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Posts posted by pringleso

  1. thanks for all of the feed back regarding this topic, i guess i have too just keep face palming slacking dps in my guild untill they get their acts together. i mean its really frustrating as i am a quite well geared tank with the implants and ear peice from the dailies and also columi bracers and my entire armor being level 51 mods mainly from the heroic 2 and 4 quests on belsavis and illum. i have no problem keeping aggro or taking too much damage its just the dps, im sure you can understand how frustrating it is.
  2. hello everyone, i was wondering is it just the dps i have been teaming up with or is this just a generall issue. bassicly every HM i have attempted in HM we allways seem too meet the enrage timer, either having too kite the boss for agis if possible if not just dying, now do the dps need too get there act in gear? or is it a common problem? i mean the dps i have been with have all level 50-51 mods.
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