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Posts posted by JMKnave

  1. I will post the same feedback I posted on the PTS forums pre 1.3 which have since been wiped. In answer to the OP: I have not seen the changes to several key issues surrounding PVP that I brought up in my feedback which would make me change my decision to not participate in rwzs. And now the PTS has since been taken down completely.


    PTS 1.3 Feedback

    The following are only my own opinions.



    I believe that you need to open up some sort of dialogue with the PVP community. The lack of communication of the RWZ testing events has yielded almost zero useful feedback. You have the technology already of displaying patch notes and/or maintenance updates on the game client start. Announce the testing events this way as well instead of through a forum post. Some people do not use the forums. On that note, some people do not use facebook or twitter either. Social media is not the most efficient method of reaching your playerbase. Posting information on-screen at the client login is.


    Surveys or polls at client login as well may yield more useful feedback than the forums as it would reach far more players. Open up dialogue with competent PVP players and guilds in regards to game mechanics. Some of your playerbase spends many more hours playing your game than you do. It is a waste to not tap into this resource and their experience.



    Stop saying metrics in your public PR interviews. Stop relying on metrics to make design decisions for your developers. Larry Mellon does not know everything despite what you may have been told.


    Metrics is a useful tool but it must be tempered with experience and feedback. It should not be the driving force in your design. In fact, you should all purchase air horns and use them every time somebody brings up “metrics” in your team meetings. After several weeks of this air horn use, your entire team should develop a subconscious aversion to that terrible term. They may also become deaf by this time but I believe the sacrifice will be worth it. The silence may rekindle their creativity in their game design approach and stop their reliance on that “term that shall not be named”.


    The fact that such and such particular class is under/over achieving some predetermined number on a spreadsheet and/or graph means nothing to most of your players. Games are created for entertainment. The driving force in your design should be the word “fun”. Say it with me…. fun. It’s a good word don’t be afraid of it. You can’t measure fun with metrics. Instead try asking yourselves: “Is this class/role fun to play?”



    While were on this topic, let’s bring up balance as well. Trying to balance classes is futile. The only way to have true balance is to have one single class. You do not have that.


    You have different classes that do different things. There’s nothing wrong with that. Some classes will be better suited to doing certain things than other classes will. This notion is understood. So I believe your time may be better used in ensuring that all class roles are engaging and fun to play in their own way.


    Stop looking to the forums for class balance feedback. Most of the plebs on the forums post random nonsense that only pertains to them. If you want relevant feedback, seek out contact with competent and established PVP guilds and players.


    It would also behoove you to implement different skill mechanics for both PVE and PVP. This would be a large undertaking but in this way you can make changes to one aspect of gameplay without interfering with the other.


    PTS Transfers

    As with 1.2, there is a serious lack of participation in RWZ events on the PTS. You have the transfer technology already from the mergers/server consolidations. Use it for the PTS as well. Is there no way to designate the PTS as a destination server and allow a few select PVP servers to become origin servers? And instead of a transfer mechanic, it should only create a copy of the character to the PTS without removing it from the origin server. Make an announcement on the client login page so players/guilds actually see it.


    And fix augments being lost on transfer. Relevant feedback requires actual testing under optimal conditions as they would exist on live. (EDIT: this was not fixed even though it was reported multiple times and caused augment slots to revert to mk-1 which then had to be patched post-update)


    Ranked Announcement

    I read Gabe’s announcement on 1.3 RWZs. It seems like you’re already committed to implementing them with 1.3 when it goes live.


    Here is the link to Gabe’s Blog: (which has since been edited)



    Do you really believe they are ready for live even in preseason form?


    I don’t. I don’t believe they will be viable without cross-server queues even with the recent population consolidation. I don’t believe the player pools are large enough to promote healthy competition. I also believe there are simply far too many bugs remaining for you to be able to provide a consistent and fair field of play. And without that consistency, the ratings will be meaningless. Games will instead be decided by chance. I believe this will eventually lead to several new threads appearing on the general forums when players run across these issues on live and it begins to affect their ratings.


    Fix these first:

    -respawning dead in respawn area

    -players not showing up in ops frames

    -players showing up as disconnected in ops frames

    -op leaders not able to queue groups

    -respawn shield timer skipping opening

    -players being stuck in midair

    -net code latency (players not where they appear to be on screen)

    -combat delays

    -camera view (poor movement, environment collisions, etc.)

    -GCDs going off without firing off skills when keyed

    -resolve breaks not triggering when active/available and keyed

    -disconnects and/or CTDs

    -dozen+ more


    Ranked matches would be nice but I would happily exchange them for the items below:


    1. The ability to queue as a group of 2-8 in ranked and unranked.

    2. The group above carrying over and not being disbanded after every match.

    3. Not having to ask everyone in the group above to drop queue so we could re-queue after every match.

    4. The leader of the group above remaining the ops group leader while in and after the match.

    5. Everyone in the group above showing up in the ops frames.

    6. An easily visible targeting reticule that I do not have to lower graphic settings to see.

    7. A better targeting system.

    8. A proactive instead of reactive resolve system.

    9. More maps. (different huttball arenas?)

    10. OWPVP with valor/comm incentives.


    Proactive Resolve System

    What does this mean? I would like more control over my own CC immunity rather than relying on outside events to fill my resolve bar. I would prefer to fill my resolve bar immediately when I use my CC break thus granting me immunity when I choose it. Not when outside factors dictate it. More player control is always good.


    Crowd Control

    All debuffs that impede normal player movement should be subject to diminishing returns. This includes snares and/or other momentary skills/animations that remove character mobility from the hands of the player. Loss of character control in PVP, no matter what form that loss may take, can be frustrating. What is the difference between being chain-stunned twice in a row and suffering a coordinated chain-leap/charge by 3-4 different players? None. Both lock the player down for the same amount of time.


    Net Coding

    There is a serious discrepancy in what a player perceives on their screen and what is actually happening around them. The server/client synchronization needs significant improvement. There are many times when you may knockback or push an opposing player away from an objective only to see them being pushed towards it 2 seconds later. This is not acceptable. Random teleports around arenas are also a common occurrence in matches.


    Respawn Area Shield Timer

    Why does this shield even exist? There are numerous times when the timer for the shield simply misses and/or skips an opening and strands multiple players behind it. You can see it quite regularly with notices of the “Deserter Warning” text popping up on your screen and occasionally leading to you being kicked out of a warzone match completely. Why are you telling me to please exit the respawn area when it is your very own shield mechanic that is preventing me from doing just that? Why not simply add the timer on death and simply not allow you to select the respawn button until it expires? This is the same mechanic you use in-game for PVE area respawns. At least I know that when I key to respawn I will immediately be able to run out of the respawn area. You could then remove the shield mechanic completely.


    1.3 Going Live On June 26

    I believe there are many items of higher priority than ranked warzones. It would be far more beneficial to spend time addressing these items first as they affect far more people and far more aspects of the game.


    For example, people’s augments going missing upon transfer to PTS for 1.3 testing. Has this been fixed yet? Will I log in on June 26 and still see all my augments in their augment slots? I definitely will not be the first person to log in on June 26 to test it out, that’s for sure.


    There are more points I could touch on but I think this is long enough already.



    Insufficient testing and no open two-way constructive dialogue with your playerbase leads to... ?

  2. With the gear changes in 1.2, the set bonus remained tied on the base items themselves while "new" gear crafted post 1.2 had the bonus tied to the armoring slots.


    I believe the same thing happened with 1.3. All augment slots on pre 1.3 gear were converted to MK-1 only regardless of augment/item level. Only "new" gear crafted post 1.3 will have item appropriate augment slots.


    If you had the augments in the slots already, you would be better served to leave them as is. The augment slot issues here were all reported by several different players on the PTS.

  3. I actually put in a CS ticket about this just yesterday. They say it's working as intended and was changed at the request of the community...


    It baffles me they think we want 3-4 v 8... I think warzones ending early are fine. Maybe it wasn't before because people got shafted out of medals, but now you get the "under x minutes victory" medals so who cares.


    Imo, if it's not 8v8, make it end.

    rofl, the community didn't demand it. we all tried to stop it when it was on the ptr, but nope. they would rather everyone on the other team leave then a early end

    The reply above is correct. The CS rep either lied to you or is grossly misinformed.


    It was not requested by the community. It was changed by BW as a bandaid to the terrible coding of their queue system. There were so few people queueing up for ranked warzones on the PTS that their queue system kept bugging out and launching matches of 8vs1, 2vs1, 1vs1 and they would all end early and no ratings would be recorded.


    This meant that they could not collect any viable feedback or data at all on ranked warzones. So they changed it to force players to complete uneven matches in order for the rating system to begin rating players. The community on the PTS actually warned them about the change and more than a dozen+ other bugs with warzones and the queue system in general. They actually listened to the latter and pulled ranked warzones from the 1.2 patch.

  4. Certain low pop servers are having a very difficult time with PVP gear progression.


    Players must acquire ranked warzone comms at a 3:1 ratio to barter for WH gear. The only way to currently obtain comms is to participate in warzones. The decreasing populations however have significantly affected warzone queue pops. Some servers only get one queue pop every couple of hours. Some servers only see one queue pop every couple of days. This can become quite frustrating for players who wish to acquire gear as there is no other option available aside from the single warzone daily and weekly.


    This was already mentioned in the PTS feedback and how viable a method it would be for low pop servers but it was never taken seriously. Now we have thread after thread of QQ about this issue.


    While we wait for server mergers and/or transfers, I suggest you reinstate the Illum Nascar PvB (Player vs Box) hunting daily and weekly. Granted it is a terrible substitute for OWPvP. But it would at least allow players on low pop servers another method of acquiring their gear that is not completely dependent on non-existent queue pops.

  5. OP: NO ONE wanted them to release Rated Warzones as a buggy mess. No one has ever said they should've just released them as a mess. People are upset about other things -- when it comes to RWZ, the major issue is the lack of testing that went on due to mishandling PTS and the transfer situation. We're all quite pleased that buggy RWZs didn't go in with 1.2... we're not so thrilled, however, about the lack of communication and what many of us view as mismanagement on behalf of BioWare, whose customers we are.


    This pretty much answers the question. Ranked warzones are not ready for release to live.


    A rated pvp system would require BW to provide a fair, balanced, and bug-free environment on a consistent basis. The PTS showed that they were not able to provide this at the time. They are still working on it. Both warzones and the warzone queue still suffer from more than a dozen bugs.


    Without the above, you cannot guarantee a proper rating system. It would instead come down to which team did not get bugged during the match. And the forums would be filled with QQ about it.

  6. No TOR uses a old version of the Hero Engine that had no multi-threading or 64 bit mode unlike the version the Elder Scroll's are going to use that have it native instead of the work around Bioware did that did not work.


    When every thing is native instead of attached after the fact then it works better so chances are it will be like night and DAY if you compare the two.


    The Elder Scrolls Online MMO began development in 2007. They are not using a magical new Hero Engine. They are doing the same thing BW has done with it; take the engine and modify it to their needs. Only they wont be putting in $300 million worth of development money behind it. How will it be different again?


    Discussion here: http://www.mmorpg.com/discussion2.cfm/thread/349935/page/1

    And here: http://forums.bethsoft.com/topic/1371641-hero-engine-discussion-merged-similar-topics/


    You have firsthand experience with this engine yourself in front of you. It's easy to see what happens when you have more than 20+ people on screen. This engine cannot handle the "massively multiplayer" in MMO.

  7. It may be the same warzones but it'll be against other premades where skill will really matter. A premade using verbal communications and all on the same strategy has a huge advantage over a pug.


    This is incorrect. The current implementation of rated warzones on the PTS did not work like this. They simply split the warzone brackets as follows:


    1. Level 10-49 warzones

    2. Level 50 unranked warzones

    3. Level 50 ranked warzones


    The problem is on the PTS the inclusion of a seperate level 50 bracket cut the player pool essentially in half. Now you had half of the playerbase at 50 queueing up for unranked and half queueing up for ranked. This increased queue times significantly. So Bioware changed the queue coding. If there are not enough people queueing up for ranked warzones, the queue will pull in any group or solo queue players from the unranked pool to fill them. So essentially, you will still be playing against and with the same pugs/premades from both the ranked and unranked queues as before. If this had gone live, you would have players complaining on the forums that when they queue for unranked warzones they should not be put into the same pool as premades queueing for ranked.


    The issue is that the queue times were so long, it was not viable to include ranked warzones on low pop servers. The players there would be getting 1 queue pop every 24 hours and the forums would be filled with complaints. So they pulled them. I don't see them being implemented without cross server queues.


    The other issue is that there are still dozens of bugs in warzones that have not been addressed yet. And without fixing the majority of those bugs, they cannot provide a consistent and fair playing field in ranked warzones. Losing a ranked warzone because of a bug that spawns you dead in the respawn area for example would flood the forums with even more complaints.


    This is also why we do not have the ability currently to group with 8 players. It is likely hard coded into ranked warzones. So when they pulled ranked warzones out, they also pulled the ability to queue up with 8 other players with them.


    If no changes have been made to the current implementation of ranked warzone queueing since the PTS, it is better if everyone queue up for ranked warzones. Because you might as well earn ranked commendations if you're going to be pulled into the ranked warzone queue whether you're solo/grouped as unranked anyways.

  8. A deserter penalty will not make people stay in a warzone. Gamers will always choose the easiest path. -always-


    People drop because they believe it's easier to leave a losing warzone and potentially join a more favourable one rather than remain for the full match and hope to make a comeback.


    If you add a lockout timer of 10-15 mins to every person who leaves a warzone, you will not change this belief that some players have. They will still continue to leave. But now when they are forced to sit through a 10-15 min lockout timer as well, you will make queueing up for warzones even less desirable for them. They will be faced with the following options:


    1. Stay in a losing warzone and lose 15 mins of their time plus the 10-15 mins they spent in queue in the first place.

    2. Leave a losing warzone and waste the 10-15 mins they spent queueing up for the warzone they left, plus waste another 10-15 mins waiting for the lockout timer to expire, plus spend another 10-15 mins waiting on a new warzone queue to pop.

    3. Stop queueing completely and find something more desirable to spend their time on.


    Being gamers, they will choose option 3 because it's the easiest. Low pop server queues will be killed completely. And those slow queue pops you're getting now will become even slower.


    If you want people to remain in a losing warzone, you have to give them an incentive to stay. Something that is of the same value to them as their time and effort.

  9. Thank you for the explanation. However you're being idealistic and very shortsighted.


    Gamers will always choose the path of least resistance. -> always <-


    Even if you drop the medal requirement to 0, people will still leave a losing warzone. They will leave because it's much easier to re-queue for a new match which they can potentially win than to play out a losing match for less rewards and lose 15 minutes of their time.


    Feel free to add a deserter debuff as well, it wont help. This will just kill PVP pug queues completely. People wont sit and wait out the 10-15 min deserter queue lockout to finish; they'll just choose to stop queueing altogether and spend their time doing something more rewarding.


    Penalties don't encourage participation, they encourage attrition. If you want to encourage participation, you need to add more incentives not penalties.


    There's even an old adage about flies, honey, and vinegar. You should look it up.

  10. This would be my level 50 pvp healing build, pick up the bonus will power from madness, and the buffs to static barrier and force reduction cost from lightning.



    Ran something similar pre 1.2; good numbers.



    Respecced to something similar post 1.2 although you've gone further up the lightning tree than I have. I stopped at corruption tier 5 and dropped the top tier aoe heal. Numbers still the same as pre 1.2 now that I've played with it some.


    What I would really like is a better peel. Overload is only good for high catwalks in huttball. In any other location, you'll just be forced leaped, jet charged, grappled, or pulled back into range almost immediately.


    Maybe BW will be nice and move electric bindings from lightning to corruption in exchange for fadeout. The added root would be a nice cast window of 2-5 secs after a peel in warzones.

  11. Your healing output has not changed. It's everyone else's survivability that has gone down (i.e. damage mitigation).


    They die faster and you don't get to heal as much. They were spoiled with healing and learned (wrongly) to charge into situations they never should have. They have to adapt, learn to pop their own CDs, and medpacks, or LOS instead of just sitting there and waiting for you to heal them.


    Healers aren't the issue.

  12. Are the mods in the non-ranked better than the Battlemaster ones?


    Yes the mods in the non-ranked war hero set are better.


    Even the mods in the 1.2 BM set are better than the mods in the live BM set.


    The 1.2 BM set requires no valor just lvl 50. You just need 10,900 regular wz comms.


    One BM comm used to cost 4000 regular wz comms. (1000 merc comms and 1000 wz comms) So for the price of less than 3 BM comms, you can now get a full 1.2 BM set without the RNG game. What more do you want?

  13. i dun care about ranked war hero set.


    currently full bm, i just need 800 wz coms?


    Ranked or non-ranked war hero set both require ranked warzone comms.


    If you want the non-ranked war hero set then you need 23,125 ranked warzone comms + 800 regular warzone comms and then exchange it for the BM set.


    You can get ranked warzone comms from new pvp dailies apparently but none of the transferred lvl 50s on the PTS I've spoken to knows how many you get from them.


    You can also get ranked warzone comms by exchanging them for regular warzone comms but the exchange rate is poor. This way is not efficient.


    If you want the war hero set, you would be better off running ranked warzones.

  14. It is an economic fix for PVP as you were supposed to be using the PVP stims as a credit sink.


    Players were rolling biochem and using the reusable medpacs instead. This added on top of the credits earned per warzone has skewed the economy.


    PVE players have repair as a credit sink whereas PVP players do not.


    If you noticed, the PVP stims now cost 20 wz comms instead of 10 wz comms and have had their CD cut in half from 3 mins to 1.5 mins. This again is to encourage you to use the stims as your credit sink and part of the economic changes to PVP. Have you also noticed that credits earned per warzone have been decreased significantly?


    BW will likely phase out all reusables and add better consumables in the future to biochem. It's definitely a nerf to biochem but it is needed for a healthier game economy going forward. You wont see any good news to biochem for maybe another patch or two AFTER the economy has been re-balanced somewhat.

  15. A full BM set now costs 10,900 wz comms and the valor 60 requirement has been removed.


    The ranked War Hero set has had all the mod slots stripped. It comes as a blank cosmetic piece with 3 open slots and costs only ranked warzone comms (rwz comms).




    Ranked War Hero gloves cost 350 rwz comms

    Non-Ranked War Hero gloves cost your BM gloves + 1750 rwz comms


    So the non-ranked War Hero gloves that come with mods included cost 5x more ranked warzone comms than the actual ranked War Hero gloves that have had their mods taken out and are now just cosmetic.


    A non-ranked War Hero set (that has not been gutted) now costs its respective BM piece plus ranked warzone comms as follows:


    Relics/Implants: 200 wz comms + 1225 rwz comms

    Bracers: BM Bracers + 1075 rwz comms

    Belt: BM Belt + 1225 rwz comms

    Gloves: BM gloves + 1750 rwz comms

    Boots: BM Boots + 1750 rwz comms

    Legs: BM Legs + 1950 rwz comms

    Helm: BM Helm + 2100 rwz comms

    Offhand Weapon/Item: BM Offhand Weapon/Item + 2200 rwz comms

    Chestpiece: BM Chestpiece + 2775 rwz comms

    Main Hand Weapon: BM Main Hand Weapon + 3400 rwz comms


    A full non-ranked War Hero set with one relic will cost your full BM set(minus the implants) + 800 wz comms + 23,125 rwz comms.


    A lvl 50 player on the PTS stated they were getting ~40-50 rwz comms per ranked warzone. So it will take ~500 warzones played to get 23,125 rwz comms. That's 7,500 mins if each warzone is 15 mins long or a total 125 hrs.

  16. The problem with Illum is the Republic. They are cowards. And they're lazy. Instead of coming out to PVP, they sit in their base and pull people in and let the turret do all the killing for them. They rolled on a PVP server just to say "I rolled on a PVP server" and yet don't bother to come out to PVP.


    I'm sure they'll complain about how unbalanced the population is and how if they come out of their base, they'll be overrun but it's just an excuse. Two days ago, they outnumbered imperials 3:1 and they still would not come more than 20 ft from their base. They don't even have to walk out of their base. There is a speeder with travel routes directly out of their base and yet most of them never use it. If half of them even bothered to come out to PVP, they would have enough people to form a group with and fight back. So why do they choose not to come out? There's no penalty for dying. They don't come out because it's easier to sit in their base next to the respawn.


    Too many people at your front door? Group up, use the speeder, find and gank smaller groups but keep mobile. Don't gank a group and sit there until every imperial makes a bee-line to your location. Use the speeder again and hit another point. Rinse/repeat.


    And to BW: I know it'll be heartbreaking to you and will require you to break out of your "story-based" rpg mentality but the solution to any population imbalance is quite simple. In fact, you already have it implemented in-game on another world: Tatooine. Make all OWPVP areas FFA. Remove the faction requirement and open it up to allow guild vs guild same faction PVP. You can make it even more interesting by allowing alliances between guilds and/or implementing war declarations.


    Take out the turrets at the bases. They're not needed. Put up a simple invisible wall just like class-instanced areas that only one faction can pass through. Make sure players are out of combat before being allowed to pass through it and into their base.


    Stop the valor kill-timer tweaks. Every kill should count every single time. Even if it's the same person being killed over and over. Give valor for PVP in all OWPVP areas. If you want to divvy up the valor to everyone who had a hand in the kill, then that's fine. Divvy it up to the whole party or ops group but scale it accordingly.


    And strip Illum bare to help with performance. We don't need a 30 ft tall walker animation to add to the poor performance of the area. Take all the walkers out, they're not needed. We don't need the fancy bombardment animation when a faction controls all of Illum, remove it. We don't need the slow updating quest tracker about point switching either. Set up simple capture points where the requirements to "capture" them are simply to stand in close proximity to it for a certain amount of time. If you want to call it CTF then fine, add a flag to show control. And add more of them. Give valor for capturing, defending, and attacking said points. The only notice of a capture change should be "such and such point is now [faction] controlled" and then update the player's map accordingly.


    Then add more respawn areas. Put one-shot turrets around them. Make sure getting one-shot by turrets gives zero valor to either side even if said victim had only 1 health left. Give the one-shot turrets in the respawn areas a 40m range and put a speeder point in them. That way players can move to another location instead of walking right back into another gank. You want to make it more interesting? Give capture points their own respawn area close by once captured. That way if players die defending it, they can come back to reinforce it sooner.


    Remove the "name" spotted at this point notice. It's the players' job to scout PVP areas; we don't need you giving away our position to the opposite side.


    If you want to get even more creative. Set up a "base" objective. Allow FFA PVP for control of this objective. Give valor and/or some other incentive for controlling this objective.


    Feel free to get angry about any of the above. It's just my own personal opinion about what I've found to be fun in PVP aspects of other games. Perhaps you'll be upset enough to come out and PVP some of that frustration out. If that's the case then all the better.

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