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Posts posted by SunnyBun

  1. Pretty much like the title says, I'd love to be able to have eyebrows on my Torguta. The npc's have them and mine looks weird without them. At least let it be an option under character customization like complexion, etc. Also, I'd like a choice of something other than commander crates for Heroics after level 65. I suppose some people like them, but at this point I've gotten so many I'm sure I've gotten all the cosmetic/gifts/etc I can from them. I'd like a chance at something I can use. Maybe a loot cache like it is up to that level, or for end game a renown cache, etc. Let us choose between them so you can keep them for the people who want the alliance crates. I'd actually do the heroics again if there was better loot.
  2. No offense to her personally, I'm sure she's a nice lady and all...but her voice acting in SWTOR imho is horrid. I actually won't play my consular anymore....( well this is only one reason but a big one) And it's doable, Destiny did it to Dinklage as voice of Ghost. Totally deleted and repopulated w/ new actor. The other reason is the story class is awful, boring, and dull, and their companions suck. In fact, why not makeover consular altogether. Nuns of the galaxy, not to mention the earthquake ability is dumb as hell..so much fail.
  3. I'd love to have an ability to search for types of mounts. Like it is categorized under collections: creature, etc. Sometimes I just want to see what type of new creature mounts are available and have to look through 300 pgs to find them. :(
  4. So I know there are level 60 and 65 boosts available, (I've even seen 70) but I'd love a 55 boost. Where I can skip ahead if I choose but still be able to do Shadow of Revan. I understand by skipping we don't get rewards, titles, etc and that's fine, but I wish I could do the class story line. It's always been my favorite part. Or maybe even make it so it's able to be turned off/on if not everyone wants to complete the story line. I mean you can scale levels up and down, so why not? Just start level 55 (scaled) on starter planet, that way if I get bored I can do SoR or my class quests. I also wish that your companions didn't just act robotic during SoR. You haven't been lost in carbonite yet, so why do they not get affection/approval anymore? Just my ideas.
  5. So I romanced Quinn , then in KOTET / KOTFE I romanced Theron. When reunited with Quinn there were no romance/flirt options? So did I, by romancing Theron, forfeit any reconnection with Quinn? It doesn't make sense because I romanced Theron and then took Vector back and had to break up with Theron. I just don't understand what I'm missing? Thanks <3
  6. If you're playing a Cathar, Aric doesn't recognize that you are one. I find that annoying. Talks about 'his culture' 'the Cathar people' etc. Also, Vector is supposed to show you his eyes in a cutscene, and it's bugged and doesn't work (no pun intended). I think it'd be great if after the final SWTOR dialogue, there's more to it. Romantic mini quests that let you catch up with your LI, sneak a kiss, etc. Also maybe make it so it's not so blocky/awkward, missing your mouth, robotic movements, no facial expression besides RBF 24/7 , etc. Personally I love the romance part, so to me it matters.
  7. There are four modes to these flashpoints, solo, story, vet and master. You need to do the solo version of the flashpoint to progress the story. Story version is for you to repeat on your own with no cut scenes and vet/master are just exactly what they say on the tin. If I recall, you can't do master mode if you have the solo mission in your log, which might be why you're only seeing three modes on the terminal.


    Try resetting the mission in your log. If you can, abandon any Copero flashpoints you have in your mission log then reset all active phases via your character portrait. Then you should, in theory, get the launch button for the last part.


    Theron in your war room is a bug, he's there regardless of your decision at the end of Umbara.


    I don't have any quests in my journal for odessen/no missions to reset. I abandoned all fp's and reset phases. still no solo mode available :(

  8. So I played KOTET and KOTFE to completion. Played Fractured Alliances until it says deploy troops (the daily thing). I had a quest to complete Crisis on Umbara which I did, and afterwards the cutscene with Lana and I sent a message to Theron. Now , nothing. I can't talk to Lana, she's in the war room with Theron..?? he can't be summoned though, now he's listed under 'main characters' in companions/contacts tab. I can't get to Lana on the 2nd floor of the alliance staging area, it won't let me enter, red door/not eligible. Nothing under quests at all. I picked up Story mode from the terminal of Traitor among the chiss and completed it but no progress on my main story. There are zero cutscenes, I don't see Ensign Temple or the chiss or anyone, and I've completed the flashpoint 2 1/2 times. I've also tried Ctrl G and accessing/entering the FP from there, still no cutscenes/cinematics/story progression. I seriously don't know wth to do or how to fix this or even what caused it. It's super frustrating and I've read where people say to do 'solo' mode. I assumed that was the same as Story, because I've never had but 3 options on the terminal ever: story/vet/master. Anyone experience this? I've tried resetting fp/phase as well, logging out and back in, trying a different day and have sent in a message to customer support. Any help is very much appreciated. Thanks .
  9. I hate how everyone is dps , no heals or tanks..and it's a disaster. Also lvl bolstering isn't effective bc I've been thrown in fps with everyone under the level 30 and we wipe and can't complete. I think you should have to have at least 1 tank and 1 heal or else it won't let you go in. And the fps' shouldn't bolster. They should be level req'd. It's such a mess I'm better off just doing story mode w/ my companion and that bot...
  10. Let us customize our own companions. I'd happily pay CC for that. When you go to appearance modifier , let us change companions too. Sometimes my fave companion is just so..unattractive or boring. Even if we couldn't change species, let us have free reign of the eye/skin color, etc.
  11. More in depth romances and if you choose to romance your companion, they react differently in situations b/c of said romance. Kisses seem weird and mechanical and you instantly step back and don't touch like they have cooties. Please improve the romances. I personally wish Vector could 'unjoin', and that you'd fix the bug (no pun intended) where his eyes don't go normal during romance scene. Waited forever for that and they stayed black. Romances are my favorite part and they feel so stiff and unnatural. Please bioware, give us hopeless romantics a break!
  12. Hi guys, I'm playing KOTFE/KOTET for the first time and I'm playing my agent. She romanced Vector and is slowly getting old companions back but no sign of her romance companion. I'm just wondering since I finished KOTET completely, and now am about 6 chapters in on KOTFE, when he'll make his appearance? I know he's coming, (I don't mind spoilers..) but when? I am on the chapter where you just arrive on Iokath. I tried google but couldn't find anything except update notes saying in 5.8 he'd be returning. I know that's come and gone. That doesn't tell me what chapter though. Thanks so much.


    May the force ever serve you.



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