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Posts posted by Synalon

  1. I think its a bit strange to craft BoP stuff, but the class its for doesn't make a difference since any class can use any crew skill.


    I just feel that with stuff being BoP the second you craft it end game crafting is currently just for each individual char.


    To get the best stuff on my jugg for instance I first went biochem to get the stims, adrenals, medpack, implants * all rakata *. Then I have to switch to another craft and max it to get the rakata armour thats craftable, and keep doing this until I have everything and then max Bio again to make the stims,adrenals and medpack I first crafted usable again.


    To me this removes the point of gathering schematics and trying for any high end crafting for anybody outside of my own char, as the best stuff is bound and I have to do it all over again with every alt anyway.

  2. As a juggernaut tank spec I eventually settled on biochem because gear was easy to get or buy on the gtn.


    My sole reason for biochem while I was levelling up was the reusable stims, adrenals and medpacks. Using those I was able to do most the 4 man heroics alone apart from my companion.


    Helped a bit when I played at odd times and nobody was about.


    I know sentinel isn't the same as the jugg, but a stim to boost your str, something to boost your power and a medpack that heals you and the companion is pretty useful still.

  3. Pretty sure its a lost cause, can't even get Bioware to check my datacron list and see I should have 3 green shards and not 2.


    All I get from them is a 3 - 4 week wait and a messege saying they checked the logs and can't see if I did the datacrons etc.


    In your case with the time passed by and the sheer amount of FP that get done they will probably just send some kind of automated messege instead.

  4. On Progenitor the Reps are outnumbered, but all this means really is theres more chance they will play something other than huttball.


    It also means you start recognising the people you group with faster as theres far fewer of them, this will help players who work well together form premades and really perform well.


    I've not really bothered with Ilum pvp, but in WZ pvp I don't see faction imbalance as a problem. In fact I liked the idea that much I went and made a Rep char.

  5. Range can be a pain, as a lvl 400 biochem I've RE over 300 blue reaction implants now for only 2 purple schems. Neither of them being the tank one I need.


    Your only choices really are to wait for RE to get fixed with one of the updates or to keep trying anyway.

  6. If you pick the wrong crewskill or just feel like changing at any time just press N to open the crewskill window and click the little X near the skill to " unlearn it ".


    You can now get another skill, but be warned if you " unlearn " any you also forget all the recipes and progress you had if you take it again.

  7. This argument reminds me of the " I'm a crafter/solo player, why should I have to take part in HM or Raids to craft higher lvl stuff ".


    As I recall that argument got shot down because people claimed it was selfish etc.


    But to answer the topic question you get alloy from running BT on the Empire side, I run it daily with just 1 other person and we rotate who gets the alloy.


    We both have a mix of tier 1 and tier 2 gear, I have 2 tier 2 pve items and the rest I use is pvp when running the FP. The whole thing if you skip the conversations with space bar, and the bosses you don't need takes about 30 minutes.


    With 4 people you could do it in 20, I understand if its not a portion of the game you really like, but is 30 minutes per day really all that bad?


    And surely you met people you can group up with for it, even if its just 1 other.


    Its even possible to do BT HM using dps specs and 2 healing companions.

  8. Just a heads up, but 6 weeks or so ago when I got the green shard datacron on Belsavis it said it gave me a green shard but gave a blue instead.


    A ticket to Bioware that took them 3 weeks + to answer finally gave a response that they can't determine if I got the datacron. they won't remove the shard I got and won't reset it.


    This means essentially that my main role on my juggernaut * tank * is hindered a bit by the lack of access to the tank matrix cube that requires all 3 green shards.


    It also shows bioware is unable to read logs and see the section where on my jugg it says belsavis all datacrons collected.

  9. By game time I'm asuming you mean the cards you buy so you can play instead of using credit cards etc.


    They are day by day, so if you activate it and don't log on for the whole month the time is still used up.

  10. I agree with the posters below you. It HAS to be working as intended. Else they would have put a 3rd red barrier there, like they have with the 3rd area.


    I used to stand next to the speed buff and wait, so I know which side to go to. . . .now I sit at the red buff so they dont leap to me XD


    Speaking of, I have not gotten anywhere close to making that jump on my sage(even though I've only tried a couple times). But force leap with a guardian or sentinel is super easy.


    Force leap only works if theres a team mate the other side, same as pull, charges requires an enemy to not pay attention long enough ^^


    Saying that though I've seen a Sorc use force speed in huttball and jump from the fire to the goal line so I know theres some crazy jump distances possible with force speed.

  11. Because its so easy to buy the first champ bag and stack 1000 wz comms and 1000 merc coms, if I start pvp at a lower lvl I spent a lot of points buying the pvp bags for expertise and health stims.


    By the time I was lvl 50 on my first char I had about 50 of each consumable stim, plus the champ bag and comms to buy 5 more, and I started pvp at lvl 45.


    Now I pvp a bit with my lower lvl chars to and noticed the consumables are tradable, so I can farm them gettign the daily box/bag with them in, buy several moer for the 70 comms each that I used to get each WZ and then pass them along to my lvl 50.

  12. A good hilt is kind of important because thats what upgrades the dps value.


    Sure you get dps benefits from the crystal mod and enhancement, but the value itself increases when you add the hilt.


    Old orange gear with rubbish mods is fairly useless unless you like the appearance, if you like the appearance but don't want to pay to remove the mods just buy mods to match your lvl and put them over the old useless ones.


    The old mods will be bound anyway so can only be vendored and so low they aren't any use.


    I think Str is the prime stat for sentinels , end is important but not quite as much.


    For secondary try crit or power since surge got nerfed, I think right now crit and power scale better.

  13. First go to the Galactic Trade Network, there will be one on the fleet.


    Second right click the belt in your bag


    Third on the Trade network panel click the sell tab * Its on the bottom left *


    Fourth set for 2 days, and as an average orange belts on the Progenitor server sell for between 100k and 200k


    Fifth profit.


    Wouldn't recommend general trading, GTN gives you a price base if you look for similar items and allows you to get the maximum, if it doesn't sell lower by a few K and try again.

  14. Depends on how the match is broken


    I've seen people leave because the opposition got the ball and reached our first fire pit.


    The remaining 5 of us killed the carrier and walked as a group and scored and we won the match 1 - 0 in the end.


    Of course I'm not saying there isn't bugs, I've pushed ball carriers towards the fire only to have them fly behind me instead.


    I've been knocked back from the floor up a lvl into fire.


    I've seen rep players use hacks to hide underground and attack, but be immune to attacks themselves since they can't be targetted.


    I'd sooner something was put in place to prevent hacks first then anything else, but I'd still like the option added to never group with those in my ignore list.


    Oh and I still like my title suggestions.

  15. All I do is add the team quitters to my ignore list, if only so that they won't get any HM runs with me on my tank or healer, which if they are only interested in pvp currently does nothing.


    My suggestions for a fix.


    1) Deserter Debuff ( 15 mins )


    2) Fixed Title of " Deserter " for an hr so people know and are warned


    3) People who help the opposing team on purpose get a " Moron " title


    4) People who afk instead get " Coward " title


    5) Anybody on your ignore list will prevent you joining a group with them, if enough people add deserters to ignore they will only have other deserters to group with.

  16. Well I had a lvl 50 BH join my IA on Hutta to rush me through it and I got no exp from kills, only from the bonuses and handing in quests.


    I then joined him on his new marauder with my lvl 10 IA and he didn't get exp for his kills or mine until our lvls was within 3 of each other.


    Even if you don't actually kill any mobs for them they don't get kill exp from their own kills in my experience, so helping them with just heals has the same effect as killing everything for them or even just being in the same group.

  17. I don't agree with the people who say every quest boss is easy, I had some really hard fights with my sith juggernaut. Anyhow, when I played my first toon I didn't realize that there is a special advanced class tab at your trainer. So I leveled until 30 without my advanced class skills.


    Thinking I was a moron until I read that other people had the same thing, the advanced class tab doesn't jump straight into your face.


    Did you rush to the fleet before lvl 10 and miss the quest explaining about advanced class?


    I've helped quite a few people who did that, get to the fleet fast, rush to Dromund at lvl 6 or 8 and then say theres no quests or its to hard. After we talk I explain about what lvl the AC becomes available and where to get it and they start telling me how easy the game is now.


    Thanks to that alone I've got about 6 people added on each chars friends list and use alts to help them through FP when they can't get groups and such.


    * Just saw you said adv class tab *


    I figure this was a fail reading comprehension on my part, but once I take the AC I want I check out the skills that will be available at each lvl up and look for the class I chose.

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