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Posts posted by Dharagada

  1. Here's what happens with F2P games, you end up with immature Idiots who will Troll and grief other people for fun, and if they get banned so what, they will just create new free accounts and start griefing and trolling all over again, doesn't cost them anything...


    Yep this game just hit the trash bin.... I won't be renewing....


    I find it funny people saying it worked for LOTRO and D&D when neither of those games has released any decent content since they went F2P, it's been low quality updates....


    F2P means skeleton crew with small low quality updates....


    The comment concerning LOTRO is untrue (no clue on DDO) LOTRO has had very good updates since they went F2P.

  2. The model isn't bad.


    Free to Play lets you play from 1 to 50 every class, but not experience everything.


    Subs get to do everything.


    Shop lets you buy cosmetic stuff but no real in game advantage and can be accessed by everyone (if they start selling major in game advantages then it's going to cause major issues).


    If it keeps the game alive, and even more so, allows the devs to keep advancing the game, then great.

  3. Lemme start by saying I LOVE the sniper class and plan on making it my new main at 50. I just hit 40 and was thinking about giving engineering a try. I'm Marks right now and it's pretty fun(Although it seems to take forever to kill a pac of mobs).


    So what's your opinions on Eng? Why do you enjoy the spec and do you think it's as good for solo/leveling and PvP?


    Thx in advance for the advice and tips!


    For me Engineering was the best spec to level up with especially pre level 30. Before 30 MM and Leth both fealt inferior.


    Post 30 MM catches up mainly due to follow through, Leth gets better due to Cull, but I still rather be engineering or MM for leveling purposes.


    At 50 they all seem to do fine, just have different focuses. In PvP it's especially fun when you get in a warzone with 2 (or more) snipers who know what they are doing and who have different specs, if they work together it just becomes nasty.

  4. How do you randomly break cover when you haven't announced any changes that are even remotely related. I mean how is that physically possible, someone checked in code that broke this, i don't even. And how did this get past QA, do you even have someone test sniper? it would be pretty obvious.


    This actually was my thought, well the part about how did cover just randomly break when (as far as I know) nothing was supposed to be tweaked on the agent/smuggler end at all.


    In any case as mentioned it's a very annoying bug in PvP and I know most snipers would appreciate if it got hotfixed as soon as possible.

  5. I think there is some confusion here.


    Can a mara take out a sent? Sure, especially if they get the drop on them.


    But a sniper has all the tools necessary to shut down a mara, especially one they see coming, and there are flaws in trying to use your CC to stop a sniper from casting.

  6. I see you've never gone against a good sniper as a Mara. Trust me, now that the FOTM is Mara, everyone is gonna learn this. Good Snipers will beat Good Marauders 100% of the time, I would bet my account on this.




    Sniper/Gunslinger has all the tools needed to shut down a mara/sent.

  7. Marauders have all the tools to take out a PT/Vanguard. Obsfucate kills RS, might hurt RP but I'm not 100% sure, and dots bleed them dry. PT's are very squishy, so missing 1-2 RS's hurts a LOT. PT's have a LOT of frontload burst but Marauders negate it very well. From my personal experience, Marauders eat PT's and Vanguards alive.


    I may be skeptical, but I am very open to be proven wrong.


    It's a matter of timing and admittedly a bit of luck.


    Does a mara/sent have all the tools to take down a PT/Van? Yes, but it's not impossible for the PT/Van to take down the mara/sent either.


    Course with the change to rail shot procs with the coming patch things will probably be much harder so there will be no chance at all for back to back procs anymore.

  8. Marauders wreck PT's and Sorcerers, Tankasins wreck everything.


    Ops Healers definitely counter Anni Marauders though. Triage removes bleeds AND heals them AND keeps them mobile.


    PT/vanguard can take out mara/sents, it's not as easy as is for say a tank assassin but it's certainly doable. Big issue for the PT/Vanguard is they won't be running away once the fight starts.


    I've seen some pretty good juggs/guards take down mara/sents and snipers/gunslinger can do it as well.

  9. Got my sith warrior to level 7 last night. Cant wait to hit 50 with this OP FOTM. Bioware did get me by nerfing my merc I got to level 40. Kinda mad I wasted my time on him.


    Merc wasn't nerfed....





    You realize that Assault Merc damage was made so that you'd have to press a button OTHER than TM. From what I've been hearing, if you change up the rotation, the DPS loss is negligable

    This pretty much.

  10. Flipping a coin to decide which way to start rolling your face on the keyboard isn't a complicated rotation.


    Let's be reasonable here if anni mara and watchmen sent are face roll then there are no words to describe and ridiculously easy other classes are.

  11. To each his own, I suppose. Never played a PT/Vanguard, but having a 50 Commando, I find heat management, in any spec, far easier than rage/fury management.


    For a Pyro PT (which really is the only spec that has any serious heat issues) it's not hard to manage heat it's just annoying because heat venting is dependent on RNG, so if you don't get procs of rail shot you have to remember to weave in extra rapid shots.


    1.2 may actually make things worse in that department but guess have to wait and see.

  12. Even in their current form, marauders are one of the best pvp classes.


    Huge mobility, unlimited resources, have abilities to escape....


    The only downside of the class is it doesn't have perma-stealth......no doubt devs are working to fix that though.


    Oh I agree they are good pvp class (specifically watchmen/anni the other two are much weaker), they excel at 1v1 combat (which is not super important in a game focused on team based pvp) and they are very good single target damage dealers.

    However they can be shut down 1v1 by several other classes when played right. In group combat they can be controlled even easier.


    So they aren't overpowered, they are however a good pvp class.


    However 1.2 looks to shake things up a bit so it's going to be harder to tell where everything is going to fall once everything is said and done.

  13. Depends on how your defining hard.


    Compared to the most other SWTOR classes an anni marauder or watchmen Sent is somewhat more difficult, but it's not any sort of piano playing by any stretch of the imagination.


    I'm not sure what's going to happen with this patch, I disagree with those calling a sent/mara overpowered right now, but with some of the other nerfs going through and some of the readjustments for the mara/sent, well I guess we will have to see what happens in 1.2.

  14. How do Powertechs stack up against Marauders and Tankasins? Seems like the most dominant forces I have encountered in PvP were always Powertechs.


    All of those are close fights and will (generally) come down to the wire, or who got the opening off first.


    One weakness is the PT can't run away, they have no escape mechanisms, while both the assassin and the marauder can run away if necessary.

  15. Odd thread.


    1. Marauders are getting slight buffs to QOL rage management and GCD use (Obfuscate, Roar, Disruption changes).


    2. Carnage (weak) and Rage (ok) are getting much better Fury generation. Buff to Carn and Rage. Rage is getting the bugged permanent Predation talent removed. Nerf. Net: Carn gets buffed (needs it), Rage is neutral.


    3. The net effect of all the Rage changes is neutral. The Smashes hit slightly harder, but they are less frequent, and Force Scream has a longer cooldown too. BioWare retooled the tree so the player spams their anytime Vicious Slash more.


    4. The uninterruptable on Ravage/Master Strike is a buff for Carn (weak) and neutral for Rage. Annihilation/Watchman doesn't actually get much mileage out of it, generally speaking.


    5. Passive 50% damage reduction on Camo is a slight buff for Carn/Rage. Generally speaking, Camo already blocks all direct damage attacks due to the stealth. The change will give those two specs marginally better anti-DOT durability.


    6. Removal of Quick Recovery is a slight nerf to Annihilation, since you can no longer abuse 1r SSs between fights to build Fury.



    So, overall it roughs out the edges of usability of the class as a whole, buffs a weak spec, marginally nerfs Annihilation, and re-tools Rage significantly with no net buff / nerf.


    Very good summary of how the changes will impact sents/mara.


    In addition there are several classes that stand a better than equal chance of taking down an equal geared and skilled sent/mara.


    Is the sent/mara a strong pvp class? Yes it has good offense (Not the best but good) and nice defense, when cool downs are available. However acting like there god mode is an exaggeration, they can be shut down 1 on 1 or in a group.


    That being said some of the other changes for other classes coming down the pipe line seem...odd and how overall balance stands once 1.2 is released remains to be seen.

  16. How reasonable it is remains to be seen.


    Remember the golden rule of pyro, kill or be killed.


    We've been given no extra mobility or surviability but are offense has certainly taken a hit here, probably enough of one that classes that where hard fights for us before (but possible) are probably going to become impossible now, or very close to it.

  17. Here's the thing.


    Prior to 1.2 the only spec worth playing is Watchmen/Anni. The other two are under performers, with rage/focus being capable of some nice padded numbers on occasion.


    1v1 (already stated as being not important) it's a dangerous spec, however it can be countered and killed by at least several other classes assuming equal gear and skill.


    In group play it's a dangerous single target attacker it brings a damage buff for the team, or a speed boost or a minor healing regen ability and a healing debuff. It offers no significant aoe, no significant cc, it can offer no direct healing, no guarding or taunting and it's main source of damage is dots which can be cleansed.


    If properly protected yes a sent/mara will be dangerous, but that's true of a number of classes quite a few capable of more offensive potential.


    Currently pre 1.2 for the watchmen spec specifically I could see knocking cloak of carnage/rebuke down a notch in potency but not by a ton, and the other two trees still need buffs.


    Now post 1.2 it's hard to say what will happen, it looks like watchmen will end up close to where it is now between the buffs and nerfs, carnage will be closer to watchmen and it's damage won't be able to be cleansed off.


    The dangerous one to watch how is going to rage/focus that tree may become quite a bit more powerful, and is much easier to play than the the other two trees.

  18. Shiled ARE useless un PvP since they are the last roll and are pushed off by the crit rate of the attacker.

    On top of that, they only have a 20% proc chance if player is in "defensive stance" (= tank specced). For a dps jugg for example, or a dps sin, it's only 5% so no dps jugg or sin will ever equip a shield in pvp...



    About 1v1, well, pvp is not about 1v1 so, we don't care...


    Where going to have to agree to disagree on the shield thing I guess. Do I think it's the best tool ever? No, but I don't think it's useless and will always wear one when I'm tank spec, even with the rest of my gear is dps (that is sad that I don't bother with tank gear in pvp).


    I agree pvp is not about 1v1, I just don't understand why you think sents/mara are the most dangerous in group pvp. I'm just not seeing it. Are they dangerous in skilled hands and properly protected? Sure but that's true of any number of classes and players.


    Defensively I can see why some adjustment to mara/sents cooldowns maybe needed, the main one being cloak of pain/rebuke, mainly I'd probably reduce the power of it a bit.

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