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Posts posted by TheDetour

  1. So many features in the OP's list are irrelevant. Swimming, day/night cycle just to name a couple that would do absolutely nothing to improve the game if implemented. BioWare, these ought to be on the bottom of your list, if not discarded into the trash can and ignored entirely. There are a truckload of other important issues to address before discussion on these should even be considered.
  2. I wholeheartedly disagree with some of the original poster's suggestions, specifically and especially the gear suggestion and the suggestion for alternately colored reply text. When BioWare first started talking about their gear for SWTOR, it was their assertion that Jedi Knights ought to look like Jedi Knights: Troopers like Troopers, Operatives like Operatives... so on and so forth. The relentless homogenization of class looks has continued with the unfortunate removal of class restrictions on many pieces of orange gear. I ought to be able to look at a character and tell by what they are wearing, instantaneously, without looking at their weapon, or the abilities they use, what class they are. In the current state of the game, this is impossible.


    I also am not in favor of having alternately colored text for replies in chat. I have gotten used to chat the way that it is and I don't think it is wise to make such a sweeping change on the whim of one person (notice the OP did NOT suggest to make it an option). I like my chat just the way it is. Furthermore, I would suggest that there are a thousand papercuts that cut much more deeply than this does.


    In terms of my suggestion, the amount of colors for lightsabers really needs to be addressed. Not only has the unfortunate step been taken to remove many of the Light and Dark side restrictions on lightsaber colors, there is an obscene amount of colors to choose from. This rainbow cornucopia is unrealistic and unwanted.


    Red, Green, Blue, and sometimes (extremely rarely) Purple.

  3. Allison, these posts really show how out of touch you guys are with the community. When the best you have to offer is a pointless round up blog (We read the forums.... I don't need to read a reminder of what I already read - NEW content is desperately needed here more than a recap of what you already have), it is no wonder that the forums have spiraled out of control as you have suggested in your original post (which is quite the overdramatic exaggeration).


    Quite frankly, apathy reigns supreme with BioWare in TOR. There have been positive threads just as often (if not significantly more) than negative ones. Nothing spurs you, or more importantly, the devs to respond. You respond with a canned one line response only when the servers go down. Frankly, your actions are much more important than what you say you're going to do. Nothing has spurred you guys to do anything and we continue to mire along in 1.3 with no change or update in sight.


    We've been hearing about more content and more updates for weeks/months. You guys said that when the game came out, it would be time for you to start talking and stop saying soon. We're on 1.3 and I'm still waiting for this to happen.

  4. For players who are only interested in PvP, it is pretty frustrating to hear that many PvP groups are having success using Black Hole/Campaign mods inserted in their PvP gear because of the lack of value in Expertise (over a certain amount or cap).


    Do you intend for players to have to perform PvE activity to receive PvE gear to slot in to PvP gear for max results?

  5. This happened to me yesterday. I used Tenacity to remove the stun since my Resolve bar was full, but it didn't work. I died and respawned on the ship (in the Alderaan Civil War), but couldn't move and /stuck simply moved me 5 meters, where I was also stuck. I eventually was kicked out of hte WZ due to the deserter debuff.


    I have filed a ticket regarding this issue. I should receive comms, a WZ matched played, and Credits for that match.

  6. Whatever happened to this?


    "Once players reach the end of a raid, they won’t be relying on a percentage drop chance to see if they’ve earned a reward. Every player will receive their own reward package from which they can pick the loot they need, and every player receives Commendations, a type of currency that can be exchanged for high level rewards once the raid is complete. No player goes home empty handed. "




    Certainly not the case for Rakata.

  7. If you believe that someone is violating the Terms of Service, you are definitely encouraged to report that player by submitting a ticket in-game. Customer Service will take any necessary actions based on your report. I would never discourage anyone from doing this, but also wanted to offer some other solutions that may mitigate it immediately if it is having a negative effect on anyone's experience.


    What about for hackers? Been putting in a lot of tickets. Not seeing much in the way of action/bans.

  8. Last update from @SWTOR on twitter was 45 minutes ago. This is absurdly long for a restart.


    You would think that BioWare would learn from all the previous times we have complained about a lack of communication. This is exactly what we're talking about. No posts in the thread since about 2:15. It is currently 4:39 Central.


    Seriously: you guys need to hire some gamers to run your community. I would never in a billion years think that one update every 2 hours would be sufficient for a forum thread.

  9. Just as I feared in launching the game, BioWare made the same mistakes that Mythic did with WAR: instead of focusing on making the servers as robust and strong as possible, they took the easier and more conservative approach of launching a lot of them. That was a huge mistake when the game did not take off in the manner that WoW did.


    This is subjective, but I believe any server launch plan that HAS to be at least as (or more) successful than the most popular MMORPG of all time to function properly is a horrible plan. Launching that many servers was lunacy and BioWare paid for it with the server transfers we have now.


    Have they made a mistake again? Logging in tonight to Drooga's Pleasure Barge and we have a queue at just ahead of 9:00 Central. We have gone from having under 20 people on the fleet max to being back in queues. Why did you allow transfers to so few servers? We made it loud and clear when you launched the game that waiting in queue was not acceptable and you have made the same mistake for a second time.


    It isn't too difficult. We want people on the servers and we want to play when we log on, not wait in a line. Don't spew me the "We are monitoring the situation," copy/paste line you have ready. We don't want queues. Fix it.

  10. Just as I feared in launching the game, BioWare made the same mistakes that Mythic did with WAR: instead of focusing on making the servers as robust and strong as possible, they took the easier and more conservative approach of launching a lot of them. That was a huge mistake when the game did not take off in the manner that WoW did.


    This is subjective, but I believe any server launch plan that HAS to be at least as (or more) successful than the most popular MMORPG of all time to function properly is a horrible plan. Launching that many servers was lunacy and BioWare paid for it with the server transfers we have now.


    Have they made a mistake again? Logging in tonight to Drooga's Pleasure Barge and we have a queue at just ahead of 9:00 Central. We have gone from having under 20 people on the fleet max to being back in queues. Why did you allow transfers to so few servers? We made it loud and clear when you launched the game that waiting in queue was not acceptable and you have made the same mistake for a second time.


    It isn't too difficult. We want people on the servers and we want to play when we log on, not wait in a line. Don't spew me the "We are monitoring the situation," copy/paste line you have ready. We don't want queues. Fix it.

  11. Contrary to what a lot of people believe, Resolve does do what BioWare says it does. The problem is that it just doesn't do a very good job of doing what BioWare wants it to do, and that is avoid chain CC.
  12. I have been PvPing as a Vanguard and have recently respecced. I think it would be more optimal in my current spec to be using the Eliminator set, rather than the Combat Tech set. Why don't you guys make it a little more convenient to be able to switch between sets? Either being able to trade one set straight up for the other or by being able to trade one for the other when trading from Battlemaster to War Hero would be very nice instead of having to simply regrind all of the commendations.
  13. Still no word on this so I ask again BioWare.


    Please consider multiple destinations for origin servers so players have a West AND East coast option to transfer too. I'm on a low pop West server (that has inexplicably ... to me... not been chosen yet) and have moved, so I'd like to play on an East server. I'd like to be able to help you guys balance the servers if you can add in this minor tweak.


    I'd like to hear your opinion on that. I think it is a clear win-win for everyone involved.

  14. You seem to equate the hour in which last do an update to the amount of work that we are all putting into this. Many weekends and extra hours have been worked in order to bring us to this point. Within the past 48 hrs, we've opened up 122 servers for character transfers in a service that has run (relatively and knock on wood) smoothly. We understand your passion and desire for a transfer, but know that we are taking many factors into account, including making sure that servers are stable.


    Just posting again in case this has been glossed over: I'm really hoping you guys give options for people who want to switch time zones with their character transfer (East to West or West to East).


    That is something that I would love to do that would help you balance populations and help me out as well (Hyperspace Cannon is NOT doing well on pop... that is for sure).

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