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Posts posted by FeelMyAgony

  1. 50 bucks and my left nut says this game is already on the decline


    sorry if im called a troll or whatever the terminology is but im seriously pissed at the folks that run this game


    pvp sucks. need a 3rd faction. people are abusing the **** out of the glitches and noone cares.


    how the hell someone can have 3 level 50's already full BM gear is evidence in itself that there is a HUGE *********** PROBLEM


    **** it....see ya in GW2


    Rage quiting ftw !! =D

  2. Yeah i read all those quotes, no where does Ian McDiarmid claim It was the lightning on It's own doing the damage.

    In fact all those quotes support the theory I'm defending In that Sidious merely revealed his true form, and that It wasn't a result of the lightning scarring him.


    Thanks for the link mate.


    +1 on that.

    Palp reviled his true form.

  3. As others have mentioned, I think the reason he seemed so cool was:


    A. Bounty Hunters are a cool idea in themselves, and he seemed to be the best one in the galaxy (assuming that the Empire hired the best ones they could find) Also, Vader said specifically to Boba Fett "NO DISINTEGRATIONS" which leads us to believe that Boba Fett is the kind of guy who DISINTEGRATES PEOPLE AT WILL.


    B. He was one of the few people who Darth Vader didn't talk down to. Any subordinate who did anything but grovel at Vader got choked, but Boba Fett never seemed to be under Vader's (or the Empire's) feet. He speaks to Vader as an equal business partner, and not his superior, and instead of being some lackey of Jabba the Hutt's, he's just the cool guy invited to the party.


    Boba Fett was one step ahead of Han (unlike every other hunter) and he gave off an air of coldhearted business.


    Anyway, we read into it a lot now, when maybe he was originally a minor character :p


    +1 This pretty much tells why Fett is the **** !!!!!!

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