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Posts posted by Sagavellius

  1. J'ai arréter de jouer mon tank depuis la 1.2, depuis la maj 1.3 il y a eu quelques changement je crois mais je ne saurais précisemment te dire lesquels, je sais juste que le sort de zone qui réduits les dégats (le Flétrissement je crois) ne casse plus les CC si ce n'est pas la cible principale et ça c'est vraiment top, pour le reste je n'en sais rien.


    D'ailleurs le spreadsheet de SithWarrior.com est il toujours d'actualité ou obsolète depuis la 1.3?


    Réponse un peu tardive mais la seule chose qui change dans le spreadsheet pour la 1.3, c'est la constante en H25, du fait du nerf de la stance tank elle passe de 2.758 à 2.349 depuis la 1.3

  2. im still not decided about whether it is bis or not, but from experience and others comments on the amount of damage that can be shielded i think that getting the absolute most out of our self heals would be very important, although im happy to have someone prove me wrong would make it easier for me.


    Whats your stat allocations?


    I'm also raiding EC HM 16 and I went from using rakata then campaign relics to pvp recruits, then war hero (after a bit of farming) and I do feel a huge improvement with the passive stats relics.

    Campaign relics are just "oh ****" buttons, while war hero ones helps you take less damage over time. It's probably a matter of choice and situation but I do like the war hero ones way more, I do feel more "sturdy".


    As far as my stats distribution, I went :

    - 6112 armor(missing a campaign armoring in my bracers)

    - 571 def

    - 562 shield

    - 577 abs

    That leaves me at 25,5k hp buffed

  3. TORParse is by far the best parser out there for SWTOR. I highly recommend it to anyone who wants detailed, easy to read, and accurate information to help improve yourself and your guild/Ops group.


    Big +1.


    Torparse is very detailed, you get a tab for damage done, taken, heals and threat I just love it. It's really useful to analyse what happened in a fight.


    For each tab one get on top of the classical recap tab and graph,the log of the section you'r consulting, for instance the log of the damage received, which is very convinient to check what killedyou or why as a tank you where taking such a beating.


    My only grip would be with the group feature, going back and forth between different "analityca views" of the members is not as easy as I would like.

  4. I really disagree about that profile being BiS for tank assassin, but until we can compare damage taken/self healing done will be hard to judge who is right.


    I went for maximising tanking stats thinking the amount of self heal we do is ridiculous compared to what our heals do, and assuming it's easier to heal someone with lower hp that takes less damage than someone with higher hp that takes moredamage.

  5. I will copy and paste the same answer I gave to another Sin tank question thread a minute ago.


    31/0/10 is the best spec, more Endurance is better than mitigation stats right now, the amount of damage that can't be shielded/avoided is too high, and the double roll system is too RNG to make stacking mitigation stacks better than Endurance. Endurance is a 100% guaranteed increase to time to live, it increases self healing for Sins, the only mitigation stat that isn't RNG (self healing IS just as valuable as Defense/Shield/Abosrb) and it gives room for error for progression when learning mechanics, both for you and your healers. A BiS Sin tank can get roughly 30.5k HP, with 25% Defense, 64% shield and 50% absorb. Increasing your self healing will increase your overall mitigation and throughout a fight mitigate more damage than increasing any of the defensive stats past what is given to you.




    This is what I call BiS for a Sin tank, and what I will be bringing into our NiM Denova and HM TFB progression soon. The only thing I feel debatable about it is the Power on-use relic, which I took for more Endurance and to help in burn phases in case there is some new mechanic in TFB that we need to PUSH to the max on DPS or if NiM Denova has enrage timers that are hard to beat the first week. With an Exotech stim the total HP is 30.8k I believe, I unfortunately don't have my MK-2 implants yet, so I can't be sure.


    I really believe the opposite, and don't think our healing is reliant and powerfull enough to make a difference.

    I believe my stats are as follow raids buffed:

    25,5k hp

    571 def rating

    562 shield rating

    577 abs rating


    Using this to balance def stats : http://mmo-mechanics.com/swtor/forums/thread-615.html


    Do you use Torparse ? I'd be curious to compare damage taken/self healing done with me on a denova HM or even nightmare pilgrim.

  6. Numbers don't lie. Power augments are better than the wIllpower ones as a darkness assassin. Any good darkness player will say so. I use to to be in your same situation, power augments are the best.


    Numbers don't lie and willpower augments are the best.


    Using only willpower augments, you can replace a 41 crit mod by a 41 power mod without loosing any crit, thus netting you a 20 damage bonus more than using only power augments.

  7. Yea it seems with the huge upgrade we got from having all items augmented it offsets the nerf, even Denova HM is still doable, while both other tank both got the huge upgrade too.


    Though I do feel the difference and I get to sweat a little seeing my life going down that fast. Now we have to relly on our healers a lot more to survive with the healing nerf, which is not a bad thing to be honnest... as long as they can keep up.


    As far as the aggro boost, I really really dislike this change. It used to be a little challenge to keep aggro on packs of mobs, and used to be fun, now I barely have to use taunts anymore it's ridiculously easy.

  8. I'm gonna use my tankasin to....umm.....tank. That's the word. Just like I kept using my marc healer to heal post 1.2 when everyone said they'd be useless. It's called adapting your playstyle people. Classes change, QQers QQ about it on the forums until they're blue in the face, then the update comes out, and nothing really changes....


    Are you currently tanking EC 16HM ?


    If you're having fun being good enough for weak hm T1 operations or flashpoint, kuddos to you.

    I just wan to be able to be healed and survive hardest content currently in game and the futur contents that shall be even harder.

    If you do not understand that lowering our mitigation and keeping non scaling heal to balance us is a bad decision I guess you'll have to find out the hard way in game.

  9. A Better solution would have been remove Harnessed Darkness Healing Completely and leave armour alone.



    From a pve tanking stand point hell yes.


    Healing doesn't scale, it can be either OP when tanking flash points or almost meaning less, Kephess HM for instance.


    As new tiers of content are released we'll take more and more damage and our self healing will become more and more imbalanced making us totally OP to tank "older" content as our HP progress with new stuff, and still be meaningless on new tougher encounters.


    This idea should really be considered by Bioware, remove, or greeatly reduce our self healing and increase our passive mitigation, everyone will be happy that way.


    The proposed changes are bad because, though we might still be viable tanks in 1.3, as tougher content is realeased we will reach a point when our passive mitigation won't less us tank HM encounters.

  10. As i've also suggested in the PTS thread feedback about lowering our healing but not touching our mitigation, I can only agree for changes along the lines of what you proposed.


    I'm in the same boat,pve assassin tank progressing through EC HM. I really believe lowering ou mitigation resulting in big hits landing on the assassin tank will be problematic for kephess HM.


    Of course I have not tested those proposed changes, but simply looking at the numbers and comparing to what is happening on live is enough to see that as content progress and new tiers are realeased we will be less and less effective.

  11. Combien de joueurs ne sont pas encore arrivés à ce niveau cinquante et ne possèdent pas cette relique ? Il y en a tout de même quarante-neuf avant, des niveaux à jouer ...


    Combien de joueurs parvenus à ce niveau n'avaient ils pas un ou plusieurs rerolls qu'ils pouvaient commencer ou développer sans déplaisir pendant cinq petits jours, le temps d'attendre la maintenance de mardi ?



    Tu rabâches cela à longeur de posts, comme si la majorité des joueurs n'étaient pas 50. Certes il y a 49 niveaux précédents le 50, mais cela prend très très peu de temps pour parvenir au 50. La preuve en est la désertification des serveurs, par manque de contenu (à la fois pvp et pve).


    Aujourd'hui de l'aveu même de Bioware, le jeu n'auraient pas perdus tant de joueurs(abonnements actifs) mais les joueurs se connectent moins le soir, et les conclusions que je tire des joueurs que je connais, qui ne se connectent casi plus que pour la nouvelle opération est qu'ils déplorent le manque de choses à faire. Tout le monde n'apprécie d'avoir 7 rerolls et de refaire x fois les mêmes quêtes, dans les couloirs que sont les planètes.


    Bioware à déjà répondu, dans les "réponses aux questions de joueurs de la semaine" je crois, à comment ils priorisaient la correction de bug et ce genre de maintenance impromptue. De mémoire, leur top priorité c'était les exploits, les problèmes gênants un grand nombre de joueurs et les problèmes blocants qui affectent beaucoup de joueurs.


    Vu qu'effectivement la perte d'une relique n'est pas non plus la fin du monde pour un joueur, j'imagine que cela doit vraiment toucher de nombreuses personnes...

  12. Je peux te confirmer d'expérience que quand tu retires un blindage d'un item du Trou Noir, ce blindage est restreint à l'emplacement qu'avait l'équipement originel.


    Une petite astuce aussi, les items de Set antérieur à la 1.2 Rakata & co ont leur effet de set porté par l'enveloppe de l'objet lui même et non le blindage.

    Les items du trou noir n'ont pas d'effet de set, il n'est présent que sur le stuff campagne, pour ne pas perdre l'effet de set et bénéficier de l'équipement du trou noir, tu peux "vider" un item Rakata (ou columi, tsioniste, ...) et y insérer les mod de l'item du Trou Noir.

  13. Totally agree, I really like the new FP, I think it's tuned just fine.


    I'd even say I'd love other Flash points to get an new level of difficulty, call it nightmare or whatever, with the same degree of difficulty.

    Maybe not to unbalance too much they could lower the black hole commendation reward for the rakgoule weekly to 3 or 4 and add an other weekly asking to do 3 of the FP in "nightmare" difficulty for 3 or 4 black hole commendations, that would give us a reason to do the old FP again.

  14. Don't nerf the damage output because of pvp, that would be a big nerf to the tanks that pve.


    For one in tanking gear the damage output is really low, and if it's nerfed soloing would be even more painfull than it is. I know people can change spec for leveling but how would you run the lower level instances if no one was speced tank ?


    As for pve HL, holding aggro is quite fun and challenging in this game as it is because tanks have few tools to hold aggro beside both their force target. If you lower the damage output of a tank he'll have a hell of a time staying on top of the aggro list.

  15. Des personnes de ma guilde sont monté jusque 100k et se sont arrêtés là dans leurs tests.

    Potentiellement c'est donc >100k si il y a un plafond.


    A noter qu'il semble que le prix de respe diminue avec le temps mais on a pas encore trouver dans quelle mesure.

  16. Je sais pas pourquoi vous tenez absolument à ce que le tank n'ai aucun boulot pour garder l'aggro, quant à moi le système actuel me convient.

    Ca force un peu les dps à assister et surveiller leur aggro et aux tanks à faire gaffe de pas se refaire prendre l'aggro.


    Un jeu où les dps peuvent envoyer le paté comme des porcs et les tanks cliquer sur 2 boutons et regarder la tv pendant ce temps, non merci.

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