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Posts posted by Feloirus

  1. Hi there! I've played this game since launch, i'm a founder actually. Originated on PoT5 but migrated to Ebon Hawk recently because I wanted to RP. I've RP'd frequently in numerous other MMOs but my RP experience in SWTOR is fairly limited. I come with at least three other people (possibly a fourth if he decides to give swtor a try), two of which are also founders and moderate-heavy RPers.


    We're currently hovering around level 33 on these toons, though that will probably change by the time this thread gets any views due to the 12x exp thing. We're looking for a decent Imperial guild with a laid back community. Those that run 'neutral' guilds or 'ERP' guilds need not apply; not because we do not approve of your RP but because our characters would not fit well.


    Two out of us (myself included) are adept at running what the community largely refers to as DM events and all of us are familiar with the basic rule sets of such events. Our dream guild would be one that's already well established with it's officer core and RP that we could easily jump into, an Imperial Loyalist theme would fit us the most. That being said, other themes and guild sizes can easily work so don't be afraid to leave your info unless your guild fits into the spectrum that I've already previously 'blacklisted'.


    Should you be an officer or GM of a guild that fits our criteria, please leave as much information as you can here in this thread of contact me in game on "Venarous". Thanks for the read :)

  2. Yes, you got overnerfed, but too bad for you. You needed one. Too all you idiots that are gonna quit over being nerfed, go the hell ahead, no one will miss you. Alternatively you could make a post that outlines what needs to be buffed to bring you into balance instead of "WAH WAH WAH I CAN'T KILL STUFF IN 4SECONDS ANYMORE"
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