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Posts posted by LadyAzurith

  1. From the looks of things they are trying to push everyone on to only a handful of servers. If this is true they need to reset everyone's name at the same time and allow them to rename their characters- with plenty of notice- This would free up names people have who have permanently quit playing and allow people who have been playing since day one a shot at the character names and characters they have grown to love. I have 3 characters on an origin server that I love and can't imagine them having a different name, there name is built in to who they are. In fact we were one of the last servers sent to our destination and now any chance of claiming those names there are go. I know I don't have to switch (at least right at the moment but we'll see I doubt they want to keep around the 'dead' servers for long) but considering most people who are on the server are probably going to switch to the new one playing on that server is no longer feasible if I want to do much more then solo.


    In the end I just want the same chance that I had a day one to name my characters. And in the end its the fairest thing to do. Which is probably why it wont be addressed at all.

  2. Just figured since people are using the "my guild" argument for why its failing I'd point out my guild has tripled since launch. And we aren't pulling people from other guilds most of them are new to the game. Several people I use to play other mmo's with, friends of Guildies who finally decided to give it a try etc. So from my prospective (which is what a lot of these posts are) This game is exploding in growth.


    There are always people everywhere, I'm not even alone when I'm in the middle of freaking Tat. The fleet always have people looking for groups for various FP at all hours.


    I've experienced a few bugs, but nothing game breaking and nothing that would make me unsub.


    I'm not really a casual or hardcore player. I'd be a hardcore player if I wasn't married and didn't have kids, so while I don't dedicate 10+ hours a day to the game I do have an eye for some of the issues they've had like the ability delay, and have lost plenty of loot due to bugged out FPs.


    This game is solid and a lot of fun to play on your own or with friends. Its not going to take WoW's crown anytime soon and that's fine.


    People need to be more realistic is what this all comes down too. The game is not failing but with out some improvements and a larger player base it wont make it to the 3 year mark. But that's ok because it is solid enough to make it to a year, and in that year they can do what they need to make the game last for 3-5 years or more.

  3. I still want to know how the morning is peak time for EU players....I'd rather have the mait from 8:00am to whenever. I usually play till 4 or 5 am. Point is just because the time sucks for you doesn't mean it sucks for everyone. Most people are at work at that time-not everyone. But the time will always be bad for someone. It sucks for you, ok then go play something else or go outside, or make friends w/e.


    8hr down times are not bad they keep people from dying from playing to much.

  4. Your all just sad ya picked the wrong side. The empire is rocking the awesome and the Republic gets left in the dust. Just suck it up and re-roll, in one month *bam* purple crystal problem solved.


    (And no I'm not completely serious its 4:00am here and ya....) Anyway Empire still has a lot of things that are superior to the Rep and Purple crystals are on the bottom of the list.

  5. The idea when gear is fully mod-able that you can't roll on something just because the mods in it aren't what you would normally use but you would re-mod and wear the item is just silly. Especially because half the time people roll on the gear just to rip the mods out and put it into other pieces of gear. How is that any different?


    Also you act as if we are taking away the ability for someone else to roll on it entirely. They still have the same shot to win the gear as I do.

  6. I know exactly where you want me to go with this. You're looking for something along the lines of this most likely "To allow someone who the gear suits better, statwise, to have a better chance of getting said item versus someone who wants it for looks or that it won't beneift nearly as much" Except I can go more ways with this. But the big one, is WE DON'T KNOW. We don't know why BioWare made it this way. So we can only guess, and in that lies opinions.


    That's the big point here. Blizzard changed it because they felt it was warranted. If BioWare does the same, so be it, if they do not, so be it. I will NOT try to interpret their meaning behind it. I will go with the lowest common denominator unless they specify otherwise. Get it now?


    So yes, the devs have given you the ability to let others have a higher chance or give yourself a higher chance. Why that is, is up for interpretation. Unfortunately unless you made the system this way for BioWare, or they told you why it is this way, your line of thought on it is just opinion.


    What was lovely about the way Blizz changed this is that it lead to people not being able to need on BOE's that sold on the AH for lots of gold, only classes that could use it could roll on it, irrelevant to whether they needed it or not or whether they would equip it. Which led to them also having to make BOE's BOP if you rolled need. Bottom line is Blizz caused more harm then good because you also got poeple rolling need because they could and then would sell it. Its not a perfect system anyway you slice it. Everytime you change the loot something it gives someone else the chance to abuse it.

  7. What if you're playing with a Sith Juggernaut who also likes the look of Sith Juggernaut gear?


    Again, you are missing the point: the only thing that's objectively checkable to all the players is the class you are playing, therefore that's the only thing upon which players can make a decision whether your "Need" roll was honest or not.


    And that is precisely the point of the system. To allow players to develop a sense of community about who's honest and who's a douchebag.


    If I'm playing with A Sith Jugg who also likes the looks of the Sith Jugg he's very much welcome to roll against me and I wont ***** about it either! Hell if roles where reversed and I was on say my SM, I could would welcome an Agent to roll against me if they liked the look of the gear and wanted to wear it.

  8. I play a Bounty Hunter, I roll on Sith Jugg gear, that simple. Why? Because while I like the class mechanics I hate how BH gear looks. I'll pass on BH gear because its usually more cost effective to just get other mods and put it in the Sith Jugg gear then pay the price to rip mods out.


    I really don't see what the issue is since all orange gear is basically the same (except for the looks of it which is why I'm rolling on it) and Mods are easily available.


    No I should not have to ask for permission to do this, that gear (outside of money and XP,Leg) is why you are there in the first place. It is not illegal because the game lets you do it. I know you don't like this answer but tough. If your gear is really that bad off that a single piece of gear you lost a roll makes or breaks your character I really don't want to be running with you anyway.

  9. so BW admitting that PVP is a prime focus of the game means no correction of open world PVP on PVE servers no anti auto flagging from AOE's


    a guild bank is all they do for guilds -


    Bioware made a great updated KOTRO2 game here but with a minimal amount of Multiplayer



    You have failed miserable on the social aspect


    Guilds are only good for level 50's to raid with and even that is limited

    you cant help lower levels as no mentor system

    no guild halls no interaction other than chat or maybe if you have players same levels on same quests


    I think my first paid month is my last - good luck with the game


    Actually sounds like you have a fail guild. My guild is great and why does there need to be a system in place to help Guild mates? We help out lower levels all the time with heroic missions and flash points. I would say that a guild hall would be nice but if it functions like Guild Wars then its pointless, no one is ever there anyway.


    I love the social aspect, always have someone to run with. So might I suggest you find a better guild before you start bashing BW for not giving you something pointless?

  10. Gotta love the topics where you can tell that the OP and half the posters have never played an MMO before.


    Seriously if a boss gave you the loot you wanted every time you ran a fp or op, what on earth would be the point for you to keep playing?


    It can be frustrating, RNG can be your best friend or worst enemy.


    Anyone who was a raider in wow can tell you how frustrating loot tokens were.


    Always Hunter Shammy Warrior tokens....never any pally/priest/lock/dk tokens to go to the half of the raid that could use them XD

  11. This entire thread just cracks me up (Or at least the OP). What he doesn't understand is that PVP is an optional part of the game and not the target audience. They gave you a spec you could PVP in, be happy with it and move on. Cover works as intended. Making it optional completely takes away from the point of the class/mechanic.


    Go back to wow if you want them to cater everything to PVP.

  12. First off I must say putting *any* kind of restriction on how, when, what a person can play in an mmo is a death knell, the idea that you would cap a server to one side or the other is just ridiculous. I don't know if anyone remembers the horrors that where FF11 but it started with the random server selection.


    Bringing balance to the game from a pvp aspect? I can see that even for pve players who don't have a decent guild to run with it can be harder on lower population servers and I understand that.


    Suggesting that you should "jump the que" basically because you play on the minority of a low population server is also just ridiculous your time as a rep character is no more valuable then that of a imp character. Also since the que is based on when you first log on and *not* at character selection whats to stop someone from making a rep alt just so they can "jump the que" as well. You end up right back where you started because if this were ever implemented (and I can promise you it never will be) that would be what over 90% of the server population would do.


    Flat-out the only way for it to balance out is for the Republic side to become more appealing and at this point thats left up to the player base. Characters on both sides are fun to play and the storyline is just as appealing for Rep as the are for Imp. The problem is most of the republic player base come across as whinny drama filled children and can just ruin the experience.


    I've tried out both sides pretty equally and while I can say that I did have trouble finding groups on either side the quality of the groups I've found as been vastly different.


    In finding random groups through trade chat, on the imperial side most groups were friendly and willing to work together. Any harvesting nodes were equally shared between all party members that could use them and loot always went to what ever player character needed it most or had not gotten a piece so far. Over all a very enjoyable experience.


    On the Rep side 90% of the time I run in to people who can only ***** about what they want or need, don't know how to share and overall are more interested in serving their own personal agenda then helping the group as a whole. Its also the only time I've seen players consistently take gear for companions rather then let someone who uses it for their toon have it.


    No intensive from Bioware or EA could make me put up with that. In fact I've pretty much given up running flash points or anything of the like on the rep side because of it. I may try again but we will see.


    Bottomline the only real was to fix the republic side is for the republic players to fix themselves.

  13. I use to be in a very competitive guild in wow. And I wasn't the best, every week I looked over the meters and tried to find out where I could improve. the meters are a tool for improvement. I have to agree that the people who don't want them probably got burned at some point because they didn't want to put in the effort to make themselves better at the game.


    If you want to play it your way and however you want. Fine , you go right ahead just don't expect the rest of the people in your group or raid to want to play with you. Why should they carry dead weight along when the game would be much more enjoyable for them if they had someone who did their part?


    People who expect you to optimize are not ******es for doing so, they are the people who don't want to spend 5 hrs getting nowhere because the game is designed to be hard and is expecting you to know how to play your class right.


    I have no problem with people who are new and are willing to learn. Its the people who have no desire/ make no effort at all to learn how to play the class they have chosen, join a group and then get pissed because people don't want them and call them out for it.


    You may be paying your 15 a month to play how you want but the other people in your group are paying too. If you didn't want to play right then don't waste their time.


    Damage meters are a much needed thing, and can only make this game better.

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