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Posts posted by Arsynic

  1. I have a Sith Maurader on The Fatman and a Jedi Shadow on Keller's Void and it's like I'm playing two different MMOs. One's a vibrant community and a perfectionist dream as I'm +3 levels ahead of all my objectives because I completed all FPs and Heroics with no problem finding groups. The other is a barren wasteland where I might see another real person now and then. My character is struggling as I'm left to complete a class storyline that I'm underleveled for. The Republic Fleet might have 50 people on it and all I'm left to do to get some money and XP is to play Warzones, which I absolutely hate. Especially when it's mostly ****ball. It just feels dead.


    So I'm left to shelve my 2 month investment of time and energy and focus on a new character. Has anyone else basically had to quit playing a primary character due to a low population?

  2. The random instant group is inferior in many ways. You've taken all control of group creation and management away from the players. Even if all four players are good, they've never played with each other before and don't know each other's tendancies. But then you add the guy who is undergeared and it drops the quality. That guy might not get into a PUG if the leader thought he needed more content-appropriate gear. Add in the guy who doesn't know how to play his class very well and it drops the quality more. Add in a guy who likes to be a jerk and it drops through the floor. Those people are far less likely to be involved in a standard PUG, because the players create those groups and make those decisions. Once you introduce random instant groups into the game, they become the defacto base group for it, and that is why you're not going to see a difference after the fact. Because the game is tuned for those groups, like WoW already is.


    There are so many ways to improve people's ability to get groups without going to those extremes. We need more comprehensive grouping options, where players have more control, not a simple tool that tosses four random people together.

    I just don't see this.


    When I type "LFG" and I get PMs asking for an invite, I don't perform a damn job interview to make sure they're a "good fit". As mentioned earlier, I've had great groups (added friends afterward) and horrible groups with people who button mash and die constantly. How would a better LFG system be any different? One method provides random people that you don't know and the other system includes random people that you don't know.

  3. I'm a new dad. My daughter was born about a month ago so naturally, my wife and I aren't on any sort of set schedule when it comes to our free time. At best I can grab an hour or so a night to play.


    A LFD tool would allow me to run Flashpoints during my limited play time. I would much rather queue up, continue what I was doing and be guaranteed a group that night, instead of spending who knows how long standing in Fleet, screaming for a group that may never form.


    As it stands right now, I can't do Flashpoints. It's just a waste of time to try to find a group when my time is so limited. It's a shame too as I'm really enjoying the game and would love to experience that content as well.


    To those people who feel I don't "deserve" to see this content because I don't have the time to devote, go F' yourselves. I'm paying $15 bucks a month just like you.


    Bioware spent/will spend thousands if not millions of $$ to develop this content and there should be a way for the vast majority of players to take part in it.

    A-freaking-men. But the MMO elites will tell you that you shouldn't be playing the game. The fact that you can only play for an hour makes you a "casual" (read: leper). They want to make sure that the world they invest so much time and effort into isn't ruined by people like us who have no choice but to invest our time in RL pursuits. I wonder if EA and Bioware could survive with just this hardcore, elitist minority.


    The only choice I think BW has is to either nerf content so that people can play most of the content solo or include a LFD tool. At the end of the day, appealing to the broadest audience keeps the light on and milk in the bellies of Bioware babies. But I'm sure the vocal minority would rather spend $1,000 a month for a subscription than accommodate the unwashed masses. I mean, they might as well spend a mortgage payment on a sub since they can afford to sit around for 3 hours LFG.


    I have a full-time job and a family. The clock starts ticking as soon as I click "Login".

  4. I approve this thread. Especially the point about bad players. I had someone QQ and rage-quit because we died a couple of times early on in a Heroic due to some miscommunication. I put this group together after 30 minutes just sitting there during my baby's two hour nap. The Heroic took an hour and a half to complete all of the bonuses plus having to selectively isolate mobs that three people could beat. Halfway near the end of the Heroic, my baby was up and hungry. So even doing things the "social" way, I got the worst of both worlds, a long *** wait and a perfectionist who QQ 5 minutes into the Heroic.


    Some folks don't have one hour to spend looking for "the right people" especially when that's not guaranteed. The low server pops seriously exacerbate this issue. Sure I can skip Heroics but I don't level as quickly. I had to abandon Balmorra due to the TEENS of people on at prime time.

  5. The shorter a fight lasts, the greater chance a Maru comes on top. However, in a battle of attrition, a Maru loses every time. I'm at lvl 27 and I'm still just learning what chains put out enough DPS to fck up mobs quickly.
  6. A party member of mine decided to challenge me to a duel while we waited for the rest of the party to come to the Heroic area. I obliged. I had my pocket healer, Quinn, with me. My party member is a Merc and immediately knocks me down with his mortar(?) attack. I get up and try to attack but all my attacks are greyed out--for the duration of the fight. My rage is at ZERO I can't attack. I can't even do a Vicious Slash because it greyed out.


    However, his health was dropping massively and eventually I beat him. Was this a bug? I know that Quinn couldn't have DPS him down while trying to heal me. Has anyone else run into the issue where all of your attacks are greyed out but somehow you beat an opponent? I don't think anyone could spam interrupts like that. It was weird. If I didn't win, I would have been pissed off.


    The funny part was that the guy QQ about me having a healing companion. I don't know about you, but Quinn can't keep up with PVP level, so that was a non-starter. I think he got beat by the same bug that paralyzed my Marauder.

  7. Speaking as a large sized female myself, I think that the "fat" option for the female gender is really just the shape of your average curvy woman. Now, the fat option for males is truly obese. It's hard for me to roleplay when my character isn't really fat at all.

    It would be hard to find gear in the game for fat women. Although I could swear I saw a Lane Bryant on Tatooine...

  8. the game is sending our information to some unknown group that has a server at this university?


    so its just as likely this is actually being used to secretly send end-user info to a undisclosed third party source?


    it may just be some p2p mistake, but um, I don't tend to just believe everything I am told. if this player hadn't found out about it we would not even have been told by this dev that they are giving our info to some unknown entity.


    i don't like this at all

    Sensationalized much???


    Developers often re-use code or libraries not written by themselves. Some of these libraries may contact external servers for non-nefarious purposes such as NTP (time protocol), etc. Lots of universities host these types of servers, especially if the code originates from that location.

  9. Yeah, I know, first we were ************ about not having enough servers and now we're doing the opposite. However, my primary on Keller's Void is unplayable on the Republic side. So I rolled another toon on the Empire side on another higher pop server and it's like night and day. There's close to 300 people on the Empire Fleet and if I'm LFG I usually get an invite in less than a minute and even then I have to decline PM invites after I group up.


    Planetside things don't change. There's always 150+ on Drummond Kaas when I'm online and I'm having to decline group invites just so I can finish my solo stuff. The world feels alive again. Then when I log back on with my primary I can spam "LFG" for hours and not even get a response. I have a backlog of heroics that I've tried to do with one other person and companions with no luck. So my primary's on the bench.


    I heard a rumor that the Empire vastly outnumbers Republic so this fact alone may exacerbate the situation. What say you other than, "**** you MMO n00b!" ?

  10. I'm finding it harder and harder to find people to group with. I have a backlog of Heroics because there's hardly ever three other people to play with. It would be fine if Bioware buffed our companions during the Heroics at least so it would be semi fun. As soon as I got to Balmorra, it felt like a freaking ghost town. I would have to start a mission and spam LFG messages while doing the mission.


    I thought I could just level the hell up a few levels and then run the Heroic 4's with another player and two companions. Not possible. We died multiple times and the damn boss was impossible to beat. The boss was a level 35 Champ and I had a lvl 40 toon with healer companion and my party had a lvl 38 player with a dps companion. We died quickly.


    If our companions weren't so nerfed (Qyzen is doomed to burn in hell by the Scorekeeper due to the amount of times he's been owned), it wouldn't feel like such a chore. I swear, it's not like I'm asking for a dungeon-finder.

  11. I see the damage of all my attacks so it would be natural if my buffs were there in plain english. I don't know about you guys, but half the time I don't know what the icons mean until I hover over them. Obviously can't do that when I'm in the thick of it.
  12. I use to have the same issue feeling gimped as a Shadow until I started using my CT stance on Elites. The only issue is that it takes forever to down a boss due to the gimped DPS that comes with CT. Even then I need Tharan to keep my health up.


    My only problem is with an Elite with trash mobs, two Elites or two Strongs. I have to switch to CT and deal with the crap DPS or call up Qyzen to draw aggro while I go ST and cut them down with pure DPS. The problem I had with this strategy is that Qyzen wasn't tank-like at all and died too quickly and I'd be left with a half-dead Elite and a regular Elite and easily dead meat.

  13. 2 words for you..... Black Out


    This is a 1min ability that increases your stealth level. Let me CC and then get a good back stab in on my primary target.


    Force Cloak is a stealth de-agro skill.


    Can you Mind Maze with Black Out on? I don't use BO often unless there are baddies blocking my way out of an area so I keep it on my 3rd slot.


    De-aggro is the main reason I use FC. I want to "reset" the battle, CC the boss and clear out the adds.


    Here's how I approach a boss fight:


    Go stealth in Shadow Teq.--> Mind Maze the boss --> Kill adds with the increased DPS of ST --> Shadow Strike the CCed boss and quicky change to Combat Teq. --> Destroy boss in CT.

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