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Posts posted by Supernautilus

  1. Yeah, just to clear a couple things up first, Gunslingers can not heal, nor can they stealth. That is a Scoundrel you're thinking of.


    Second, I play a Scoundrel, yes a squishy Scoundrel with thin armor and precious few defenses. I don't play any force user classes higher than level 15 or so, and I say Marauders and Sentinels are fine. Do they do massive damage? Hell yeah, but it seems to me that's what they are supposed to. They are the only class I really worry about in close quarters. When they are not around, I can pretty much rip people apart at close range with impunity. However, when Marauders/Sentinels show up, I really need to be on my guard, as they can rip to me shreds in seconds. I call that pretty balanced, in my opinion.


    Like another said before, get a good ranged class focused on them, like a Gunslinger, and they go down pretty quick. All classes have their strengths and weaknesses, you just have to hope your team has the proper class composition and knowledge to counter the enemy, it's that simple.

  2. Yeah seriously, you may want to consider rolling an alt or switching servers or something.


    I played warzones all day yesterday, and queues were popping so fast that I coud barely take 3 steps between matches. I never heard one complaint from anyone about this. Furthermore, all I heard from EVERYONE I played with was how awesome the PVP was now.


    On my server, the patch saved 1-49 PVP, and that's a fact.

  3. +1


    Pre-50 PVP is reborn in this game now. I did warzones all day yesterday and had more fun in one day than I've had in the last 2 weeks. At this point I really don't see where the incentive is to level to 50. The only thing I would have to look forward to is getting stomped into the ground by legions of players who have been maxed out and fully geared for ages now.


    I have 2 characters hovering in the 30-40 range and I almost wish they could just stay there. If I could level lock, I'd seriously consider it.

  4. Many pre-mades are apparently scared of a pre-made bracket. (next time you go against one, get one of them alone in a 1 on 1 confrontation, and you'll quickly understand why)




    Lol, this.


    One of my favorite things to do is to get one of these awful 50s separated from their talentless premades and annihilate them with my level 30 or 40 character. Of course, then you'll hear them moan about how the game is "not about 1 vs 1" or about how it's a "team based effort".


    That may be true...but you still stink. :D

  5. +1


    Ha, I know the all the noob 50s will be wailing and gnashing their teeth over this one. I don't think there is an ocean large enough to hold all the tears they will shed as they realize they actually have to learn to play for the first time in a month. Oh the horror! ;)

  6. If I see a bunch of morons that can't grasp the concept of focusing on healers, sticking together or find their huttball pass icon, I will drop.


    I have better things to do than waste 10 minutes with stupid people, dailies have nothing to do with it.


    Agree 100%. If you're not dropping a wz as soon as you see your team is full of nitwits and you are facing an OP premade, you deserve to lose. There's no reason anyone should have to sit through that, that's not what I pay my sub for.


    Besides, staying and letting the enemy farm you only helps their faction, not yours. If you're intentionally giving the enemy faction free valor, you might as well just join the other side.

  7. Yup. No go on that option. Had to change it fast, was clearly not the option for Voidstar, lol.


    Oh man, that stinks. This thread totally got my hopes up, I hate the tab targeting system.


    Maybe someday BW will catch up to 2012 and put a proper mouselook and targeting reticle option in the game like other mmos have. Hey, a man can dream. :D

  8. I find it funny that people cry for nerf on the least played class/AC in the game... are you serious?


    Scoundrel is designed to do one thing. Destroy 1 target from stealth. They do not have the crazy sprint/knockbacks/leaps/ranged CC that other classes bring to the battlefield.


    But hey, lets nerf them so that the 6 people that are playing them reroll. Then we can have a care-bear filled assassin free world for you to prance through with your pigtails flailing in the wind.




    What is it that Scrapper Scoundrels do really well at besides taking out targets quickly from stealth?


    Exactly. Our whole combat strategy revolves around doing this, and if they take it away the class will not be nearly as useful, unless they make up for it in some other area. Like you said, we don't have any crazy knockbacks and force leaps that other classes do. Don't even get me started about force users in Huttball, and the insane advantage they have on that map. Combine that clear disadvantage with our thin armor and low hitpoints and it's pretty obvious where Scrapper Scoundrels would stand if they nerfed our stealth abilities.

  9. I think the Bolster system works fine.


    I'm level 22 now and I routinely beat players higher level than me. Also, I know I've got my *** handed to me quite a few times by players lower than me.


    When my team loses, it's because the other team is more organized and/or more experienced. Skills and abilities are important of course, but if your pug team is facing a premade, you are going to lose no matter how many skills and powers you have.


    I say keep it the way it is.

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