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Posts posted by johnnyomara

  1. I've got the best feeling that once/if a nerf ever comes soooooo many Imps will need to reroll toons because they won't have the power that they made the class for in the beginning. :p can't wait!


    Umm so they'll all reroll and it'll be 65% Sorc instead of 60%? The spec in question is around 1/4 of the lowest population class, smuggler/ops

  2. I have not seen any serious nerf threads about Sentinels/Marauders, or Powertech/Vanguard.

    The only nerf thread I've seen about Juggernauts pertains to their ability as ball carriers in Huttball, but let's face it: All tanks are great ball carriers. However, the best ball carriers are Inquisitors/Consulars because they get their little sprint and their CCs.


    I've been smoked by some powertechs, they are DEFINITELY fine with gear. Sorcs are a bit strong, maybe tone down the lightning so it has a travel time like sages. Ops just make people rage because let's face it getting ganked by a stealth class is frustrating, next time don't wander away from the group if you can't beat one.

  3. The IA/Smuggler flashbang might be the the most glaring. It's not even a animation issue, they just straight up have a lower cooldown, POR QUE!? At least it's not a core skill.


    Also from videos I watch ops have way smoother and faster animations, Republic is already the weaker PvP faction just based on the playerbase, so why give even more hadicaps? I wouldn't mind small faction changes in skills but you gotta give something to make up for what you take away.

  4. bioware perma-banned people for exploiting their poorly designed chest system out on ilum, why not perma-ban the players of these classes for exploiting their poorly designed pvp system? They are completely destroying the pvp "economy" by being in wz's, think about it...


    oh he mad

  5. PLEASE explain how MY lvl has ANYTHING to do with this. If we have 2 smugglers that are leading in dmg AND neither have died does it have ANYTHING to do with my lvl????


    I am playing a smuggler now so if they want to leave them like this I'm good and yes I have a 50.


    The post was not a qq it is stating fact. They rarely die and almost always lead in dmg.


    Considering you can't get expertise till level 50 I'd say low level characters with no abilities expertise or talents getting smeared all over the wall in 3 shots has quite a bit to do with Ops/Scoundrels getting an absurd amount of kills. Bursty class is bursty, working as intended. Go to the 500k damage thread and you'll see every class kill alot and die a little, NERF EVERYONE.


    The lack of brackets was a necessary evil for the first few weeks of launch so the tryhards could pvp while everyone caught up, unfortunately it has created a tsunami of entitled lowbie QQ

  6. By no means do i want to start a qq thread here, but i'm curious as to anyone noticing any changes to their class / expertise in the last few days. I could be going crazy, some class has gotten buffed, had something been bugged out, or could just be finally fighting well geared characters, but it seems like I was getting completely decimated in pvp last night with my Consular (sorcerer) that has a bit over 10% expertise -- I felt like I was a fresh level 50 again. There were a few melee classes that made me feel this way, namely, i noticed a few jedi Sentinels just tearing me up -- it seemed i couldn't keep myself up no matter what.


    Again, i'm not ************ or anything; I'll deal with it, but I was wondering if anyone has felt the same lately.


    I think the classes esp. the Sith Warrior/Jedi Knight classes are more balanced once they start getting gear, much like a wow warrior. I've started seeing some of them them all jacked up on adrenals buffs and trinkets doing 6k AOE crits.

  7. you lost your money. I have 3 toons. no sorc.


    NOWHERE in my post did I use the word OP. I said they were poorly designed. There is a huge difference. OP'ed is a class that can do way too much damage or has too much cc etc. This class has it all. Big dmg, big cc AND can stealth away then come back, stun you and rip you apart. THAT is poor design. One post mentioned that when everyone lvls up they will be taken down fast. You can't kill what you can't see. The battle stealth needs to have a LONG timer on it. Perhaps once in a Warzone but certainly not insta stealth.


    To hedge my bet I rolled a smuggler and have been playing that.


    3 Toons eh? I bet not one 50, which explains why Scoundrels are 3 shotting you... maybe you should level to 50 and get pvp gear before flooding the forums with your baddie tears.

  8. These screenshots are so *********** dumb... OMG INSERT CLASS HERE did the most damage, clearly they need a nerf we should all do the same damage regardless of class/skill/gear/level!



  9. With only reading this, i can tell you're just trolling


    Bro, you just made the 20th thread today on ops and can barely form sentences, I think it's pretty clear who is trolling. Sorry if they are "cutting through you like better", your probably some lvl 14 baddie who just got 3 shotted.

  10. This is the dumbest thing I've seen posted on the forums. Congrats.


    Add another to the list of someone who thinks Operatives are extremely overpowered.


    Operative plays are in denial, of course they wont want their precious class nerfed.


    So far the top response to them being over powered is


    "Oh, you need to use a medpack".





    Good lord he just trolled the living **** out of you lawl.

  11. So me and another level 50 runs op to cap this point in the Alderaan warzone. Out of nowhere this scoundrel opens up and obliterates the other lvl 50 before I can even react. He then vanishes and opens up on me with a stun.


    Were you busy making a sandwich? Maybe if you had CCed/Healed/Killed the Op/AT LEAST PUT A BLEED ON HIM SO HE CAN'T VANISH!? you wouldn't be on the forums right now QQing about how you and your bad friend got wrecked 2v1

  12. That's because i intentionally don't put all of my abilities into my bars, the less i need to think about, the more efficiently I can play. Abilities like "your next skill uses no heat" on a 2 minute CD i do not keep in my bar.


    I don't even have tracer missile, and death from above with a 1 min CD is far from spammable.


    As a scoundrel I am appalled at the lack of buttons on your quickbar, I had no idea BH was so faceroll.

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