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Posts posted by Dartan

  1. I agree with every point in this thread. Just getting BM bags in general sucks.


    Ilum daily takes forever as it is gated by people actually being in a gigantic zone and on the attack/defense.


    Warzone daily takes forever because the wins may not register and Empire PUGs suck. It can take anywhere from 1-2 hours a day.


    I have given up on getting anymore BM gear until the commendation rate is changed. Getting 4 extra rating on my armor and +30 power on my relics usage isn't worth the screwed up 4 hour grind I need to do every day. I'd rather play an alt, go raid, or go outside.

  2. If you could choose 3 places where to add a GTN for your faction, which would those be?


    Ilum, my ship, all 4 quarters of the Imperial Fleet. Basically, I would like it to be convenient and not have to wait 5 minutes to get to one due to the zones taking forever to load.

  3. Your right!!!! How silly of me.!


    There was I thinking i should go and find something else to do, But now you mention it, staying logged in the game and watching /report - ticket responses is far more productive.


    Thanks, for i moment there i wasn't thinking clearly.:o


    Sorry, I have 2 screens to play and complain on the forums.

  4. Hello Dartan!


    We would like to let you know that we removed your thread, "XXXX bot on Space Slug Rank 38 Valor" because we do not allow the public naming and shaming of possible bots, hackers, etc on the forums. There is nothing wrong with reporting them of course, but we do ask that you let us know by sending an email with all the details you can to support@swtor.com instead of on the forums.


    If you have any questions or comments please feel free to let us know by emailing the Star Wars: The Old Republic Community Team at bwacommunitysupport@bioware.com.


    Thank you!


    Already reported him. This was 5 days ago.




    Thanks for contacting the Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ Community Team with your report. Thanks for taking the time to let us know about this so we can investigate this! Please be sure to let us know of any more you may come across.


    Thanks again! ^_^


    Best regards,

    Eric Campbell | Community Coordinator | BioWare, a division of Electronic Arts Inc. | ecampbell@bioware.com | http://www.StarWarsTheOldRepublic.com



    5 days ago, he was 38. now he is 44.


    Here's a match I just lost. You can't see the 2 people who quit because they saw him (it's further down).



  5. I would advise submitting a /report!

    Then spend the next few hours watching at your ticket update to see if you can get him banned.



    ..........Meanwhile, he gets xp, and you don't.


    Or just ignore him ????? :rolleyes:


    How do you ignore your 8th member of the group who just afks at the base? Tickets aren't addressed as everyone who has reported him has seen nothing.

  6. People go crazy over everything! So he's botting or afk grinding xp through warzones and somehow its destroying your enjoyment of the game. It must really be difficult living in the real world for you to.


    You're about as cool as your signature font. I have to fight every warzone 7v8. So yes, it does take away from my enjoyment of the game.

  7. I have created threads. I have a direct contact to Bioware. There is one bot on Space Slug who queues almost all day and is already level 44 with lvl 20 gear on. He walks to the corner every match and just hides there. Bioware has done nothing about it and he has pissed off so many people on our server due to him afking.
  8. I have 3 companions sent out to do the same mission, "Double Dealing". It is unlocked from the 340 epic diplomacy mission. They all complete successfully and I receive messages to get 4 epic meds, 8 blue meds, 1 blue rank 5 companion gift (all assassin targeting history). I check my inventory and I have the right amount of meds, but only 1 companion gift. Fair warning to all.
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