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Posts posted by daDren

  1. reasons for cancelling subscription:


    no one seems to be reading the forums, so all the pvp classes that need to be weakened for enjoyable gameplay, stay rediculously impossible to kill for literally years. thus, there is no point in finishing a match, it is decided by the random roll (another problem).


    operations take too long to get into or finish, there should be four man easy 'tour' versions just so i can see the content i am paying for.


    oh, the same problem since the initial concept briefing of this game - its called STAR WARS, not GROUND WARS. i think anyone who has played, knows what that means. yes, speeders that might as well have wheels, cause yer going nowhere. all the resources spent on voice acting and background vistas should just have been put into making seamless ground to space travel such as in SW battlefront 2.


    i dont care about gear escalation or assigning points, just being creative with appearance of character and outfits. Easily could have made buildable ships such as in Kingdom Hearts 2


    I stopped everything but PVP there does not seem a reason to pay for all the poor development on this. could also easily have put an open pvp floor in fleets with the pvp board in it. something to do while you wait, have grudge fights, train with people, etc.. but no. makes too much sense.


    all in all, this is far too blatant an attempt to make rubes pay, and nothing about play. games are for stress relief from labor. im willing to pay for it, but this is not worth paying for.

  2. wait, what button was th... OMG, GRHLLLLHLLLLL....................... RHLLLLLL....

    WHY! ... WHY!


    but seriously, a seating area to watch is the kind of thing that would make any multiplayer game more immersive an experience. If you mostly PVE in groups it would be a good way to get those people interested in the whole game.


    betting??? why not!!


    I think main stations should have 2 elevators added: Duel Section and Duel Observatory.

    If you take the first, obviously you'd go to fight. The second would take you 1 story above, where you can watch the duels, bet with other players etc. while being unflagged.

  3. "They dont care what you think all they think how to get more money from players customer satisfaction is their least concern. "


    hmmm. you dont say! I can see, im sure they dont pay anyone to look over these vast amounts of posts. but hey, ive worked with marketers, agents, brokers and a few politicians for over 15 years, and they only thing that persuades them is


    1. lots of positive feedback. REALLY positive

    2. people actually have to die. literally die in real life before a beneficial policy is changed.


    ..... lets try the positive route here :/

  4. LOL there could be a skybox just for watching!





    I never thought about it. I probably never would partake, I never enjoyed dueling tbh, but on other games when a dueling section was in a city it was neat because you got to watch people, and it added lively activity to the zone.


    This is a great idea, OP. I am on board for this to happen.


    Even people that don't duel would find it fun and entertaining. I have heard people talking smack so many times on fleet too, and then one tells the other, "ok, let's meet on Tatooine", or something to that effect. They have to fly to another planet just to start their duel...


    This is a great opportunity to add something to the game that doesn't involve a lot of time or thinking like class balances.


    I think this has a good shot of happening.

  5. i never thought of pub and imp at the same time. i never considered levels either, but if there is an ultra short loading screen then i guess it could separate end level from lower levels entering the floor.


    I like this, too. I think taking an elevator down would be better than going to one of the other ships. I've lost track of how many times I've given directions to people for the bolsterizer. Still, there are people that don't even know it exists. Is it still broken, btw? It's been a while.


    Or maybe it could be on Oddessen. Have a third dome between the pub and imp terminal areas. That way they only have to design one, and both factions could participate. That may leave out non subs and lower levels though. And there's lots of lag there. Ok, maybe that's not a great choice.


    Fleet it is.

  6. take an elevator or even just a kiosk 'node' right in PvP area, which has a very VERY short loading screen and make it technically 'off fleet', but its seems to be a seamless part of fleet in terms of user experience. Would that discourage people from going there?


    A dueling area has been brought up a number of times over the years. Personally I like that idea, and what you're talking about OP. One point frequently brought up against it has been fleet lag. Responses to that suggested putting it on one of the secondary fleet ships instead.
  7. Wondering if anyone would be interested in 'lobbying' in these forums for an open PvP floor in each fleet. Obviously it would have a PvP board and you would have to voluntarily toggle on your PvP flag status.


    You would not queue for it, its just like Outlaw's Den but more convenient to go to. There would a somewhat of a layout for getting out of line of sight or escaping melee on another level, but it would be very small so you cant waste time running away.


    I would strongly suggest some kind of reward for kills, either small commendation, credits, or experience points. Very small, so its not completely a waste of time. Just seems strange all the people hanging around the PvP board on fleet doing nothing but waiting for queue, and you cannot even duel.


    I dont see how this would eat up much server bandwidth, or why it has not been created before.

  8. to developerss, EA or Bioware, please do not believe anyone on these forums who says they have "skill" in pvp. Some people simply logon in order to lie. They obviously are doing something exploitive due to mental illness, not to have fun and relax and play a video game.


    Normal healthy people who play mmos and pvp all know in swtor that healers have needed to be nerfed for almost a year now. fine, let them heal away, but if they cannot be killed by anyone solo, there is no point in playing through an entire match. whomever has the most healers wins. as soon as they are marked, you count, you requeue. its not even a game.


    Please remedy this so that I do not have to switch games and deal with all the outrageous hacks in other mmos.


    I'm barely decent on my merc (the only dps I play, rest is heals). When I start each game I find a nicely geared person, send them a whisper that I'm focus assisting their target and tell them lets melt healers. It works nearly every single time. Even thought I'm not that great (although I am geared well), and don't know my partner, we can easily kill just about any healer. I then work on separating heals form guard and go to town.


    Takes the smallest amount of effort not to be mediocre.


    And if you play 4s, the sorc is really the only class that has a chance at keeping up with the top tier DPS setups and it almost never goes to acid.

  9. I dont care if they heal the same or not, but take away their invulnerability. if it takes 4 geared people to kill one, how is that a game anymore? go heal an operation, pvp is for fighting and dps.
  10. They are not going to nerf healers i guess. no reason to keep subscription if the outcome of a game is already decided by who has the most healers. when you know the outcome, its not actually a 'game' anymore.


    I especially love all the little kids and mentally ill people who always respond its all their 'skills' that win these games LOL. Honestly, up your meds.


    That's all that I've been doing, lately. Trying to escape WZs with 75% of tanks and healers on each side, while hoping that BW tackles the sick-matchmaking issue in some manner, be it with some matchmaking routine, or even with PvP nerfs to tanks and healers.

    Yesterday's patch then was a slap in the face. It made unambiguously clear that nothing will happen.


    I'm bored in this game. My sub runs out tomorrow and I won't resub.



  11. I have been playing this game since the very beginning. I have only one character left to finish every story in the game. Having said that, I was so excited about Galactic Starfighter, I literally counted the days and saved my cartel points for buying stuff for it.


    Now that it's here, I'm so underwhelmed, I sincerely question anyone that is enjoying it. The shields are so bad *** in this game, Luke could've taken the Death Star by himself if he would've been so equipped. Everyone starts so far apart that afterburners have to be engaged until you're out of engine power just to get within sight of other players. Then, there's the spinning...Dog fights are not intense, they are boring slug fests that require patience, not skill.


    Overall, this is the worst thing I've seen done to a game in a long time. It's unbalanced, simplistic and poorly executed. It's not enough that I would cancel my account but like a previous poster said, if I had paid for this, I would've felt totally robbed.


    Spinning ruined this for me. Once someone starts rotating around me i just quit the match. Theres no point in playing anymore once some twirler ruins the whole game. Also am surprised how long it takes to get back to battle after death. I cant play anything but a scout, sick of watching objectives lost while i limp back in any other ship design.

  12. Another vote here for please NEVER EVER any gear escalation again. New designs, fine. New stats that force me to grind and waste time just to be able to play without being one or two shotted, no thank you. I have 7 55s pvping, and I prefer that, not logging onto one character only to pvp. I do not have full obroan on any characters, nor fully augmented gear on any of them.


    I guarantee you, the only people who like gear escalation are the people who have one pvp character (or one only) and pvp all day, evening, and even night somehow. Because trampling all the other people with limited time to play is the funnest thing they can think of doing with their lives. Unfortunately for EA and BW they are going to discover that for every one of these people, there are prob 50 to 100 people paying for the game that only have limited time to play. And once they are finally discouraged by their waste of time grinding, will cancel subscriptions, write reviews telling people not to even buy the game, they will have to pull the plug so to speak and shut down the game entirely.


    Just another greedy business model. Better wise up and stop "competing" with other MMO models by simply doing the exact same thing they do.

  13. you don't need end gear if you don't end game, ergo, you don't need 4 man ops which will provide end game gear.


    on that note, I fully support nightmare flashpoints. (I bet my sweet petunias, they will add them in next expansion when we get to level 61 or something)


    Honestly, I think payers just get a little chubby that they can exclude other players from operations and raids. They show off their armor in the most public places and ask you what your gear score is before they even answer you. I call it association/imitation instinct, and its for animals with no conscious will to speak of. They want to carve out a little group of people from the bigger group that they can be like and associate with, and feel special which is even more pleasurable than playing the actual game to them. If it wasnt operations or raids it would be something else, its not the game or content for them, thats just a symbol for them to project their instinct onto.


    HOWEVER. This of course spoils the game for normal customers. Whom are much more plentiful for the business to cater to than the 'elites'. Let them play their little egos crazy, but let the people paying for the larger brunt of the game to even exist play the whole game content they are paying for with the time they have.

  14. Totally agree with Mastirkal,

    Also to add, IF and IF there were 4 man ops, people would cry on the forums about the gear not being as good as an 8 or 16 man op, so then BW would be forced to make the same gear drop, and nobody would then run anything but 4 man ops.

    I wish people would really stop trying to have the game changed to suit their needs instead of adapting to the game.

    This isn't a kids sport where everyone gets a trophy and nobody keeps score... this is a game where gear is EARNED not handed out because you can't do an 8 man op.


    Easy work-around, have less powerful gear dropped, and less important commendations earned. People just want to experience the whole game with the time and money they have. They are already paying for it to be developed, other than ego, I dont know why other players are showing so much resistance to the idea. If anything, it will make other players better at the operations for you, because they played a scaled down version already. Better than just reading about it online to get ready for 8 or 16 man.

  15. Easy answer. No.


    Why you ask? Because you are not being forced to participate in operations and if you can't have the patience or ability to find seven other like minded individuals you don't deserve to play the operations until they become so outdated you can four man them without trouble. You can't have four man operations because they are not meant for four people. You don ask heroic 4's to be solo-able do you? Don't you lose story by not doing them either? You don't complain because you have come to expect them to be made for four people instead of one, just as everyone else has come to expect that current operations are for, at the minimum, eight people. Be happy it isn't 20 to 40 man raids of wow.


    What are you, ten years old? I dont deserve to play the game im paying for??? ABILITY??? LOLOLOL!!! No one is suggesting anyone takes away your precious "achievements" for rounding up 8 or more people and having ALOT more of spare time on your hands *cough loser* than 'normal' people, they are suggesting the game have a version EVERYONE can play, not just "elites" with lots of time and dont mind wasting it, along with their money.

  16. How about a Nightmare Mode Flashpoint.....would get about the same effect.


    That sounds like a good idea to me. Gearing up in flashpoints, and then doing 4 man operations. The operation would be a four person nightmare mode flashpoint. For myself, its not just the time it takes to complete a hard operation, its getting so many people together and coordinating their every move that takes more time than I have at any one login sitting.

  17. Aren't those called Flashpoints for a reason?


    other unnamed MMOs hold "raids" over a payer, i mean, player's head as a carrot to keep their subscription. You spend enormous amounts of time just getting people together, not just doing the operation. I suppose thats fun for some people, but for the rest of us, we dont have that much time or patience. The real thing that stings is that im paying for all that content, and its quite substantial, and we are not even glimpsing it, much less enjoying it.


    A four person, easy flashpoint mode would at least let us see the great work that has been done, enjoy it, and even help get us ready for doing the more difficult modes instead of reading about them online. I dont think anyone is suggesting that you get the same commendations or loot, just the opportunity to play the whole game that we are paying for, but dont have the time or patience to see with 8 or 16 people.... who usually quit because its so hard anyway....

  18. I have also noticed the pass reticule is not perfect but its good enough about 95% of the time.


    One tip to avoid interceptions:

    When there are enemies near your receiver, don't pass directly to them. For example, if the enemy is slightly to the left and your teammate is slightly to the right, pass WAY off to the right so only the edge of the target is at your teammates feet, and the enemy is not near it at all.



    yep i do that too whenever im not being stun banged ;)

  19. I will try all that, but I have also experienced this reticule accuracy problem as the passer. My dead center can be on my team player, but an opposing team member gets it when they are off centre, or not even in the reticule at all. Still hoping BW sees this forum thread, as It is probably not an actual bug to report.
  20. so you want all healers to bend over and accept to be "as. fu..." i mean killed without effort as otherwise they would be OP.

    who do you think would ever play a healer under those circumstances?


    ops are fine. they heal as much as supposed, if you are unable to kill or at least shut one down nearly completly its your fault, as i am able to do so.


    uh huh. sorry, anyone who says they can easily kill an op/scoun is just lying because it doesnt cost them anything to do so. this forum is not a firing squad, its just in the hopes BW is reading and will improve the game for EVERYONE, not just the people who love exploiting a poorly crafted class program.

  21. Bottom line. Rogues ruined pvp for me in WoW, and EA BW is making the exact same mistake.


    You'll all be glad to hear i will never play another pvp a match with an operative or scoundrel playing. Its basically an exploit, not skill. Its software thats all one-sided now, the players actually are not good players. They are just exploiting it.

  22. This needs to be fixed because its killing pvp for everybody. :mad:


    I have felt this way for over half a year now. Operative and Scoundrel healers all literally taunt you now, they just jump around healing everyone, not taking a scratch with four people pounding them. How is that fun for anyone but the operative/scoundrel??? So we should all play that one class if you like winning at pvp?


    These forums are filled with people enjoying their operative/scoundrel character and rationalizing how its just wonderful and they should never be nerfed. Its so transparent I cant believe this is not being addressed by BW or EA.


    It IS ruining pvp for everyone.

  23. Hi, I love my characters using lightsabers and vibroswords, however, the sage/sorcerer does not seem to have a use for it. I would love to have at least one worthwhile offensive or defensive active ability to use, even if its just in a skill tree. Otherwise, it just looks silly so it could be minimized with saber daggers, other small items that arent even weapons, or make it reversed in the hand such as Starkiller in the Force Unleashed.
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