracting the fact that my main is one of the 6, and would not have gotten it I accept).


    That means that the player who knows about this, and powers 1 character straight up, instead of exploring the game, is going to be a lot better off.

    What are you getting at?



    This one isn't a cut scene but I love it to pieces:






    All I can say is, thank goodness we don't have to repair our ships! O_O


    So far my favorite is the free falling one for sure. XP


    Where did you get those bottoms from. Would like some for my companion.


    Also here is me around level 15. I had a slight upgrade when I became a Lord so this is a bit old but here.

    http://img17.imageshack.us/img17/8720/26323634.png' alt='26323634.png'> Uploaded with ImageShack.us[/img]


    Cool guys always walk away from explosions.

  9. Throwing companions out to fight for your entertainment :o


    Pokemon is animal abuse.

    This is.... an act of HUMAN VIOLATION!

    You people are sick... Sick... SICK!!

    I hope the Galactic Police get ahold of this.


    On topic, I think it's a good idea XD.

  10. Truthfully I think this game is amazing with it's quests voice dialog, decisions and even more so when decisions come back on you (which in truth I didn't expect). I.e when you spare a guys life and he comes back to help you later.

    Also the way your character actually has a personallity that you choose. As opposed to every other mmo out there where your character is just a robot that does tasks and your characters traits are only made through your imagination. In this game you actually have an imput into how your character acts, talks and really makes you feel immersed in the game.


    But enough of that... I want to know what type of character is your character? What choices do you make and why?


    I am a Sith yet I neither embrace the full dark side of the force nor the light side and have no care for the Empire, I only aspire to personal power usually sparing the empires enemies if they can prove a use to me in the future. I also hide under "the good sith" mask when dealing with republic forces. Usually catching them offguard as they "never expect that from a sith" only to stab them when they weaken their guard. I am a sith capable of great kindness and cruelty though will usually avoid conflict if it serves me no use.


    How about you?

  11. Personally from what i've seen of Sidious and what I've read of Vitiate I think there would be no contest. I think vitiate would easily dominate Sidious before turning him into a mindless puppet.


    But I'm not well versed in the whole Star Wars Lore. I just know what happend in the movies and everything that I've read up on about the Old Republic. So I would like to hear more opinions on this.

  12. Yup I'm a slightly RP player. But I prefer the stories where you're in a corrupt government (The Empire) and the games you have to play to get power. Rather than the goody goody Jedi.


    No I do not like the empire per-say. I do everything for self-gain. Usually choosing the options where people remain loyal to me rather than the empire. Options like "free the slaves" or send them back to the empire I usually choose to free them. Also missions where people swear their loyalty to me if I let them live usually I choose the option to let them live. Truthfully my war isn't against the Jedi it's against the Empire and i WILL GAIN POWER!

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