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Posts posted by Pestilience

  1. Yep, went lightside almost the whole way through. I killed a few double crossers, so I'm not a goody-goody.



    As for Darth Tormen, he got what was coming to him. I was so happy when I didn't have to kill the Chancellor. It was the damn jedi straddling the lightside/darkside fence that killed my friends in Nar Shadar anyway. He got it, then the Chancellor gave me a way to clear my name and kill the douche that thought he controlled me. WIN/WIN


  2. Go Pyro and quit whining. This isn't WOW, in that all class specs are supposed to be viable in all aspects of gameplay. (ok so they claim they want that in WOW) Arsenal is by far intended for PvE, and Pyro is intended for PvP. Try killing one of your class quests at under the level of the mob as Pyro. Probably not gonna happen. I leveled Arsenal all the way to 48. I did pvp a lot in between the questing on my ride to 48. I was trying to sneak around and get set up just to have an OP or Assassin jump me from stealth. Once they got on me I was dead unless I could shrug them off on one of the hazards.


    But as arsenal PvE questing was super easy. I was killing all the bosses below the level they stated. 2 Elites simple enough as long as I can stun one. Never had any issues with PvE as arsenal spec. When I hit 48 I knew my class quest was over and I was gonna farm PvP till I hit 50. I swapped specs knowing Pyro added mobility and less sitting still while trying to kill a target or group. I can now focus a target on the run with Pyro. I have 1 ability I like to use in my rotations that has a cast timer, and I can make it instant. I also usually make it cost no heat since it normally costs the most heat.


    Warning though, the dailies on Ilum as Pyro tend to be tougher or it's just my crappy gear.

  3. I've been leveling as darkness since around level 16. Simply put, Khem Val sucks as a tank. He was holding aggro, but was so damned squishy. So I placed him in DPS mode, respeced to darkness, and all of a sudden life got easier.



    Killed Zash at 28



    The only issue is now on taris I'm only level 30 and my next class quest is 34. So I gotta wait to finish the bonus series and do some pvp to level up so I can finish taris.

  4. Anakin was the superior with the saber, was even mentioned many times. But he was a rash youth and Obi-wan outsmarted him forcing him into a no win situation. Obi-wan pleaded with him knowing Anakin had no means to win from the position he was stuck in, but anger clouded Anakin's mind and he went for a killing blow on Obi-wan anyhow. Obi-wan simply had to swing his saber in a sweeping motion to literally cut his legs out from beneath him.
  5. I'd personally be all for loosening the weapon restrictions a bit. Let force users pick and choose the sabers they use to a point. Or the biggie, *** my bounty hunter can only use a blaster pistol single or DW? When the lore of the whole class revolves around some very nasty bounty hunters that used all sorts of weapons. They were as close to weapon masters as a class in Star Wars can get. At least give us rifles.
  6. The only hang up I have about this whole staggered entry process is this. Tell us how many people you are letting in per wave/day. The dec 7th crew from yesterday got split down the middle and aren't told why just have to assume 5th through am of the 7th was enough and adding pm of the 7th would have been too many. Other than that I'm fine with waiting. Just wish the info being handed out would paint a clearer picture.
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