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Posts posted by Lazoruz

  1. Hi all,


    I waited in a Q for about 30 min today just to play, and I realized somthing. This is ONLY THE PEOPLE who preorded. What is it going to be like when the game goes live on the 20th? Are we going to have hour long Qs, or are they going to open more servers?


    What do you all think?

  2. If the argument is that they didn't run enough EU people, fine.. And perhaps they don't have a way to flag an account as EU or not? Perhaps they are being America-centric at this point and waiting to see what happens over the evening..? And, if what you (and others) suggest is true and there just aren't the numbers they expected after tonight, then tomorrow they will increase the numbers in each wave?


    chillax, people.


    Flagging an account as EU or not is a simple matter of IP address.

  3. Bigest problem I see is that the way things are going the names will all be taken up before acctual launch and we'll all have crapy character names like Ig0tN3RfedbyBW. In wich case I REALY dont want to play! I had my characters names set adn in the beta even used them, so now by the time we get into the game before even the normal launch all the names will be reserved.
  4. Then how am I supposed to get early access with a game that hasn't launched so the codes won't recognize my account when I try to log in?


    I heard earlyer that they were having problems with Origin so maybe they still are.


    I think they just need to double the number of current servers and then send all the emails and get the whole head ache over with IMO.

  5. Hey,


    Just a little heads up as to how screwed up BWs little launch is. I called their Customer Service phone number (see on this page) http://www.swtor.com/support/form and the operator sad, "The number you have reached is no longer in service."


    My origin account still shows the game hasn't launched yet also, wich probably means I got the shaft on the early access. Just a heads up folks...

  6. One thing people are forgetting is thast the reason they are doing this is to t"test" the server stability before actual launch. YES, we paid money to gain early access, and YES we love teh Star Wars universe, but remember there are SO many of us that even a large company like Bio Ware may not have calculated the mamoth influx of players for such a vastly popular genere.


    People need to take into account that as much as BW, LA and EA have put into this game they may STILL have not predicted the massive amount of players and servers needed to support a game like this, due to sheer numbers of players.


    Granted I too, am a little peeved about being able to get on and play and perhaps the names for my characters are taken, but I still recognize the undertaking of BW in taking on a game genere like this...So please stop the rants and massive QQ threads and lets be a bit more understanding rom a developer's stand point, and eventualy we'll get to play.

  7. Hey all,


    I pre-ordered my game through Origin (so its FULLY paid for), and when I log in to my account on Origin the game slot still says "Unreleased". Dose that mean I'm not getting into the early access? I registered my game the day I ordered it through Origins on Dec. 1st.


    Any word on this?

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