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Posts posted by Senaini

  1. Why are the ones who start at level 60 unable to do the class missions? That seems counter-intuitive. They still need to learn about their class story, as I doubt someone is going to make a level 60 of a class they already have (unless they already have one of every class). Unless I'm missing something?


    Let us CHOOSE to sync our level to the world or not. Sometimes all you want to do is go kick the butt of some low level bad guys.


    Yes. Sometimes this is just what times call for - sometimes you just need to hand out a good old fashioned *** whuppin'. Sometimes you need to go back and smack the snot out of that one boss you spent an hour trying to kill, whether or not you had a buddy you could ask for help (and whether or not said buddy was on or offline at the time). Sometimes you are the one called to help your friend kill something or clear a path to something.


    Sometimes it's fun to go back and complete missions you left behind because you can do them quickly once you're way overleveled.


    Basically: if I get my character to 60, put in the time to outfit her to the teeth with appropriate gear, etc then that's the character I want to play: a full level 60. Not a half-gimped one depending on what area I happen to be in at the time. Our characters earn the right to stomp the area's level 5's if that's what we want to do. Forcing a "level sync" is like mentoring down in other games which is optional and specifically triggered at the time it is desired.


    Honestly, if I can't play as my full-fledged character who is as high in level and as bad *** as I could make her then I don't see the point of playing.

  2. I received 7-8 mails from sales earlier today with credits attached. The first in the list would open but gave an error - mail window was empty, no credits attached. The rest opened fine and I was able to get the credits from them. That first mail never did, and when I tried to log out then back in to see if that was the trouble, it was gone. I have no idea if it was an actual sale or a duplicate that fixed itself upon log out.


    There is definitely some weirdness going on.

  3. There were a couple of other recent threads with the same thing - I think they also had issues with grouping. They weren't showing in the guild even after they would quit and be reinvited, they couldn't start a group nor join one, group finder wouldn't work, etc. I'll see if I can find the other posts.


    [Edit] Here's one: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=543950

  4. Response would be clear in a world where CS droids carefully read the tickets submitted and understand them. However, experience tells us that is not the world we live in, and any CS droid answer is subject to further conflicting responses and canned answers.


    Unfortunately true. They've been known to give erroneous answers - sometimes nothing to do with the question in the ticket to begin with.


    Thanks for posting the response to your ticket, though. I'm just hoping this particular CS Droid is mistaken ;)

  5. What nerf are you referring to?


    Mainly, that non-crit Rich or higher missions return half the expected amount of materials. There are multiple threads in crew skills, costomer service, etc. Some here:







  6. -Jittery text in chat upon mouseover - almost like it slightly changes font style

    -[bug'ed in-game] Craft schematics have reverted to not showing that you already know that one until after the 'learn' animation sequence - *and* consume the schematic

    -Mouse issues, not real sure what triggers it. I'll right click to turn and suddenly I'll be looking from an upside-down viewpoint, that sort of thing. I'm in windowed mode, if that helps.

    -[bug'ed in-game] "loc:xx:text" text on certain items instead of the actual string (hover over legacy icon, guild rename reminder window). For example, when hovering over the Legacy icon, informational text in the right corner that is supposed to appear instead says "loc:83:portraitbar".

    -Headgear slot requires using the toggle in the character pane, rather than in preferences, to work.

    -Log-in first time did not respect setting if head slot set to not show - if it was set to show, it was fine (basically showing the head slot regardless of setting).

  7. Sorry but I think that any guild that shared the same name with another and transferred to the server the original guild is on, should have been forced to change their names. This @ (Server origin) name is ridiculous and idiotic. Force the other guild who came over from a different server to change their name. It's been like that for other games, should be for this one too. it cuts down annoyance and confusion. Last thing I want is some raging jackhat to misrepresent a guild they're not associated with simply because they share the same guild name but are from a different server.


    Seeing <Happy Ponies @ the server1> and <Happy ponies @ Server 2> is going to cause a ton of confusion. Server 2 should be forced to name change. No ifs ands or buts.


    I agree, the naming is quite annoying. Kind of a problem if the Guildmaster no longer plays, too, as they are the only one with rights to rename the guild. We had one on a server that died, and recreated it on an alive server - and both were transferred to the same server yesterday. So now we have 2 guilds with the same name @ server 1 *and* server 2 *and* neither has an active Guildmaster :eek: Not sure if there is a server 3 or if we're just in conflict with each other.


    I've had a ticket in to CS about this but have not yet received a response.

  8. Does this mean that not all of our characters will be on the same server?? How will that work for guilds that raid and such?


    From how the FAQ reads, the maximum character allotment will expand to accommodate however many you have that are being merged to that server. So if you have 8 on Fatman, and 8 on Sword of Ajunta Pall, you'll end up with all 16 once they're merged to Prophecy of the Five.


    "If the server consolidations have resulted in your account having more than 12 characters on your new server, you will keep all of your characters, and they will all remain available for play. "



  9. I've been spending some time in the first few days after the transfer just reading the chat on the Fleet - to see how people like the change. Most people are very happy. There are several unhappy minorities: people who lost names, people whose guilds did not survive the move, and people who simply dislike 500 people in the same chat channel at the time. Overall, my estimate is that the percentage of happy people is in the high 90s. I also saw a lot of people return after a hiatus, claiming TOR is fun again.


    Only a certain amount of people actually speak in general chat. If everyone in that channel did, it would be chaos. Some people are quiet in chat, for many different reasons... but their opinions still matter, whether they voice them there or not, and to pull an overall figure from that is pulling figures out of thin air. So to clarify.. 90% of the people who speak up in fleet while you happen to be reading during a certain time frame are happy. Which means nothing, as the silent majority has not been counted.

  10. I have not seen this asked yet: Will people who re-rolled on a server like Fatman, but who now cannot transfer their mains there due to it not being their destination server, be able to transfer them there maybe in Phase 2? It's not like it would be a population increase, as they are already there. This should have been an option - something like: if you had a character on that server as of a certain date, you'd be eligible to transfer your other characters there.


    Not asking for me really, as I've unsubbed and my time runs out in July. I was waiting to see if I'd be able to move from PVP > PVE before resubbing and it's not looking likely. But most of the friends I knew who played and unsubbed were waiting for the above (reunite their chars on Fatman) to resub and play again. 90% of our guild from Sword of Ajunta Pall did this, and we were not the only ones.

  11. I originally wanted to roll on a PvE server or a RP server, but a bunch of my RL friends wanted to roll on a PvP server so I joined them. I enjoy PvP but I hate ganking and being ganked, which is what open-world PvP always turns into in a game that's primarily PvE like this one. I knew that would be the case so I just wanted the warzones when I felt like it and wanted to quest in peace when I didn't.


    Now my RL friends have quit, my guild is basically disbanded, and I'd really rather extend my playtime here by finding a nice medium RP and endgame PvE guild. So I would love to transfer over to another server where I can actually get that and enjoy playing the game and finish gearing up my characters while waiting for Makeb and the other new content in 1.4.


    ^ ^ ^ To the letter, exactly why I want to move to PvE.

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