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Posts posted by MaladiktValierre

  1. This is an MMO. Different priorities are needed.

    There's a lot going on in SWTOR that wasn't in the original KOTOR.


    Or could I spec Revan to be a healer?


    They cannot be the same game for obvious reasons.

    Making a droid customizable to the different types of specializations makes sense in this case.


    - DH


    Making an Assasin droid customizable... sorry i would not like that very much... that would not be HK-51 anymore...

    And by the way, Revan got healing Force... so yeah... you could, their names where Cure, and Heal, if i remember correctly...

  2. Very true. I was hoping that HK-51 could be customized into healer, tank or DPS. But this is not to be, so instead he just becomes a collector's issue for many players instead. :(


    And how is that different from the good old Kotor games?

    I dont remember him Healing me...

  3. Bioware is not interested in the current player base all they are interested in doing is focusing on bringing in new players.

    That's all well and good if they get 500K F2P players to join the current player base, but not if the current 500K paying subscribers left, all that would mean is that Bioware would be left with 500K F2P players in stead of 500K Subscribers and 500K F2P Players.


    This game is coming to an end! it failed before it launched ask any of the Beta players.


    You make the mistake of talking in extremes.

    I doubt that more than a few people would leave the game over this. Surely not 500k.

    The point is this: Apparently the 500 000 (?) players this game currently has is not enough to keep it profitable.

    So pleasing those 500 000 players into staying is not enough.

    Sure if they fix all the things they need to fix in order to keep the players happy, that would get new players interested.

    BUT this takes time, and A LOT of it. What they are trying to do right now is staling.

    Because lets agree the first 50 levels of this game are awesome.

    So most people that are new to this game are bound to enjoy those first 50.


    So if more people pay to enjoy those first 50, they can spend more money on developers.

    More developers means faster developends means faster fixing and adding of stuff we want.

    So step 1 would be getting more players.

    That is why i totaly agree on facebook campaings, television campaings, hell i dont care how they get new players, as long as it works!

    The problem is not really that the stuff they put out is bad (there are always people who enjoy it) the problem is there is to little content. Yet. Sure waiting sucks, but it will be worth it.

    And if free to play gets enough bucks in to get us over the hill, i am all for it!

  4. This whole thing is rediculous, asking on facebook really?

    And the party Jawa, this doesn't sound like something the players decided on, it looks like random facebook people who don't even play voted on that, because i can tell you SW:TOR players don't want a little dacing rodent.


    Does that mean I have to stop playing swtor now?


    I dont see how people can be so annoyed with this.

    This whole thing was never about the people that allready play the game, it was about getting new players.

    They propably had a meeting about how to get a lot of new people to think about their game.

    How many new players can you reach in the Swtor forums?

    How many new players can you reach through Facebook?


    Sure its not a perfect plan, but its not a terrible on either.


    Just think of it like this: Do you guys want more people to play with or less?

    Its win win, you get new players and a free item, what that item may be is more or less irrelevant.

    (Also i would have voted for the Jawa, i like those guys, they sound amusing to my ears)


    We all have to stop speaking for others like this. (by the way, the irony of that statement is not lost on me)

    You do not know how many people that play swtor have voted on the jawa, and you do not know how many people would have voted for the jawa if it was forum exclusively. Maybe a few thousand people saw the news about the jawas and danced out of joy. Who knows? Its not very likely that all of them (or any of them) would have posted here.


    All i am saying is: Chill and let the guys at bioware work their magic, i have a strong feeling that they will suprise us with something awesome!

  5. When they want players optinion, they ask for it. If I remember correclty, most recent was about new big feature, and proper space combat was winner. So there, pools are here, but they are used only when there is question without wrong answers, and actually need to ask such question. With BW late with delivering few promised features, at this moment there is no need for any more "what would you like to see" pools.


    Making any pools about "Easy life vs hard life" is pointless, because people are lazy and stupid and don't care about longlivity of game or bigger picture. Stupid questions like "Make gear free" or "Make Makeb free" are almost certain to have around 70% of people in favour, while it might not be best solution for game as whole.


    I think you might underestimate the intelligence of the player base.

    I doubt that these polls would get 70% of peoplse agreement. I would guess that most people want to enjoy this game and making things worthless by giving them to everyone would certainly ruin the fun for those players as well.


    But my point would still be that the admins could pick up some ideas from the forums, like 10 a month and have us vote on them.

    If even 1 of them gets implemented that would be pretty nice, would it not?


    They could even give special items to the guys with the best ideas. (A title of some sort, or something along those lines)

  6. To be honest it is not a good idea. I highly dought that even 1/4 of the games population even visits these forums let a lone post on here.

    While it would be a great idea had everyone gotten on forums but that's not the case. Personally I don't care who the majority of the crowd is, the game needs hardcore players to get the developers to push content out, pvpers- hardcore an casual to keep the flow moving in the right direction in terms of balance and future competitive types of pvp. Unfortunately the developers are slow in communication, development, and fixing issues with game eng bugs an so on.


    While it is a creative thought I don't believe a minor few people should format the games future threw a pole


    The forum (polls) should only be used to gather information, heck for all i care they could even ignore the forums for that, what i want is an INGAME poll system where each and every player gets a chance to vote for upcomming



    Yes i said it: I would still see it as an improvement that they ignore the forums IF they let us vote on THEIR ideas, kinda let us pick the best ones.

    Or the more urgent ones!

  7. I think polling would show how out of touch Bioware is with their fans, something they are probably unwilling or uncomfortable to find out.


    Remember when Bioware did a poll at umm... a convention I forget which one.. after ME3 was out I know that much. They asked the people there what their favorite ME game was and it was overwhelmingly ME2. The devs seemed taken aback by this, like they expected everyone to like ME3 because they told us to like ME3. The same attitude is here it seems. We are supposed to like what their doing with SWTOR because (1) it's Star Wars and (2) they're Bioware.


    Maybe i am naive, but i dont really buy into the whole "hate for the community" thing.

    It implies that the people at Bioware (and EA for that matter) are crazy and or stupid.

    Which is hard to believe considering that they managed to stay in business with their multi-million business for years.


    And therein might lie the problem. They are so big and sucessfull (and financially speaking swtor still did make them money) that they might not feel th need to listen to other people.

    And hell, maybe they are right. Maybe all our ideas sound good to us, but in reality are terrible, for reasons we dont realize because, well most of us have no experience at all at either programming or managing a game of this scale...


    That beeing said I still believe that among 50 bad ideas we provide there will be at least one thats decend if not more.

    The question is: Would the community vote for the good one?


    or more importantly: Could we be trusted with the Future of "our" game?

  8. am i the only one who thinks that giving you the ability to port to a place that can port you to any other place (and thats what you ship is basically) , makes every other teleportation feature meaningless?

    Like every single teleportation mecanism that brings you to a planet?

  9. I think in game polling would be a great idea, if Bioware cared at all.


    A short poll when you log in that asks you a few questions, then Bioware can get stats on what their subscribers like and don't like. However, I do see this happening as Bioware seems to be in a bubble and is doing ... whatever it wants to do.


    Remember the monthly updates we were promised? How about SGR "soon" after launch? Heck, they can't even figure out of Makeb is going to be free for subscribers or not.


    the real problem with community feedback is this:

    None of us are in the loop. Period.

    We do not know whats going on behind the curtains, and they continue to ask us to "pay no attention to the man behind the curtain" because it would destroy part of the illusion that this game could be anything and everything.


    Because for it to be everything they would need lots and lots and looots of money.

    We are talking money that not even wow made in its prime.

    So one game can never be everything you ever dreamed of.


    And the real problem lies there, if it cant be everything it must be something, and that something might not be liked by everyone.


    That is why they keep us out of the loop. To get even a few player to pay for a while, that would not, if they knew what wasnt waiting for them.


    But why not replaizing the "man behind the curtain" with the players behind the curtain?

    Because the answer is not allways: More of what we allready got.




    Don't really have anything to add but i would just like to say i love 'your' idea

    As many, and probably most, of the fans of this game I have lots of ideas in my head about how i would love the game to be, but i know that most of them are unrealistic or not shared by the majority.

    An in game poll system would be a brilliant way of allowing people to express their opinions on how to move the game forward and in a way which bioware agrees is possible.


    Really hope this idea gets some big attention.


    Thank you, i hope so as well. It would be awesome if we would actually get to vote on what the future game will look like... Just think of us as little Investors, and as that we all get a little say in what we want for the future of SWTOR...

  10. The problem with a poll system on the forums is this:


    It only polls people on the forums. Only about 5 - 10% of an MMO's population come to the forums.


    Now you say, "Well, that's enough for a random sample, isn't it? That's how statistics are made! You get a random sample and poll them!" Well, no, it's not. The numbers for the sample are about right, but there's nothing random about the forum posters.


    Forum posters are the most passionate players in an MMO community. They care the most about what happens to the game, they have big ideas, they have pie-in-the-sky wants and desires, they are more likely to play at extensive stretches. They are, in short, the fanatics. They're the ones most are most likely to have been here since launch and the ones most likely to still be here on the day the servers go down forever.


    So, when you poll forum people, you don't get a sense of what the game's community *at large* would like to see. You're only getting what the die-hard fans want to see. You follow those poll results and you will find yourself catering to the minority most of the time.


    No, what is needed is *in-game* polling. You get a much better chance of understanding what the community as a whole would like to see that way.


    I agree, and would recomment to use the forums only to gether ideas.

    As i tried to say earlier, use the forums to gather ideas and then put them up for voting "in game"

    you could even reward players for voting with... i dont know a title, oder sparkle-powder of a certain color or I dont know...

  11. Wow... those where some quick replies...

    I dont think its necesarry to give people aside from the Admins the ability to post Polls.

    Its their job after all to find the feedback and bringing it to the progammers.

    But for them to be able to do their job more efficently, it would be nice to get a better idea of how many people actually want a given feature.

    That way they would still have the option of staying away from those features that are just, lets face it, to plain complicated to implement as of yet.


    I would guess the programmers allready have a loooong list of things they are supposed to write.

    Why not put some of those things up to a vote to start with.

    Lets just put ourselfes in their shoes for a second here: They write code all day for a feature they think will be awesome and then a lot of people complain about it.


    That cannot be a good feeling!

    So if they put the future features up to a vote before sitting down and "wasting" time and money, they would already know that they are working on something that people want and will enjoy.

  12. Do it, I was thinking about doing it for awhile but I just didn't feel like it. Be sure to word the thread as a question like: "Why don't we have a poll to decide things?" so that it doesn't get moved to the suggestions forum.


    You know what, I just did... ^^ Thank you for the encouragement!

    Now I only hope that people will actually visit it, and that it might actually change something.

    That would be awesome.

  13. First of, i do not claim to be the first one to have thought of this!


    I have been browsing through the Forums lately and i saw all thos threads about what people dont like about this game, compairing it to other games and stuff.

    Some of those Threads where really aggresive and demanding (give us q! Or this sucks, unlike game W. which got 123) , others where more question based ( could we have x? Why dont you guys implement y?)


    And after reading more of them i realized two things.

    1: People have a lot of ideas for the future of this game.

    2: Nearly all of them claim to be the majority. ( Most players in this game want thingy A! Where someone else replies to, NO! Have you been online lately?! Everyone wants gimmick B!)


    So the real problem here is not that the Admins are not reading your posts, or that the developers dont care about this game or something like that.

    The problem is that there are just to many ideas out there!


    We as a community have to realize that this puts the developers in a really tight spot.

    When they choose to implement certain features, they have to pay people to do it, who then have to spend time on it. Time in which they cant programm anything else!


    So the hardest thing to do is to find out which ideas fullfill 3 criterias:

    1. They have to be doable with as little financial and timely effort as possible.

    2. A large percent of the player base must actually want them.

    3. They have to carry little to no risk of making people stop playing the game.


    That is why we only see changes that everyone can agree on, and that people still complain about.

    Which is why i propose this:

    We need 2 Pollsystems.

    1. For the forums to gather the top 10 ideas for the future of swtor.

    2. An ingame pollsystem that lets the Players vote for the changes they want most.

    That way the producers would know which changes carry the least risks and the biggest demands, and the players would get the feeling that swtor is their game! That they can change things, and expand this epic universe!



    I would even go as far as to say: Without a way to vote on the suggestions for this game, the whole point of beeing able to make suggestions becomes meaningless.


    What do you guys think?

    ( I have read enough in this Forums to realize that the Admins DO read our posts, so hearing the thoughts of one of you would be awesome and keep up the good work, i realize how hard it must be to keep up with all the complaints!)

  14. Any polls though would have to be in game, as the vast majority of MMO players never visit the forums.

    If we would get a poll system to decide which features we should get,

    I do agree that they should put him ingame.

    They should put that guy on the Fleets, propably somewhere near the Sozial Vendor...

    They could even give out little rewards vor Voting... like i dont know yellow sparkle powder or something along those lines.


    What i wonder about is: Should those votes be "one per account" or "one per Charakter (of certain level maybe)" ?


    PS: i wonder if the Admins are reading this...

    Maybe we should start (yet another "complain") thread, about the idea of getting a poll-system.

    What do you guys think?

  15. Thank you!!

    You wrote everything i was thinking.


    People stop ************ about the game not being perfect yet.. It will be, just give it some time..

    I look forward to this patch, its gonna be awesome! - but what about cross server pvp'ing? Is that coming soon (:?


    Thats because i am pure awesomeness, and everything i say is worth gold. At all times. Period.


    Aside from that, what we really need is a poll system, that way we could vote on what changes we want made, and the admins could see how many people actually want a certain change.


    Just think of it: Every month we get to vote on the 10 things we want changed, and the top 5 get done, the bottom 5 get put into the next poll.

    That way they could no longer think that just a small percentage of players want a certain change, but that at least the number of votees want something done.


    The best part about it: It would finally stop all those people in the forums that write stuff like:

    Most players want thing A!

    To which someone (always!) replies: NO! YOU IDIOT, MOST PEOPLE IN THIS GAME WANT THING B! GO THING B!!!



    Where do all these people get their numbers from?

    Like everyone on here claims to be part of the majority but still (verbally) attacks everyone else....

  16. 1. What we really need is a poll-system.

    That way we could vote on the community top 3 not only voice our personal top 3.


    2.They could also do like a monthly top 10 where we vote on the top 10 things we want done.

    The first 5 get done in priority order, the second 5 get put on next months list together with 5 other issues.

    That way they could easily see what we want and how badly we want it.

    It would also help the community in that, just like the charakters they play, everyone gets a voice. People would actually get the feeling that swtor is not only a game they play, but their game!


    3. I dont really have a 3, someone else take mine...^^

  17. I apologize if this has allready been mentioned but:

    What we really need is the ability to create polls in this Forum.

    Why polls? So that we can vote on the changes we want made.

    That way the Team could actually see the community relevance of certain complains.

    Right now its more or less counting of posts, which is not only VERY time consuming but also not very accurate...

    With an pollsystem that could be fixed.

    They could even do something like a top 10 every month and the top 5 things get done, the next 5 items on the list get put

    on the next list together with 5 new points, that way they would not "waste" time with fixing problems that only a small amount of people want fixed...

  18. They only change skin on typical biped (for example human) and people are happy :eek:

    People reaction only prove to Bio/EA that they don't need to try harder to add something really new -

    "They add new race - hoorah"

    / facepalm


    Mate, stay cool.

    I do agree that we want original content, lots of it and a.s.a.p.

    BUT, you should not tell other players not to be exited about Cathar. Some of them are, just check this thread, a lot of people actually do look forward to playing one.

    A clear sign of something we should all know, different people like different thinks.

    I agree that as a community we should work together and stick together.

    By that i mean that I will support whatever additions to the game you want, under the condition that you support whatever I want.

    But lets face it, in the none of us have infested as much in this game as Bioware has, so we do not GET to decide what they do with this game.

    Its their game even more than it is ours. We can just try to tell them, in a friendly way, what we would like to see. And since they want our money as much as a good game, they might respond.


    All i am saying is, this "wild-mob-thing" we got going in the Forums has got to stop...

    No one can take us serious like that, we all sound like a bunch of 12 year olds stomping our feed on the ground wanting another slice of pie RIGHT NOW.


    So yeah, relax mate, let those people work. The things they are doing are great. This is a great game, the only real problem it has, its to damn young, and thats why there is so little content...

  19. you are sorta correct. going by the definition itself




    legendary generally relates to something mythical, or very famous. in that vein famous usually means more powerful.


    even disregarding that, what would random mob x be doing carrying around the legendary toenail clipping of revan? it just doesnt make any kind of even semi logical sense.


    Well, I could see why a Sith Mob would carry such a thing, if it promised some kind of power...

    Or as a trophy of some kind.

    So depending on the Item, there might be "semi logical sense" right there...

    But if that idea is so problematic for you, how about a really rare drop that gives you the quest for the legendary item...

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