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Posts posted by Rayik

  1. Most people are just looking for an update. Plain and simple. We aren't demanding it be added tomorrow, we aren't demanding everything else be dropped, we aren't demanding this take priority over everything else. We just want an update. I see much fear on this forum. Fear and ignorance hiding behind statements and people saying; 'I've got nothing against you or people like you BUT...' I've heard this my whole life. You aren't kidding anyone.


    Unless you've grown up in our world, in constant fear at school or at work, being treated different because of who you fell in love with. Beaten up, made fun of, seen the actual hatred in someone's eyes when they see you and your partner together. Unless you've faced this first hand you really have no right to comment.


    Put yourself in our shoes. If the world around you was opposite. If the game only allowed same gender romances. How would that make you feel? Would you not want to see opposite gender ones added?

  2. Why should I have to spend credits on content other players enjoy for free?


    Why is there all this relentless focus on finding a way not to see the option to [Flirt] with a character's own gender, while no one cares abour opposite-gender content, Dark Side content or other such points in conversations where one is faced with a significant choice?


    People who are bothered by that choose the other options. I have never seen an argument why this should be treated any differently other than "because I don't like it."


    20,000 credits isnt much money... I was just saying it was something I thought would be neat. I imagine having the flirt option pop up could really bother some people. Hell even make it a free purchase. Anyway, I'm 100% for as I'm gay and would love to see these options. I was just trying to think of a way that would make everyone happy... But that's probably the Canadian in me talking.

  3. I was thinking the other day as I was looking through one of the companion customization vendors, that it would be neat to have same gender romances tied into this vendor. IE you could go buy one of the options and it would open up flirt and romance options with that companion. That way the people who would be bothered by even seeing the option appear in normal dialogue options wouldn't get offended. It would also open up the opportunity for that companion character to openly flirt with you in normal conversations.
  4. It wasn't marked! Though I have seen that flirt tag before. It was something about celebrating my birthday and I replied but it's not my birthday.... Now that I think of it, sounds like the start of a bad porno.


    Anyway! Back on topic... Checked my email but I didn't get anything asking for feedback. But I'll keep my eyes open for one.


    Has anyone considered starting some kind of campaign? We need to make it impossible for them to ignore the question any longer. And I'm not saying they should drop what their doing and add it in, but just take a minute or two and come up with an answer as to when. Or if they don't know when, just say so. The silence speaks volumes though... And I fear continued silence will lead to anger and frustration and people will start canceling their subs.

  5. I agree, any update at all would be appreciated. I know they read these things so it's not as though they don't know the community really wants to know an update.


    So it's either that they don't want to reply because it will upset a large group of the community (ie its not going to happen anytime soon if at all) or they are hoping if they ignore it for long enough we'll just give up asking.

  6. Hello,


    As a QA tester I can certainly respect the difficultly of adding in same gender romance options to current companion characters. In fact I'd say it would be nearly impossible and the time going over the code better spent elsewhere... That being said, do you have an update on when we can expect same gender romances? Realistically I'd not expect to see this until new companion characters are introduced. Are you able to provide an update or even confirm that this is still in the works?

  7. Howdy,


    I've been a healer in every MMO I've ever played, but due to the amount of healing sorc's in our guild I've been asked to fill a DPS spot and I'll be honest I'm a little lost having never done that type of a role outside solo play.


    Any help/pointers would be great! Also should I lean heavy on crit over other stats like surge?



  8. In reply to a few:


    The proc is random unless I cast kolto injection... then I know for sure I have a proc... otherwise its random off my HoT... so it can be hard to keep track of if I'm in the middle of heavy healing.


    To some others... I've been playing MMO's since Tsunami on a MUD in college, so I have some skill in the area... I've been raiding and leading raids forever. So it's not that I'm a bad player... it's just I feel the tools provided to me aren't very good right now.... they were fine to the point I could handle them, and I'm sure if this change keeps as is, I can get used to it... but I see no reason why they should make it all that much more difficult on us. I doubt you are playing as an operative healer and posting that, because I'm sure you'd feel the same way.

  9. Please please please remove the new GCD ASAP!


    You have no idea how difficult this makes my already difficult healing rotation. I'm willing to overlook the fact that two of our medic talents don't even work currently, but this makes it impossible to heal AT ALL.


    I'll try my best to explain.


    Because the new GCD effect blacks out all my skills, I have no idea when my TA has proced or not. That means I have no idea if my surgical probe is ready... unless I'm listening to my guy laugh and keeping track in my head or watching my TA stack while also trying to run out of enemy AOE effects and watching health bars of the group. You've made it almost next to impossible to heal now. I tried healing just a few group quests to get a feel for it, and it was a terrible experience. I'm considering shelving this character until it's fixed as it is simply unplayable.


    I have no idea when half of my healing spells are ready to be cast! Add into the mix that there's a half second animation delay during the process, it's a huge mess!


    If you don't want people to play operatives, just get rid of them and let us re roll as sorc's!



  10. Why am I being charged 15% sales tax on my subscription fee because I live in Canada?


    I've never been charged sales tax on any other MMO subscription I've ever played.


    This doesn't make sense... I'm now paying 17.50 / month when I can go get a game card at ebgames and no sales tax is charged on that!


    Please provide me with an HST registered number... this is required by federal law if you are charging sales tax.... I can't seem to find it anywhere on the site or my account info.

  11. I'm also waiting and hoping for this... I think it was already said that they will be adding same gender romances but not until later. I keep an eye on every chat and every post about upcoming new content, but sadly this hasn't been mentioned again past the first time they said 'it will happen eventually.'


    I will assume, as has been mentioned that it won't happen with any of the current companions and might happen when / if they add new companions. Which hopefully will be in a new content patch and not an expansion... Otherwise it would be at least a year or more.


    I'm getting kind of tired of the female chars making advances on me and then losing affection when I have to turn them down. Also there are several cut scenes that you know are set up to give flirting dialogue options but the dialogue wheel doesn't display them because of the gender barrier. I recall one on my operative where I was being flirted with but all my replies were different options of 'I'm not interested.'


    I have faith in Bioware though, they have yet to let me down on same gender romance options and have been for years the leading company when it comes to that.

  12. Yeah, I was online for about 2 minutes... I waited an hour and a half to get online.... then bam... d/c from server.... thrown back in the queue... estimated wait time... 2 hours and 5 minutes.....


    Needless to say, I logged out and am now going to sleep....


    Seriously... I didn't pick the server, they picked it for me... my entire guild got placed there and we've been together for years in other games, so I'm kinda stuck.


    But I don't have a lot of time to play, maybe one or two hours a day tops... I can't spend three hours just waiting in a queue.


    I really enjoy the game when I can play, but somethings got to be done about these queue's... not even release day yet, that scares me the most.

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