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Posts posted by Ghyst_

  1. exactly. Its the perception that is the failure here. Technically the launch maybe progression perfectly, but its STILL a fail launch if all your customers are unhappy.


    Not doing invites 24/7 makes your customers think they arent important. Its just the perception, but thats a powerful thing for ANY customer.


    When I worked customer service I knew right away, regardless of how much or how little I could help, to make sure the customer PERCEIVED I cared and was trying to help. That right there makes for a happier customer than ANYTHING else you manage to do for them.


    Perception is everything, you have hit it right on the money. Bioware is telling me that I am not as good as those that are playing right now, even though I paid the same amount as them. This game will fail now and kill a ton of its player base, all because they want to take a break. If they would keep the invites going 24/7 until all early access players were in, then it would mitigate a lot of this issue.

  2. Class action law suit anyone? We can contact the Better Business Bureau in mass. Misleading advertising and people are being discriminated against. We paid the same amount of money as those already in. Why are we being discriminated against?


    I agree, this is crazy that we have to wait even though we paid the same amount of money. Post on Star Wars: The Old Republic's face book page, let others see what is going on. GET THE WORD OUT.

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