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Posts posted by Kerahlite

  1. I've been asking for this since launch day. I hope it comes through soon. I have about 13 Figureprints from my time on WoW. I'd have another 10 or so here. We really need to make this happen.


    Each time that I reach out to Figureprints.com, they say there's no plans to expand to other games. I expect this is due to the Blizzard licensing. Each Figureprint has a certificate of authenticity and Blizzard approval stamp on the bottom of the base.


    Please. I need this.

  2. When we first began playing SWTOR at launch, we used the Revanites as a facade. They were the public facing branch of our Church, which permitted us to 'hide in plain sight,' while we worked to overthrow both the Empire, and the Republic.


    I can't say specifically how our story ties in with the Revanites, other than that. What I can say though, is that the Shadow of Revan expansion gave us a ton of new material to work with, and that we fit in well with the story.

  3. A Vision -


    Several days had passed since Silas had bought him. He’d spent a lot of time in the Church’s library, reading up on their history, beliefs, and dogma. All of the holocrons he’d seen on display activated when he touched them; their respective Gatekeepers saluted him, and began instructing.


    “Holgher,” a voice spoke. The slave disregarded the Gatekeeper’s lesson, and stood, turning toward his name. “It’s time for your induction.” Aroya reported. Holgher returned, and tried to deactivate the holocron, while returning to the pedestal which had housed it. “That’s unnecessary.” Aroya said. The slave hadn’t noticed, until that point, just how nervous he had been about this upcoming initiation. Silas had given him the basics, but nothing in great detail. Aroya turned, and led him outside, and across the bridge that separated the mountain dwelling from the courtyard.


    Holgher felt his heart thumping in his throat. “Is there anything I should kn-” he began, but the Acolyte had interrupted him. “You already have everything you need. If you’re having second thoughts, now’s the time to flee.” Bile crept up the back of his throat. He didn’t know why he felt so nervous. He was fortunate. ‘I could be back on Korriban,’ he thought. ‘I could be back there, fighting with the other dogs for my life. I’d probably be dead already. This isn’t so bad. But if it’s not bad, why am I so scared?’ he wondered.


    Suddenly, he was overcome. He bolted passed Aroya to the side of the bridge, vomiting violently over the rail, into the waterfall below. “I’m, I’m sorry, I...” he stopped speaking abruptly. Looking over the edge, the water had stopped moving, and the sky had darkened to a twilight shade of red. He turned, expecting Aroya, but found his bedroom window, facing the busy Nar Shaddaa skyline. He spun, and the waterfall was gone. He was standing in his old bedroom. As confusion set in, a loud keening rang through the halls of the apartment.


    Holgher fled through his bedroom door, down the hall, and out onto the balcony. He slipped in a puddle, and as his face crashed down in the blood, he was staring his lifeless mother in the face, a gaping wound across her throat still poured blood onto the ground. He scrambled backward. It had been fifteen years since he found his mother and father, murdered in their own home. This time though, the assailant wasn’t leaping off the balcony, robe blowing in the wind. This time, the assailant was facing him, and staring coldly, gold jewelry shimmering across his nose and in his ears. His skin was a dark red, and he had a fierce look in his face.


    “WHYYYY!!!” Holgher cried out. The assailant’s shadow stepped out and around him, growing larger with every movement. The shadow took on the look of a cloak, with an oversized hood wafting down, drifting over the face. It spoke in a loud, booming voice.



    “They didn’t do anything wrong! Why did you let them die!?” Holger demanded.

    “Everyone has a purpose.” The voice continued. “Yours is more than that of a mortal man serving other mortal men. This day, your path changes. Hone your spirit and your body, and when you are strong enough, I will send my Prophet to find you.”



    Holgher sat up on the bridge. He was alone, and he could smell the familiar stench of vomit on his own breath. ‘It was just a dream… right?’ he tried to convince himself. The sun set in the distance. He believed it was a dream. It couldn’t be anything else. He stood, and headed back for the library. Noticing his feet sticking, he looked back… at a path of bloody footprints which had followed him.

  4. A Vision-


    The room was pitch black; the air cool. A peaceful silence reigned over the darkness, with not even the roar of a distant tuk'ata encroaching on the sanctity of the night. It was a blessing. A blessing the Acolytes living and soon-to-be dying on this dustball of a planet reveled in.


    Most of them, anyway.


    A soft moan broke the silence, low creaks and the rustling of blankets following as one of the Acolytes turned in his sleep. Across the room, a pair of red, glowing eyes flicked open at the sound, eerily bright and at full alert. The girl they belonged to remained inhumanly still in her cot, her mind racing.


    'Who was that? Dre'liss? Phul?' she wondered, scanning and assessing the many shadows dreaming in their bunks. Even with all of them accounted for, fear swelled inside her. It was a habit she just couldn't break, no matter how long she spent with these... people. Chaotic, uncouth savages, is what they were. They fought amongst themselves, threatened and killed one another like dogs, then bowed and played nice when they knew there were eyes upon them. She couldn't trust them, and she shouldn't. Not even when they were defenseless, comatose on their makeshift beds, too exhausted from the day's trials to put up a fight if she were to kill them where they slept.


    Mikorya slid back in her bunk slowly, quietly, until her back pressed against the cool, comforting stone of the wall behind her. Her choice of bedding was no coincidence. Closest to the door, but not directly at an angle where an intruder could overcome her. Bottom bunk, allowing her easy access to a hiding place if need be. The wall at her back, which meant she couldn't be taken from behind. It was the safest place to be, so that was where she was. Everything she did was thoroughly and meticulously planned. Calculated. Risk assessment kept her sane.


    'One trial left... just one to go, I can do this...' she repeated to herself, the dark circles she'd been seeing beneath her eyes and the pounding headaches she'd been having reminding her that she -had- to let herself sleep. Despite the danger, the unbridled anxiety that these people put her through every hour of every day. Despite the -ways- of these Sith and their attachment to greed and power, things so contrary to the Chiss way that Mikorya couldn't even fathom the purpose of them. Despite all of it, she needed to sleep. She needed to pass her last trial. She needed to get off this planet and return her life to some semblance of order.


    'Quiet, serene order...' she thought, eyes dimming as heavy lids moved to close over them.


    “Why do you suffer?” A voice echoed in the darkness. Her eyes shot open, but all that lay around her were the still-motionless forms of sleeping Acolytes. All was silent. All was peaceful. All except her. She remained frozen, terrified, straining to hear the voice speak again, to identify it, all the time knowing that it wasn't familiar to her. Stress. It had to be the stress. She'd finally cracked. It was the most logical conclusion she could think of, so she believed it, but movement on the opposite wall gave her pause.


    As she watched, a black mass of something she couldn't identify slid in from the window like a serpent, slithering along the stone wall and down to the floor before forming itself into the visage of a cloaked man. It looked like just a shadow at first, yet it pushed away from the wall as easily as if it'd been simply leaning on it and moved into the room proper, carrying himself as a man with power. Mikorya held her breath, unable to scream as the creature proceeded to walk through the several bunks that lay between him and her, the laws of the world seemingly meaningless to him.


    “You have been chosen for a higher purpose, child. Rejoice.” His voice boomed, shaking the room with its power. “I have set a place for you... and I will provide you with all you desire. In my service, you will find order.”


    Mikorya licked her lips nervously, all too aware that not one person was roused by the man's thundering words, “Where? Where must I go?”


    “Seek the sands. There you will find my Prophet.” He responded, his words searing themselves into the Chiss' memory. “Now rest. Let nothing disturb you, as you have been blessed.”


    With that, the visage turned, dissipating into a black mist that fell into and melded with the shadows around it, seeping into the floorboards and disappearing like droplets of water, leaving no trace of his being there except her vision of him.


    The Chiss' eyes closed, unable to stave off the sleep that surged to envelop her. But just as she'd finally slipped into sweet unconsciousness, the stirring of a nearby Acolyte roused her back to full alert once more. This time, however, those glowing red dots flashed bright, then shrunk to slits, the woman rising from her bed calmly and with purpose.


    In the morning, there were three less Acolytes alive in that room, and many accusations being flung around. Mikorya though, awoke refreshed after the best sleep she'd had in weeks.

  5. A Vision-


    Vinyaya stirred, and rolled over onto her left side. She yawned, and opened a single eye as her chamber’s climate control hummed hypnotically in the background. She snuggled back into Kastara’s chest, sighing contentedly, feeling her lover’s bare flesh against her own. She closed her eye, and started drifting off to sleep again.


    She felt Kastara’s caress, feather light and with a slight tickle. The fingertips drifted across her thigh, and then her hip. She quivered with anticipation, awake now, but keeping her eyes closed. Vinya heard, and felt the other inhale deeply; she loved when Kastara smelled her hair. Arching her back, she craned her neck, desperately seeking a kiss. As if reading her mind, the other captured her lips, warm and silky smooth.


    A moment later, sluggish in the dead of night, Vinya’s mind recalled that her companion’s lips weren’t quite so soft. Her eyes shot open and before she could react, she was being straddled by the stranger, their two manicured hands wrapped tightly around her throat. She struggled, instinctively kicking, only turning to the Force as an after-thought. The stranger pushed her head and shoulders deeper into the bedding. Items all over the chamber began to float off their stations, and throw themselves about the room. Slowly, the decor started to sag in the air, and finally, as she lost consciousness, they dropped.


    Vinya hadn’t lost consciousness, though. At least, she thought she hadn’t. She could see her body in bed. She could see the person on top of her, but their hands weren’t on her throat; they were above her, and as they knelt over her body, the stranger appeared more to be offering her up. Looking beyond the hands, she became instantly terrified at the hooded shadowy creature that she was being offered up to. ‘This is death,’ she thought. A voice like a sonic boom issued from the creature “No, this is life,” it began. Vinya collapsed in terror, pushing herself backward into the far corner of the room.


    “There is a place for you set at my table, but before you can sit at it, you must be cleansed.” “Who are you?” she interrupted. The voice issued forth like lightning, and boomed with the power found only in a thunderclap. It continued: “I am the Truth that you seek in buried tombs, and other long forgotten places. Find my Prophet, and your purpose will be realized. You will find what you have spent a lifetime searching for.” “Wha… wha… w...hat do you mean?” she asked. Her heart pounded like it was going to burst. “It’s, it’s about the Force, right? There’s more, righ-” her pleading was cut off, as she launched into an upright position on the bed, violently gasping for air.


    Vinya was alone. Six standard months had gone by, and she was still dreaming about Kastara. She got out of bed, her eyes misting, and a lonely feeling in the pit of her stomach. She hated waking in the middle of the night, thinking about Kas. ‘It wasn’t right.’ she thought. Again. ‘Why would she value the lives of strangers more than-’ She felt she wasn’t alone. With a gesture, lights warmed on, casting a dim illumination through the chamber. She dismissed the feeling, and filled her wash basin with water. Washing her face, she began to shake, as she saw the deep, purple bruises around her neck, in the vanity mirror. The dream came back to her in a flood. She was drowning in confusion. Sitting on the bed, trying to separate dream from reality, she found a long, silvery-white strand of hair.


    “En-Four,” she shouted.

    “Yes, mistress?” the droid’s tinny response came over the intercom.

    “Where are we?” her voice cracked nervously as she asked.

    “Still in hyperspace, mistress. Are you well?”

    “Has anyone been on or off of this ship tonight?”

    “Of course not, mistress. We’ve been traveling for the last thirteen point 61 hours.”

    “Has ANYONE been on my ship?” she demanded.

    “No, mistress. I’ll send a medical droid immediately.”

    “No, I’m fine.”

  6. A Vision-


    Frustrated with her lack of progress after leaving the Academy, Frith ventured back to Korriban, to get some of the familiar dirt under her fingernails; she needed to take out some aggression.


    Stepping off the shuttle, the choking heat and heavy dust quickly reminded her why she'd been so thrilled to leave, in the first place. She turned south, leaving the populated grounds crawling with fresh bloods who were so eager, so excited- so many dead students walking, who didn't know it yet. She made it though, and the results were resoundingly lackluster.


    'Why!? WHY am I stuck with such menial tasks from such INFERIOR creatures?' she thought to herself. She slipped on a dustwell on top of a large rock, and caught her balance. She hesitated, looking down the escarpment she was descending, suddenly not so certain she wanted to continue.


    'Perfect. That's exactly why. I don't use the Force instinctively. I have no clue how I even passed the trials,' she thought, with compunction. Frith sighed. She took another step down, and slipped again, this time unable to catch herself. Falling, she tried to slow herself, tried to steady the descent. Panic threatened to well out of her, and she failed. Again. Slamming back-first into the ground, the breath was ripped from her, and she lay gasping, or trying to. A young man in an oversized hood appeared above her, the light reflecting off of a thin hanging braid that slipped from cover.


    'Help,' she thought, still struggling to pull air into her lungs. Frith thought she was saved, he was reaching out to help her up. Then she heard the characteristic crackle and singe of a lightsaber, and she finally caught a breath, right before the black blade was plunged into her chest.


    'How fitting for a failure,' she thought, as her vision faded, 'Is this really how it ends?' As life left her, and her surroundings began to fade to black, time stopped when twilight seemed to set in. Frith opened her eyes, the young man still above her, though looking to be prostrate rather than jamming his weapon through her chest. She rolled her head upward, and was swallowed by a robed figure, the tips of four horns only visible from beyond the cover of the hood that hid His face.


    "You don't have a purpose, because you have not found it yet." The voice shook the land like thunder. Dust and small stones from above broke free and peppered her face as it continued to speak, booming. "Your purpose is my service, where you will crush my enemies, and break the lies that conceal what YOU call, the Force. Find the one who killed you here, as your purpose begins with him." The figure raised his countenance from her face on the ground, appearing to look toward the man who knelt above her.


    Frith awoke standing on her feet, breathing normally. She was instantly flowing with relief that it had only been a dream. She must have knocked her head, and passed out in a daze. She spit dirt and pebbles onto the ground, and her heart skipped, remembering the vision. 'Could that have happened? No, it was all in my hea-' her thoughts seized, and as she slowly reached her hand toward her breast; realization set in as she felt her skin, whole and undamaged, underneath of the scortched hole in her synthfiber robe.

  7. The Cult of Kerahl is a Roleplay guild founded in March of 2000, when we played Ultima Online. Our story is deep, and complex, and has evolved to fit within the Star Wars universe. Over the last fifteen years, our story has been developed further each time we graduated to a new game, so we've got a lore that is very rich.


    We're looking for players with a passion for roleplay, who would like the opportunity to grow with, and develop our story. If you're interested, please stop by our TS3 server and introduce yourself.


    Commune.CultofKerahl.org:6280 . No password required.


    Please Note:

    We don't allow "rock stars" in our guild. If you're a Dark Lord of the Sith and refuse to bend the knee, you need not apply. However, if you're willing to be taken apart and rebuilt in the image of our God and to serve His purpose, you have a place among us.


    †Glory to the Shadowlord, who will crush the Oppressors, and deliver the Truth of the Force to the masses.

  8. If you bought a guild and four vaults, it would cost over 7 mil. I'm asking 3. Send tell to "Silast" on the Ebon Hawk (Imperial) server. I'm more than willing to accept the funds on either server.


    Or, respond here. Thanks.

  9. I don't know if it's been said in this thread, too many pages to read through. Bioware has stated (either in a Developer Diary Video or in the recent State of the Game post, I don't recall) that 1.7 includes the entire character transfer infrastructure which had to be rebuilt completely from scratch- which is why Character Copy for test servers became unavailable.


    Subsequent patches _will_ see Character Copy reinstated. This was a necessary step in order to allow paid character transfers. We will likely see them either just before or just after the expansion.

  10. I'm the head of a large Roleplay guild on Jung Ma. Currently we're going through hell trying to mix/ match pieces of social gear (adaptive, our Sorc and Jugs can wear the same outfit) in order to establish a viable guild uniform by rank.


    If we could have a system similar to Rift whereby we have a primary and secondary layer, and be able to dye them individually, this would fix a lot of our outfitting issues.


    Roleplayers need individuality to compliment their playstyle.

    I support this idea.


    We could also use a few more headpieces/ chestpieces with hoods, and lower robes in Social gear, but I suppose that's another thread entirely.

  11. Thanks for reading. There's a spoiler for the Inquisitor storyline here, so be warned about that first. However, I feel I've got a legitimate gripe, so hear me out.


    I was working through my class storyline earlier today when someone made a comment about a later quest in General chat. I asked that no spoilers be given, and was even seconded by another player.


    The person who made the comment purposely spoiled the rest of the storyline. I was incensed. My first response was that I'd been hurt so much by this, that I was going to report it. But I didn't. I compared it to other experiences I had in MMOs where I, or other players were banned for three or five days for using harsh language targeted at another player. In my opinion though, being new to Star Wars and not having completed all the class storylines, this was much, much more a violation than a profanity shower.


    Star Wars is a revolutionary game. I feel it requires revolutionary rules. Someone who purposefully ruins a storyline for another player by posting spoilers unsolicited or even after being asked not to has reached a higher level of trolling, and should be punished. The person I ran into earlier today has taken away from me the immersive experience I paid 64 dollars for, plus a monthly fee. I can never get that experience back.


    As soon as I figure out how to post the screenshot in this thread, I will do so.

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