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Posts posted by Rainu

  1. We took it down on HM today with this composition:

    Tank: Shadow

    Healer: Commando

    DPS: Gunslinger (me) & Sentinel


    As you said, interrupting Incinerate immediately is the key to surviving. The DoT is purgeable so since Incinerate is an AoE cone attack forwards, only the tank should be able to get hit if you miss the first tick and the healer can then purge it.


    For the interrupts you want someone with ranged interrupt since you'll often need to interrupt while on the move from lightning fields or fire from the grates. The person in charge of interrupting should stay on target the whole fight, let the other dps and tank take care of the adds (or just the other dps if he can handle it, the adds are normal mobs so lots of CC attacks like mortar Strike works just fine).


    There is a quite long time period between the casts of Incinerate so e.g. a 12sec CD on an interrupt is enough provided you don't mess up and interrupt any of his other skills instead. The end of the fight is quite intense, just make sure you stay on one edge of the room where there is solid floor and try to position the droid so noone stands in lightning.


    It sure is nice to have a bit of challenge again, even Nightmare modes and 16 man ops had started to become routine :)

  2. I wish I'd thought of swapping companions. I did it as a balance sage with Nadia, died a few times before I caught on to the tactics. The thing that irritated me the most was that project storm would sometimes keep on going even if Stark was stunned (heck, I even force lifted him at one point and the storm still continued). As several people have said, the major thing is to use interrupts and break LoS. For other balance sages, if you've specced force lift to be instant cast and stun on damage you can use it as a nice interrupt with 2sec stun as long as you break the lift before he gets healed.
  3. Level 50 brackets will be in soon, see this post by Gabe Amatangelo.


    Level 50 Bracket Warzones: Level 50 players will have a bracket of their own, playing in separate Warzone matches to lower level players. This is something we have wanted to do for some time and now that there is an increasing number of level 50 players we will be implementing the feature in January.
  4. Huttball is great fun. ll those who whine about getting steamrolled by level 50s should love it since a bunch of <lvl 20s that use tactics will almost always win against a bunch of lvl 50s that just focus on killing the enemy.


    I queue for PvP quite often and I've noticed that I very often see the same people on the rep side so it's quite possible we're not that many queing.

  5. Speaking of which, anyone happen to know what exactly this means? Is it saying it's just a reduction in CD time on being able to use the ability (like I suspect) or is it saying it reduces the debuff on the target that prevents you from reapplying force armor by three seconds?


    If it's the latter, I'm definitely picking up 2 pieces of healer gear on my DPS Sage...


    The way I understand it you can apply Force armor 3 seconds faster on the same target. Ie. it's the debuff that is shortened, not the CD of the ability.

  6. I'm not quite up to 400 in cybertech yet but if you look at the grenades on the trainer list then it only says BoP an nothing about requiring cybertech. Keep in mind they require the operation drop though so they're (I believe) much more expensive/difficult than reusable medpacks to craft.
  7. Huttball is good fun, both in Pugs and premades. You don't need a premade, as long as you have at least 3 people who know how to play (not just that you ahould pass the ball but also how to position yourself for receiving a pass) you will stand a very good chance of winning.


    I would say reroll republic but we'd rather not have whining imps (aka whimps) joining us ;)

  8. If your disturbance hits for 600 then I'd guess it's one (or both) of two reasons:

    1) You're undergeared

    2) You're attacking enemies with lots of armor and mitigation


    We don't put out the same numbers as some other classes but we do more damage than that and can go at it for longer.

  9. The total damage isn't as important as the damage in a fight. Just tossing out AoE DoTs that take away a few % will give you tons of damage but little actual influence on the game. That said, we can still put out good damage if we focus, TK is probably better for it than Balance though.
  10. I recommend using Tharan since the most important thing is to interrupt his Force Crush ability and Tharan has an interrupt plus his heals will help you quite a lot. He's doable already at lvl 30 but it might take a few tries (and luckily there is a stim and medpack vendor droid on the ship)
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