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Posts posted by Baaddare

  1. When they last attempted to allow purchasing cartel coins from in game. I went through the process and was enabled. Now it says i have to enable again and again it is not counting any of my previous purchases. Now I know one of the issues they had the last time was that the system was suppose to count previous purchases towards enabling.

    I am interested in knowing if anyone has had their previous purchase count and can just click the enable button at the site or if they are being required to make a purchase first again.

  2. I see you just announced the price of your new car, La Ferrari, for $1.3 million.


    $1.3 million. Really? For a *********** car?


    I mean, $40,000 is FAIR. Like, I would even shell out $60,000 for it. But $1.3 million? Are you out of your mind? Who would pay that kind of money for a mode of transportation?


    Coming to think of it, I don't really NEED a Ferrari. I mean, it would look NICE if I drived it, but I won't actually die if I didn't have it.




    Least expensive Ferrari is the California model lists at 160,000. however once you add in all the taxs, dealer prep and markups you will be at around 260,000 USD.

  3. Your probably right...I'm dreading having to do that though :)


    Bought so many coins already...the draw was the 50 percent off. Didn't want to have to buy more at full price just to buy some at half price.


    If they can't fix it or change it it will not be that big of a deal. Just would have been nice.


    Ya i know. Even after getting it enabled we have to purchase coins ingame in order to use the 50% discount. My whole reason was to just purchase an nice armor set at 50% off with the coins I already had. But no.. i wound up making two purchases on the site to finally get it enabled and now have to make a third ingame (whenever the servers come up) to finally buy the armor. So when all is aid and done I could have just bought coins the old fashion way received the bulk bonus and just bought the armor.

  4. You might have had better luck than me...I actually have about 6 cards assigned to my account that I have used at different times, I purchased plenty of coins over time.


    The last coin purchase I made was a debit purchase and I didnt want to use that card...it was the only one it was offering to choose to use. I deleted that card from my account since I didn't want to use that one, and even when I changed my default payment to another card it didnt change to that card in the pop up.


    After deleting my debit card it told me I had to buy coins.


    Obviously I would prefer not to have to purchase more coins on the website just to purchase coins in the game, considering how many coins I have already purchased....17500 coins, not including the 450 I purchased recently with my debit card, nor the sub rewards/sec key grant.


    Yea...Ive purchased too many coins lol.


    I would hazard it is set up to only offer you a choice of cards that you used to make a purchase after this feature went into effect. So guessing you would now have to make a coin purchase with your new default card inorder to enable.

  5. Hmmm...It appears to me that an account just needs an active credit card attached to it. I have my original card from way back before I started using prepaid timecards, and it enabled fine on my account for in game CC. Since the first purchase is 50% off.. I'm thinking about breaking my own rule and buy some via the in game discount. :)


    When I selected /enable it gave me a pop-up to select the credit card, or refuse to enable.


    Maybe your issue is you do not have a card currently attached to your account? Or.. maybe a geographic thing? I'm in the US.


    seems you are correct. Even though i made a purchase with paypal that was not enough. After seeign your post i made one with my cc that is attached to my account for my sub and it finally allowed me to enable.

  6. Go to your account and cartel coins section, click enable and it'll say...


    Want to enable purchases of Cartel Coins from the in-game Cartel Market?

    You must make a purchase of Cartel Coins on swtor.com before you can enable a payment method for Cartel Coin purchases in the game.


    It tells me I need to make a purchase, but I have made purchases in the past. It doesn't explicitly say I need to make a recent one or how to make it. When you hit the SUBMIT button nothing happens at all, it won't enable or tell you why it won't.


    yes however, that message says nothing about having to use a CC to make the pruchase. I have yet had to use a CC to make a coin purchase.

  7. Just tried to enable it. Even bought a few more coins as it claimed was required. Still would not enable. Since I was going to purchase a higher cost item yesterday I was excited by the 50% discount so held off. I do hope that once they get it fixed the purchase i made of coins today counts as it was suppose to for enabling.
  8. They did not send an email that changed it, so my original email that says April 24 is valid according to my bank. Additionally, it is silly to think that it is anything other than trying to pad their sub numbers for their upcoming report. Pretty sad way to handle what was a really nice gesture. God, could EA get any more evil?


    These numbers would have little to do with their upcomming report as the quarter they are reporting on in May ended March 31st.

  9. You will certainly love my response. This would never ever ever happen at Activision/Blizzard. I would open a ticket and they would immediately deal with it appropriately. Anything said otherwise isn't true and I won't respond to it, because that is how my account was handled from beta until 2 months ago when I finally unsubbed.


    and what woudl you put in your ticket? Dear Blizz i know you sent me and email sayign that I woudl recieve a free 30 days at 11:59 CDt. I know you then posted a change to allow others to meet a requiremnt by 11:59 cdt to receive by 11:59 CDt to also receive the free 30 days. I know it is 8 hours 50 minutes till then but where is my free 30 days?

  10. So wait...you got an email saying you are eligible for 30 days? How come I didn't get one =( I'm active and was legacy level six a few days before the time was up to get it.


    They changed the requirements after the emails were sent extending the deadline to reach lvl 50 or legacy r by 11:59 CDT. When they sent the emails it was to all the people who had reached lvl 50 at that point. When some people pointed out that they did not have a lvl 50 but had quite a few toons becasue they kept making alts and enjoying the stories BW made the change. They then added leg 6 and said you had til 11:59 cdt to reach the requirements.


    Now to those cliaming they made a date change. They never did. The emails said april 24, 11:59 cdt. we have not yet reached that time period. it is still 8 hours 53 minutes away.

  11. What I find amusing about anti-addon people is their complete and total lack of understanding on the subject.


    You do realize the game has 100% complete control over what addons to allow and which to stop?


    Its pretty clear the Devs at this point don't want to allow DPS addons where we can see everyone's performance. Guess what, if they allowed addons they could still disallow DPS addons.


    There are so many other uses for them that have zero impact on the game play of others.


    GTN, Crafting, Threat Meters, UI Interface, and so on.


    Don't come on here and oppose something you don't even understand.


    well we do not need a UI interface addon since we have a fully customzable UI. which they already stated they are alwasy looking for feedback on to see if it needs any changes or additions. A threat meter can be added with out allowing addons. As can many other items.

  12. How, many times did you respect this week? Each week the costs reset to 0 for the first and then progresses upwards during that week. I am guessing you are not lvl 50 since at that lvl 48k is a drop in the bucket? I am not flaming i am just wondering given your cost of 48k as it would appear that it was just your second respect for the week? ( not counting the free one from 1.2)
  13. Question, does the "head of the que type system" they put in not work on your server? I play on Freedon Nadd and our que runs around 45m-1hr. However, if someone gets DC and can log back in, realatively fast, they get put to the head of the que. BW added this feature in the first few weeks. I know it has helped our guild the few times someone has gone DC during an Ops. Thus I am wondering if the system is broken with regards to your server.
  14. It's because you don't know what you are talking about and that is the bottom line. The razer crystals are offered in 41 power,expertise, stam and critical rating via a vendor in coruscant. So basically you don't know anything. I wont even address the fact that you feel these Color Crystals are different. WHICH THEY ARE but come on even a child can see how similar they are...


    I did not say they were not similar I said i can easily see the difference between the. I was unaware that the razor crystals come in higher versions just as the preorder ones do. As i stated in an earlier thread if that was the case it would tilt the argument towards your side as you could be using the crystals towards endgame.

  15. Part of the issue would be the legacy names. I am sure you could see the difficulty in getting a name if you were competing with people from the entire game not just your server. I to have toons on different servers and can feel your pain.
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