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Posts posted by medicalprobe

  1. So are you saying that this specifically is wrong? I cannot get a red, yellow, purple +crit crystal?


    well you can't get purple if you're republic, and can't get cyan if you're empire for starts. What about white crystals? torhead has them so everyone in the game must have them right?


    The point people are trying to get you to see is that there are a very limited number of colors available to players in the first place, and then some of these are restricted either by faction or light/dark alignment.


    So if you're a darkside empire player you can only chose from red, orange, yellow, purple, red-black, magenta; with the last 3 being hard to obtain and only for max level.




    edit: you can also get yellow-black (level 7 only), and green-black (level 5(?) only and have to purchase an overpriced razer product).

  2. [Trade]: WTB Underworld Trading missions (300/340) /w me please or send them c.o.d at 10k each! :)


    This allowed to me to make over 5 million very easily by just always having 5 companions out on these missions and using the mats to make ship parts, or just sell the mats themselves for insane profits.


    Basically a lot of people are stupid, and think 10k for these missions is a good price, so exploit this stupidity multiple times ( I literally log on to at least 10 mails a day with these missions in at 10k each from 'regulars' lol ).

  3. You mean some [WoW-reference] lucky 1200 player comes along, gets 12 champion bags, gets 12 pieces of champion gear?? The 2900 gladiator gets 12 bags, gets 36 centurion commendations? RNG>Time>Skill? Totally!1!@121211!!!!


    I lol'd. Frustratingly, this is exactly how it works!


    Oh, it's ok though because my companion is wearing the duplicates I get! Yay!



  4. are you telling me me you DONT enjoy taking 3 more seconds of ranged attacks after los'ing?


    or your character to completely stop moving for 5 seconds before you actual realized u died...?



    or my knockback taking place 4 seconds after i hit the button?


    this adds the REAL challenge to pvp!


    anyone can PVP real time...


    its whos the king of delayed pvp thats the real l33t players!


    oh and as nice as it is to get out of huttball here and there. civil war map is near unplayable..


    My favourite part is that these problems are all inherent in the engine and coding and can never be 'fixed'. Hooray!



  5. So, cool, I queue for a PVP match, the queue pops up, I enter...takes me a 45-50 seconds to load the PVP match and when I get in (because the game is already taking place) I get a deserter debuff that has been ticking AS SOON AS I TOOK THE QUEUE?! and leaves me with 10 seconds to exit the spawn room or I get kicked out of the match. This is the stupidest thing I have ever seen, is anyone else having these problems?


    All the time :mad:


    Only solution I have found is join with group. With a group larger than 2, you will pretty much always get a fresh warzone.

  6. You're not a "vet" of anything. Stop thinking you are, stop wishing you were, get off your chair and do something in real life.


    I've been playing MMOs since I was in grade 9 and started with Ragnarok Online. My favorite MMO by far was Final Fantasy XI. However, as time went on and I got older, I found that real life priorities needed to take over this includes:


    #1. Getting laid.

    #2. Riding (motorcycle)

    #3. 40 hour per week projects

    #4. Exams

    #5. Reunions with family member

    #6. Getting drunk

    #7. Separating myself from other software developers by getting jacked at the gym (pix to prove, don't make me link Facebook)


    2 of those are not optional and they take the absolute most time out of everything else. Due to this, I realized that I could no longer dump in 8 hours a day into my favourite MMO sometime around 6-8 years ago (forgot). World of Warcraft revolutionized the MMO scene to allow people like me, who once loved MMOs but now do not have the time to invest in them to make decent progression, to invest a small amount of time, and progress. It has even gotten better with the raid finder.


    There is a small % of people out there who either have retired early due to amazing financial decisions, or family inheritance. From my life science studies, this % of people in the Canadian or American world is VERY tiny. I forgot the exact %. Chances are, YOU are not one of them, and YOU are not vet. Statistics would favour you with the definition of a failure. The ones that never reached the "American dream".


    Stop using the word vet. You didn't fight in any battles, you didn't save the world, and above all, you weren't in World War II. Thanks.


    would you like a link to an online dictionary? or can you do that all by yourself now? :rolleyes:

  7. Exactly I'm tired of this too. I think Bioware should force us to group up and zone in with 3 other people into our own personal class story areas and see the story cutscenes. This way we can get rid of the instant gratification and encourage socialization. This generation of whipper-snappers need to know the archaic forced tedium that we were constrained to go through.


    Old things die out eventually.


    True story. :)

  8. hmm, what about taking all the chests in outlaw's den and then being able to switch instances and take them all again?


    "open world pvp? nah i'm switching instance for more free chests mate!"


    Is this 'normal' behaviour? can we have some clarity on what 'normal' playing is?


    Also can you fix some actual client related problems please? this would help players a lot more :rolleyes:

  9. After last maintenance there are 3 warzones:


    - Lagball

    - Lagaraan

    - Lag star


    lmao! seriously though, lagaraan is alright untill those turrets start firing and then bang, 5 fps all the way. I know it's cool to have those big turrets firing at the ship, but it really makes the whole thing unplayable for me, also what happened to the draw distance option? :mad:

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