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Posts posted by JericGlamdring

  1. I have a full set of Thana’s armor fully modded (L66) and fully augmented. My question is, should I be swapping it out for the endgame gear you can get with Basic commendations and focus more on the armor sets you get from commendations? Or can I continue to mod it up to L72s? I want to start doing endgame stuff and wondering if my Thana gear will be sufficient.


    Thanks in advance!

  2. TOR is my first MMO. TOR is my first outline game. TOR is my first game to pay a subscription to period. I never wanted to play a MMO, friends talked me into TOR since it was from BioWare and it is Star Wars. I subscribe for Operations, no other reason. I have 6 50’s and I like the story, but since the F2P I don’t have to subscribe to level a toon. I bought the expansion for the same reason, to continue to progress in operations.


    If you don’t have a reason to subscribe or buy the expansion, then don’t do it. I will because I am having a blast playing this game with friends. I for one, hope BioWare and EA makes a ton of money from this game however they can, because that will mean it will continue and one day we may see BioWare and other companies making other story driven MMOs (looks at Jade Empire and Mass Effect). EA/BioWare are not non-profit charities, I am pretty sure their families have to eat like everyone else.


    This. Ask yourself this question, would you rather have SWTOR, with all the things you don't like about it, or would you rather have Bioware scrap the whole thing because it's not makiing the money they need. If everyone cancels their sub because of a small issue they have, that's exactly what will happen. There aren't very many good SW games out there so lets be supportive of the ones we have. You can only go through KOTOR so many times......

  3. I don’t understand this thread at all. This is my first MMO and still new, and yes still a PUG, but frankly I could care less about whither a team is pre-made or not. I haven’t done many WZ yet but I’m sure I’ll loss a ton more than I’ll win. If I win I say “Cool, that was fun, let’s do it again!” If I lose I say, “Damn, good job guys, that was fun let’s do it again!”


    I think the biggest problem with PUGs is that someone is scared to take charge. If someone says to me, “go here and do this”, then that’s exactly what I’ll do and if we lose big time, who cares. Every WZ, FP, heroic you play, win or lose, PUG or pre-made, you get better. I think the key to winning is learning to take instruction and act quickly, even pre-mades have to deal with the variable of what they will face.


    Ask yourself this question, would you rather have SWTOR with all its bugs/flaws, or would you rather have BW scrap the whole thing because the system isn’t what you want it to be and you get beat. If everyone unsubscribes because they have issues with one aspect of the game, SWTOR will go away. I for one would miss it....


    I play 20+ hours a week, if I played 50 WZ matches and lost them all, it would still be fun!

  4. Thanks a ton for the advice and I appreciate all of it! I did have a good experience last night doing Cademimu for the first time. The guys were patient as heck. We did have a wipe but I don’t think it was my fault (those dogs hit hard!).


    I do have a question though. I’ve been focusing on mods more than the gear itself. For instance, instead of upgrading whole pieces of armor/weapons, I’ll just upgrade the mods it has. If I get an item I can’t use, but it has an enhancement I can, I’ll strip it instead of sale it. Do worry, I’ll never need on an item just cause it has a mod I can use. Wise or not?


    Also, I started playing when the only west coast PVE server available was Harbinger so that's were I'm at.

  5. I feel for you if you've been kicked for just saying you don't know a FP. That should never happen. I would never vote kick someone just for not knowing the FP, and if the vote passed despite my voting no I'd probably quit group, invite that person and requeue. People should be allowed to learn the game and I'm very willing to help them. If it's a new player I'll go out of my way to help them, up to and including logging on a 50 to run them through content to get gear, give them pointers on playstyle or if they are really showing promise offer them a guild invite. It's in my best interest to have people that are new and want to learn how to play the game to have good experiences. That is what will keep the game alive.


    Unfortunately I've been kicked several times by anouncing myself as a FP first timer. One guy even said, "CYA, I'm not doing this with you." But, I do understand how important it is to let everyone know so I'll continue to do it. My biggest fear is when I hit lvl 50. I heard people have little patients for first timers, even if they're geared correctly. This is my first MMO every so I'm a little intimidatied to begin with. The encouraging part is, I've never been the cause of a wipe!:D:D

  6. (If there is already a post about this I apolgize)


    I’m not a MMO veteran. TOR is my first one and I still have a lot to learn. I’m leveling a scoundrel and I think I’m doing a pretty good job. Currently at lvl 27, I’ve spent more time doing FP and heroics than anything else (Athiss has been forever engrained in my brain). I feel my gear is pretty good and my crit heals are regularly 1,300+ (not sure if that’s good either but….). I have a long way to go until 50 but I feel if I continue doing what I’m doing, I should have a good healer by the then.


    The problem is I’ve been told that when you reach it, you hit a big wall that’s almost impossible to get over. That groups don’t want first timers with them during their OPS, even in SM, because of lack of familiarity with fights and not having good enough gear.


    So I have a question, how does a brand new lvl 50 get experience/gear from the OPS, if no one helps them? I do hear about dailies, but like I said I’m new, so I don’t know much about them. I also know a little bit about guilds but I’m afraid there might be too much of a commitment. I also heard you need a voice chat. I checked out Vent but don't know anything about it either....:(


    Can someone give me advice on what I can do now/later to get over this wall? I’ve read a lot about the endgame OPS and would love to be able to do them. It sounds like the best part of this game!



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