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Posts posted by ptwonline

  1. So I was standing at the PVP terminal, the pop-up for GSF came, and I entered the match.


    A couple of minutes later I have a "You have been defeated" dialog box over the middle of my screen--during the GSF match--that I could not clear. (makes it hard to fly and fight!) After the match I came back to fleet and found my char lying dead still in front of the PVP terminal.


    Any ideas?

  2. And rep items are auto use upon receiving them, so you can no longer stack them for later use after the weekly cap is over. If you are maxed out they simply vanish into thin air.


    Hmm. I know for Iokath I still get rep tokens that go into my inventory. Maybe they missed that one?


    And if that is true then I guess the old space mission Impossible Sector doesn't count towards the last level of rep anymore since my max rep left for the week in still 12000? Dang. It means I will have to keep trying (and failing every single time) the heroic missions. What a bummer.

  3. Just came back recently and was doing Conquest. I made my personal goal on multiple characters and the guild made their invasion goal, and the next week I was offered a choice of Flagship Plan Encryptions. I chose Command for each character.


    Now I'm looking through my inventories and I cannot find them at all. Are they no longer used? Do they get stored somewhere as a currency? is there a bug that stops you from receiving them?


    I also did one of the old space missions for fun and I got awarded a rep item (Space Scrap or something like that) but it too never ended up in my inventory. Also just the Czerka daily/weekly mission area, and one of the rewards again was supposed to be a rep item that I am sure I used to sell since my rep is maxed out, but I never actually received it.


    Is this some kind of bug or was a change made so that I do not receive these items since perhaps they are obsolete now? Thanks!

  4. Make sure every piece and component is the best you can get. It's supposed to offer you something equivalent or higher, tho' several peope have reported that this isn't always the case.



    This definitely isn't the case. I had a 300 helm and got 3 that were under 300, and 3 others that were 300. I had a 299 offhand and a couple of lockbox drops and 6 purchased from the vendor were all 298 somehow.

  5. My main has been stuck at item rating 300 for 3 days. About 30 items from lockboxes and they were all 274-300 even though my item rating is 300 (lowest item was 298). I've now managed to bump my rating to 301 from buying armoring, mods, and enhancements directly via tech frags, and those were all 302.


    So are the lockboxes capped at 300 or am I just unbelievably unlucky?



  6. Objectives and their points – Conquests are meant to be an activity that someone can work on throughout the week as they play the game. Previously, Conquests were very homogenized in that there was very little diversity among each week. We used this opportunity to spread out what objectives were available in each Conquest.




    Please, don't try to force players into activities they dislike. You say the activities were too homogenized. I say they weren't homogenized enough. But there was often enough for people to do what they liked--Ops, Heroics, PvP, Flashpoints, GSF--to make their goals. If you try to force PvPers to run flashpoints or PvE'ers to PvP or solo players to run Ops, you're going to lose them for good.


    Options are GOOD. Letting people do what they like is GOOD. If you want to give different weeks/invasions flavor, make bonuses for doing those activities, or add very specific activities in addition to the more generic ones. But leave the other options in place and let them be repeatable.


    As for guild size and planet invasion size, unless you start giving away very valuable things (CM Crates for example) then the rewards will make almost no difference to them. They will still go after planets based on what specific planets they want to win. Big guilds will always have new players missing a planet here or there, and so that is what they will go after. The only real cure for this--unless you want something radical which I am happy to suggest--is to make more planets available each week, allowing more winners, and eventually fewer guilds making all-out efforts to win a planet thus giving someone else a chance.


    As for crafting: yes, it was too dominant, but only on weeks where it was repeatable. But what these weeks did was allow even very small guilds to have a chance to win with enough preparation, especially because Total Galactic War had so many planets. In fact, I say that it didn't go far enough: EVERY SINGLE PLANET should be available in Total Galactic War, and with reasonable, repeatable crafting, thus giving every guild a chance to win every planet if they are dedicated enough. That wasn't the case in the old system, and it laughably impossible even with your suggested revisions to the new conquest. This is discouraging, and makes Conquest seem a lot more pointless with the Galactic Conqueror title/achievements out of reach. Players will either give up on their guilds and slink away to join the giants, or give up on their guilds and the game altogether.


    Alas, I predict that it will be very similar to Command XP: you'll tweak and adjust and a year from now you'll have a system very much like the old system, only more clumsy.

  7. 2. I completely understand wanting to give more opportunities to different sized guilds, but I don’t see how the current system with just three planets does that. The same 3 guilds that won before are winning now. To me the fault is in just having 3 planets for a very large number of guilds in a server. When Iokath first came out and it was just 1 planet per server the same guild kept winning it each week. I think there should be more planets as a way to create more opportunities. If six planets was the standard then that would double the amount of guilds winning and would allow others to compete. Maybe even more planets in some week, not rarely when the Total Galactic War week happens.


    Exactly! The way to help small guilds was not this separation into small, meduim, large with minimal rewards differences. The way to do it was to have a larger number of planets each week. Spreads guilds out more to give a better chance of winning, as well as gets more guilds wins so they won;t go all out for it again next time.

  8. It's still amazing to me that after all these years (since Beta), one of my first observations and complaints still holds true: they really don't seem to understand their playerbase very well.


    It led to so many poor decisions even from the design stage, and so many poor decisions since then. Unlike another major MMO who seemed to figure things out a decade ago, these guys still seem to make major errors with new things because they don't appear to understand their players. Look at three of the latest major changes/content additions: conquest revamp, Iokath, Command XP. They soiled the bed with each one, and they should know better by now.

  9. Conquests were one of the last things that kept me motivated and playing. Now the points awarded are so low that it's a grind even on one or two characters, and my very small guild has little or no chance of even making the "Small Guild" total.


    Even crafting--the one equalizer that gave us a chance some weeks--is ridiculous now.


    Well, I guess that's it for me. Thanks for 5 years Bioware.

  10. I often fly strikes these days, but when I hop into a GS I do notice that the thing I die most to is a protorp crit or when I am a bit down on health. Usually a protorp (non-crit) hit at full health takes me deep into the red.


    Is reinforced armor enough to survive through a protorp crit in gunship these days?



  11. I'm sorry but maybe I'm not understanding. I'm looking as my conquest tab and the first 6 icons are repeatable crafting missions.


    2 things:


    1. The switch changes the points values for War Supplies vs Invasion Forces. Invasion Forces (repeatable) are only worth 1/3 as much as they were going to be worth, which is the difference between winning and losing depending on the mats you had stockpiled.


    2. Instead of 3 planets and guilds spreading out giving more chances for top-10 and outright victory, it's only 1 planet which means absurd point totals to even make top 10.

  12. This is disappointing. Very disappointing. Our tiny guild has one planet left to get from the two 3-planet crafting weeks. We had prepped to do 90-100 million points (70+ million points from me alone. Do the math--the effort required is ludicrous.) This would have liberated us to only have to focus on crafting once or twice a year on the much easier Total Galactic War. Now we have to keep prepping, and there is an even harder crafting-conquest achievement now: Iokath and the single planet. Ugh.


    I guess I'll keep stockpiling away and trying to figure out how I can do 100 million points on the last day/following morning that it will take to win. Has to be last day or else the mega-guilds can react and swat us like flies. I can only craft 1000 War Supplies/Invasion Forces per run, so I guess I'll need a lot more characters and companions. And I have to somehow do it soon because if there's a server merge we'll never win a planet again.


    The Influence for companion missions helps but is just a drop in the well. I've made about 250,000 influence from that so far, but I needed 10.5 million to get the rest of my crafters up to rank 50. Ugh.


    Bioware--if you're reading this maybe it will give you some idea of what small guilds have to go through just to have a chance in conquest. It's absolutely ridiculous, and your implementation of the Iokath conquest makes it even worse.

  13. People avoid PvP because they are averse to failure. Being killed = failure. Being killed over and over = huge failure, and they hate it. The inevitable berating and mocking that follows doesn't help either.


    To get these people to PvP more you need to create battlegrounds where there is more of a PvE kind of element. Objectives that do not necessitate (but could involve) actual PvP, such as gathering resources or capturing one of many, many objectives that is unlikely to have much or any actual players defending it.


    If you've ever played WoW, you know how popular something like Alterac Valley has always been even with people averse to PvP. Why? Because there is very little direct, 1-on-1 or small group PvP, and plenty of PvE-like objectives for them to do.


    The same approach--more PvE-like objectives--could also be a huge boon to GSF.


    You can learn the MK-16 (blue) version of it at the trainer, then you RE it (100% chance) to 216 rating, then you make the 216 one and RE it (again with 100% chance) for the 220 version.



    Can anyone confirm that this is working? I crafted the 216 Defiant version of a pistol, but the item shows "No Research Available" and so I am scared to try REing it for the 220 schematic.

  15. No. The real goal is to nerf crafting, that's it...nothing more. Anything resulting from the nerf (which was needed), is just unintentional consequences. You give them too much credit for thinking this through.


    It looks like easily repeatable Heroics are also being removed from Conques, and so the main, remaining, repeatable ways to get points will be...PvP and GSF.

  16. The change described here runs completely opposite to the goal described here.


    I suspect the real goal is to try to make people PvP more because PvP "content" is ultra-cheap for the amount of use it gets.


    They think that they can get people to PvP by removing the other options. It seems clear that they do not understand how deep the hatred for PvP runs in many people. Once PvP is the only reasonable souce left for Conquest points (flashpoints take too long, Heroics wil need groups again) Conquest will be about as popular as the GSI quests.

  17. On Monday August 3rd Shadowlands server crashed and nobody got their Conquest rewards on Tuesday August 4th.


    Perhaps this time with all of the servers restarting (not just Shadowlands) whatever it was that affected Shadowlands this time affected all the servers? That means it would have been a change uploaded to the servers to take effect upon a restart some time before Aug 3rd. Just a thought.


    BTW, tell your CSRs to be a bit more careful. To fix the last time the conquest rewards did not go out, the CSR actually logged in to all my characters at some point. Fine...except he did it on Monday when I had all the crafting ready to turn in on the Tuesday, and I lost it all. Around 250 craftings. So infuriating.

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