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Posts posted by Atomic_Universe

  1. I originally pre-ordered the game in November thru Amazon and registered my pre-order and got in early access on the 15th etc and all was fine.


    The thing is tho...I cancelled my physical Amazon pre-order a while back because at that time there wasn't going to be a grace period, so I thought I'd just download the digital version on release day.


    So here we are, the game's been released and I'm still playing my early access with 2-days grace, but I can't actually buy the game because the digital edition is sold out?


    Bizarre launch!


    Please release the digital edition soon so that I can start paying for what I've been playing!


    (p.s. I couldn't pre-order the digital edition originally because Origin doesn't accept PayPal for pre-orders)

  2. If you click on "my account" and then "pre order" it will tell you the date you redeemed your code...well that's the page you should have redeemed it on anyway.


    Hope you didn't try to redeem it on Origin's site.



    Oh well, there you go...you redeemed your code on Dec 9th

  3. When you create your character and give him/her a name does it have to be just one name on its own or can you have a first name and surname?


    Can you have spaces or underscores in it?


    I'm trying to think of a really unique name, but I'd like two like my forum username but more Star Warsy.


    I was in the beta but I cant remember how it worked cos I wasn't that bothered about a name at the time.

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