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Posts posted by KillswitchUK

  1. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=335392


    Coming from the guy who can't even make his own build/rotation on the most easy class?


    I have a Battlemaster geared Sorc, and you know what? It's bloody easy. 6 main skills, few ccs, ran, slow and heals. Thats it. No need to worry about cooldowns cus most of your abilities are procs or don't have cooldow ns. 2 potential insta-cast ccs, a pull for friendlies, buble to prevent death before running and if specced, short large heals.


    Its stupid, so i re rolled a Vanguard, much more fun and feels very balanced, plenty of skill needed and i get to kill sorcs all day long!

  2. Im a sorc.


    I have a BM sorc, played for a fairly long time. Started to get bored, and re rolled a vanguard then a Scoundrel.


    WOW, now I see how easy it was playing a sorc was. Wityhout a buble and the hybrid (i can heal, stun and dps) build that is available to a Sorc, I have to play the game in a totally different perspective.


    No way should a sorc have that many abilities available to them (yes the bubble IS rediculous, no matter how many justifications are needed. I have survived so many times where I shouldn't of becoause of the buble).


    Now I am a fairly good pvper and win a majority of the time with my guild pre made. We know what we are doing, and I know what I am doing with a Sorc. I didn't really see the issue untill I re rolled. Honestly, It is rediculous how a Hybrid sorc has access to all the tool (Force Bending, Wrath AND chain lightning? Erm ok then...)


    Change the skill tree, thats all thats needed.

  3. I remember times when we bought a game and had fun with it. Yes bugs, we lived with it and fixes were coming anyways.


    Nowadays people pay some bucks for a game and expect to be seen as the only customer in the whole world, getting an absolutely perfect product without any flaw tailored for their needs and expectations and they think a company which received their few bucks is on duty to serve only their favors and ignore all the rest of the base. This is not only in the gaming sector happening. And that seems for me to be the reason for all the QQing (of younger gamers?).


    Read the posts. Most QQ come from people with a very limited single point of view, the ME-ME-ME-FIRST!-factor (my class, my character, my experience etc.). They ignore that there are others and they completely ignore the big picture. Balancing okay, suggestions okay, but most QQ is plain ******** (some call it lobbyism).


    I mean, is it just me observing such behavior lately?


    I agree, the latest is now moans of knockbacks and CC's. Its a part of the game. I get iritated by them, but thats the point, to stop/slow you down. It's a tactic universally used and accepted, except by a minority who cry because they don't have a god mode button. The fact that there is even a resolve bar is shocking for me, as in most other games I have come from there was no such thing :)!

  4. So you want a class which has knockbacks, stuns, heals and amazing burst? You have a weakness, learn to overcome it. Knockbacks are a strategic skill. I save my knockback in hu8ttbal for when it is neded. If there were no CC's, heals or knockbacks, how the hell are you expected to score? It's called teamplay, so if it annoys you, re roll.
  5. This is my first and perhaps last post, but I've had it with all the crying.


    I am a PVP player. I didn't play WOW, Rift or Warhammer. I player Flyff, Dekaron/2moons, Aion, Perfect world, Forsaken world and many other free MMORPGs (Bar Aion).


    Now all these games had one thing in common, character progression. I had to work hard to level, to gain gear, craft items, and finnaly have the luxury of dominating PVP because of that gear. I and many others played hard to get to endgame to be "the best". Now this is what an MMO is.


    -I never cried when a better player beat me, he had better gear so OFCOURSE he will beat me.

    - I never cried when a player beat me, he was higher level and played this game longer so OFCOURSE he will beat me.

    - I never cried when I was beaten down by many players in a group co-ordinated and utilising teamspeak or Ventrilo because OFCOURSE they will beat me by myself.

    - I never cried OP because a class beat me 1v1 because guess what, some classes have a weakness, and I actualy learned how to beat those other classes, or worked as a GROUP to beat them.


    People on the forums are actually the minority believe it or not. The majority of the people in my guild "DeathOrDishonor" on Ahto City don't bother with the forums, we just laugh and get on with the game. The same goes for the people i speak with around the server.


    Now this does not mean there is fault at the moment. Bugs left right and centre annoy the hell out of me, and I can understand why people unsub because of that, or get iritated.


    HOWEVER, what I get sick of seeing is the OP posts, moans about gear and the same S**T all over the place.


    Bag RNG is a pain in the arse, they changed this, great. Now lets see how things develop. I appreciate the ammount of time it takes to develop an MMO, 5 years or not, it would take me months to create just one of the areas in thsi game. The PVP needs plenty of development, but the game is set to constantly evolve. I come from MMO's where devs barely listen to ANYONE shouting and raving. Shout enough on this game, and you will get what you want, but shout about the things which matter.


    Less of the "OP THIS, OP THAT", learn your class. I am a sorceror, I have a weakness (believe it or not). My DPS isn't special, we are a hybrid class, utilising CC's, roots and dots to overcome out opponents. AOEs are our main burst, and thats how we wrack up high damage on warzones. Fight me 1v1 and I will lose the majority of the time if you are a good player with decent gear. If you can't beat me, thats because most likely my class is your weakness, or I am better than you. If you can't handle that, please go cry in a corner or to your mates, but not on the forums. I have NEVER seen the such a large amount of trolls, it makes me sick.


    Lets stop this and actually have discussions with the devs over the forums about problems which really matter such as the Ilum issues, and not moan about menial issues such as your lack of DPS damage therefore your class is UP when you are only level 40 with green gear.



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