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Posts posted by Vonrichthoven

  1. Thinking about this made me realize that I'm a total racist... Here goes nothing...



    Tank-Male Human Guardian

    DPS- Male Zabrak Commando

    DPS- Male Human Gunslinger

    Healer: Female Twi'lek Sage


    Imperial (Scum):

    Tank Male Human / cyborg Jggernaut

    DPS: Male / Female Human Powertech

    DPS- Male Miraluka Assassin

    Healer- Male Chiss Operative


    Now the Empire really does have a giant human bias. Plus when I think of a mandalorian, I can't imagin them being anything else but human. I just feel that these are the generics with a little bit of variety.

  2. Maybe a good compromise would be to change your gear to guild colors? There could be a primary and secondary color. That creates uniformity while keeping diversity amongst different guilds so you still feel unique in a certain way.
  3. Hello. I recently hit 50 as a dark knight and was named republic general in place of jedi master, due to master Satele Chan's oh so humble rejection to grant me the title. I was never too fond for the order anyways, so that made me happy. What surprised me, is that when I went to the title selection screen, I found that the master title is in fact available while the General title is not. This doesn't make too much sense to me. Why do I have the title that was refused to me and not have the one I was given? I would suggest that you take out the master title and replace it with General for whom it applies.
  4. back dureing beta you get the general title instead but people complained (and it's fair eneugh, from a roleplay stand point you may wanna be a master but still go dark for entertainment in story reasons) that said new content will come. maybe the JK act 4 title will be general. remember Obi-wan was Master Kenobi before he was General Kenobi


    I agree that the master thing is good for rp in certain aspects. However at the end of the storyline they deliberately decide NOT to make you a jedi master. That's the whole reason you are named a general. Because the representative from the Republic military (is he supreme commander?) is outraged that you were not recognized as much of a hero to the Republic as you should have been. So he compensates.

  5. back dureing beta you get the general title instead but people complained (and it's fair eneugh, from a roleplay stand point you may wanna be a master but still go dark for entertainment in story reasons) that said new content will come. maybe the JK act 4 title will be general. remember Obi-wan was Master Kenobi before he was General Kenobi


    I agree that the master thing is good for rp in certain aspects. However at the end of the storyline they deliberately decide NOT to make you a jedi master. That's the whole reason you are named a general. Because the representative from the Republic military (is he supreme commander?) is outraged that you were not recognized as much of a hero to the Republic as you should have been. So he compensates.

  6. why else? ppl complaining of not getting the master title if they played darkside


    What I meant was that I don't really want the master title and don't deserve it because Ms. Shan decided not to make me a master. What I should have is the General title because that is what I was dubbed instead.

  7. Well, finished the class quest as a dark jedi. That stupid grand master decided not to make me a jedi master. However my good pal in the republic made me a general! However, when I look at my titles, the master title is available (wha?) and there is no general title. Why would bioware do this? WHY?
  8. Hey everyone. I just landed on Corellia and I am a dark knight so naturally I let Bengal live in the beginning. When I landed here, I was confronted by him and he promised awesome stuffs for me. So naturally I said thank you. THEN I KILLED HIM. Da ***? That was the dark side choice. Then when I opened a ticket, the rep said that he couldn't do anything. Now I am sad. Anyone want to tell me what happens when you let him live? And what stuff does he give you?
  9. Hey I just picked up my old copies of battlefront I and II, and I had this pretty cool, but stupid idea. Wouldn't it be awesome if they made a TOR era battlefront where you can customize your hero or implement it from TOR the same way you do in DA and ME? Just thought it was a fun idea.
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