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Posts posted by BlackBurden

  1. uhm, bioware, i would just like to take this 5 min to thank you for your 1.3 update.

    before it group finding was ridiculously tiresome, and on top of everything, i couldn't even play a warzone ( i have a low end PC ) always got kicked out for loading to long, especially on bigger planets, now everything is sooooo much smoother, as soon as i found out, i spammed warzones like crazy...might have upset my friends for always queuing us up...im taking advantage of this now for the whole week :D


    thanks again


  2. hello fellow space travellers :D ( always wanted to say that, when it actually made sense:cool:)


    iv taken a slight break from the lightsabre chopping of the jedi knights,

    the throwing furniture around of the Sages

    and the mindless killing of my bounty hunter, to actually see whats this "OP" hype around the smuggler.


    forgive me for a WoW comparison, but off the bat, the scoundrel - scrapper ( the stealth one) instantly reminded me off a rogue ( the druid lion thing. ect) with all the stealth and "attack from the back" skills...


    im lvl 17 now, can solo PvE pretty good and havnt tried to PvP as of yet.

    but when i take a good look at my powers, i feel as though id get the guts kicked out of me.

    I had a dual with a (dps)Sage of the same lvl, and i just...just won. had 3% left...

    if thats all i do against a squishy, i cant possibly imagine going 1 vs 1 with a marauder,jugernaught, shadow, or assassin, im sure id just die.


    IM SERIOUSLY INVLOVE WITH THIS CLASS, and i dont think im playing bad at all....but i do think there may be a specific way to fight.( personnaly, if they gave me more disables, id be cool )

    and all i hear is that the class is only viable to PVP at lvl 36 ?? ( to get "shoot first" )

    any truth ??


    all help is appreciated :D

  3. in a arena, where u see ur oppoment, already sized him up. a smuggler woud be beaten down, maybe even without drawing his lightsabre ( lore wise ), possibly the same with a trooper....


    but say on a jungle, like Kashyyyk or debris filled like taris..

    a smuggler may be able to trap a jedi, or maybe even kill him out of a ambush. same with trooper.

    and im sure a group of havoc squad could kill a jedi, NO PROBLEM :D

  4. hi guys :D


    i did a reroll of my jedi consular.

    i found out how much i loved it the 2nd time, knowing full well what i had to do. and so on and so forth.

    and last night i finnaly got to the essles again.

    hoping..praying that the esseles robes for my jedi consular will be waiting there for me, nicely packed.


    as you may have guessed..i did the damn flashpoint twice !! and still havnt recieved it:mad:

    woke up now, having finnaly gotton over how everybody else in the team got awsome armour pick-ups throughout the ordeal and i travelled to corrusant, and all i got was some lousy boots :D


    so im wondering, if there is any quest, during my main quest or other quests on the planet, that rewards you with a hooded robe...


    one of my fav parts about swtor is the jedi robes, and how they look hooded ( its pretty sick )

    so right now, its all i care about :D


    PS: i saw people with blue versions of the esseles robes...where does one acquire such good looking clothes ???


    thanks for all help:cool:

  5. not only does your lightsabre colour show which side you on ( all, if not most times) but it's also a big part of how star wars is, lore wise...


    have u seen darth maul with a green lighsabre, or obi-wan with a red ?? :o

    i think you guys should just accept it....while knowing that ur Jedi can use a red lightsabre, if u keep doing "evil" things, the lightsabres that say "restricted to tier 1 light or above" ( or something like that ) can be used by you...

    as well as the many MANY other lightsabre colours out there...


    heres a bid of a jedi consular using a cyan lightsabre


    ( along with some useful tips )

    and u can get purple lightsabres through pvp ( or so iv heard )

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