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Posts posted by cammack



    Everything is updated, i believe that this will be the last post that i update. I just don't have the time for the game anymore. I will still lurk around, but as for the content in this forum i believe Val had mentioned interest in taking the forum responsibilities over.


    Thank you all for letting me run the forum. It was a pleasure.

  2. I think its unfortunate that we have to result to discrediting kills on our server. It's also unfortunate that during our alt swapping to get the group running this past Thursday, most of us ended up outside of Epic Gaming. However, according to the comments below by Cammack, as long as we verify that all members in the kill have alts in Epic Gaming this is considered as guild kill. Also, as long as each member of this kill is of course only locked to this groups kill and no other guilds kill.




    I can say with certainty that:


    1. Dr-manguido (Dark Hearts) is my tanking partner in Epic Gaming and needed to switch to his heals since our other healer was going to be late to ops by about 1.5 hours.

    2. Chermy (Force in Balance) was asked to tank in place of Manguido. Chermy's vg is not locked to any guilds progression but Epic Gamings and has a character in Epic Gaming that transferred over when Epic Gaming absorbed It's Pugable.

    3. Mumakill (Force in Balance) is an alt of Olos'nah whose main raid toon is in Epic Gaming. Just to make Bestia easier for us we asked him to dps on his vanguard for his off-taunt.

    4. Nadiusha (Force in Balance) has is main toons in Epic Gaming, he choose to keep his gunslinger in Force in Balance since he has friends from the old Shadows of Kresh guild in Force in Balance and still plays with them. But this toon has been locked to this group since DF/DP HM.

    5. Cpaul (Force in Balance) is the only character in the ops group that, at the time of the kill, did not have a toon in guild. This was his trial run for our group. However, this toon is still not locked to any other guilds progression but ours. He did move his mando over to Epic Gaming after we had called ops for the night.


    This is an Epic Gaming progression group, you can ask any of the "Force in Balance" members in the group. As it is Epic Gaming that leads the group, ops mats are sent to Epic Gaming's Guild bank and its loot goes to Epic Gaming toons. If we need to verify the first four members alts in guild to prove the legitimacy of the guild kill, then we will do so.




    Works for me

  3. If Cammack wants to keep updating that's fine but out of respect for guilds who post their kills, I would hope this is updated daily.


    Textbook Execution's kill is still not posted and it would also be nice to designate guilds with time run achievements before the next patch. Didn't read back to see if any other guilds still need updates.


    Also, I would like to see DF NiM updates discontinued when NiM DP drops and the NiM power buff is no longer active.


    Wasnt sure we were recording the time runs but im sure i can find a special color for it lol. Who all completed the time run?

  4. Agreed, it was a little upsetting to me that Cammack didn't really take the time to look at my post because he updated us 4/5, but I submitted all 5 kills at the same time.


    I did see the post i even had the time right just forgot to highlight the brontes kills

  5. Updated


    Hello Harbinger...

    I do apologize for the delay on updating i have been out of town for work so i have not had much time to get to the thread i do apologize everything should be fixed let me know if you see anything that needs to be changed.

  6. Not sure which pic you are referring to, but you can see clearly in clixs video a Zorz member in there. I don't think any attempt was made to hide it. I think Cammack missed that it was killed with a pug.


    I saw that he was in Zorz if he doesnt raid with any other raid group with that toon the kill still stands

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