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Posts posted by DarthChagras

  1. They are just going to have to change the 'Single spec classes' is all. You chose marauder in a single spec game. They are changing it to a dual spec game. So of course they will have to retro design to acomodate the players that went by the original rules and chose accordingly with the current parameters.


    I am personally hoping they do not make the DPS only classes the best at DPS and instead add either a healing or tanking tree for compensation. That way we can utilize the dual spec like all the rest without having to re-roll like they did not want to re-roll.


    Hell no. Marauders should be DPS only, and should never be able to Heal, or Tank. They'll keep them as dps, and just give them a second dps spec. :eek:

  2. Whether or not the story is good doesn't really matter, the fact is there the replayability just isn't there. I'm currently unsubbed, and have 0 days yet I can somehow still play and post here I find that ironic heh.

    It's just no fun I don't even care for the story it's just so uninteresting as an Agent or Bounty Hunter the Warrior was great but the other two are by far sub par and lacking. The leveling treadmill is even worse, it takes a few days of leveling to hit 50, and then you run EV and KP and you're done with that char.

    I may stake into SWTOR after an expansion has come out but until then there's just not enough to hold.

  3. Why does every single mob need to have a Stun or knockback? WHY?! What possible logic can there be to give nearly every single mob in this game a means of stopping you from getting aggro?


    Bosses I can totally understand. But trash?! ALL THE TRASH?! Anything with a silver star or stronger has some means of messing with me before i even jump in. I get knocked back AS I'M JUMPING IN.


    I did Kaon for the 1st time the other day. I'm fairly well geared and haven't had any trouble tanking so far. I hate it - but i can do it. However the packs of mobs in Kaon were insufferable. So I marked the Mercs and we made them top priority, but once i ran in i'd either be grappled or the Shriekers would knock me back for miles. They do it as soon as you engage as well so I need to wait before AoE taunting or Smashing because if I don't - I use it where I land - not on the mobs. So the first 10 seconds of EVERY SINGLE FIGHT is basically me running around picking up mobs that are all running around like kids in a play park, and even if we group up to let me do it easier - a shrieker scatters us. NOT ONLY THAT!! But the elites in the groups have an aggro reset so it doesn't even matter if I have threat because they just randomly wander around.


    So we are grappled, knocked back, or have no aggro hold on them in anyway. And thats EVERY SINGLE PACK.


    So then I get to the Behemoth and begin kiting him. Does he follow? No. He knocks me back making it stupidly hard to keep any aggro on him and even when I hit him with everything i have and he jumps to someone else and begins hitting them.


    So should I save my taunt for when he knocks me back or when he jumps to someone else? My jump in certainly doesn't do any where near enough damage to keep aggro off a Full Columi geared ranged DPS.


    I agree that things should be challanging but this is one of the most frustrating games I've ever played when it comes to tanking. It's just horrible. Having every damn mob knocking you back or stunning you is not fun. I pay monthly to have fun. This isn't anywhere NEAR fun. So should I just re-roll completely?! It's not that good a game that I want to level a BH tank just to get round your poor design.


    Honestly..... why?

    TL;DR but

    I don't get what you're talking about at all...I play a Jugg MT, with a Sin OT and we do gloriously fine. I get stunned maybe every other trash mob, but it's no big deal really it's just trash. If you die to trash either you suck or your healer sucks.


    As for Kaon, CC and Stun before jumping in. :rolleyes:

  4. I have both a Razer Black Widow Ultimate, and a Razer Naga I personally prefer using the keyboard over the mouse it's much quicker. I use my numpad on my BW Ultimate and it flies flawlessly, allowing me to bind skills 1 through + along with a Ctrl, and Alt modifier and it's so easy to use. If I were you I'd personally try out a Nostromo, http://store.razerzone.com/store/razerusa/en_US/pd/productID.221675100/categoryId.35156900 as I'm planning on getting one here shortly.
  5. I want to use blue, and black-blue, and white color crystals but I can't use them as Sith.


    Should we all cry to Bioware??

    I hate the end-game raid gear as well for every single class in game except for the Republic Trooper which looks like a clone of an Imperial Trooper, should I complain about this to?


    As for TOR and KOTOR1/2 there is basically no evidence of the KOTOR games around in the lore and story. You kill Revan in the 30's on the Sith side for christ's sake one of the baddest ****s in the universe in KOTOR1/2 and I kill him in my 30's, what a chump *** *****.



    Fact is the alignment system is programmed in, and it's not going to be unprogrammed that's a fact. How BW decides to enact what you may or may not receive through your DS or LS journey is up to them ultimately. I don't think there's too many around that really give a **** about color crystals and the sort.

  6. We take a merc and a sorc, merc heals me as MT, sorc party heals we do fine.

    Don't see the problem here.


    Also as many have said Mercs are better for single target heals, while sorcs are great for party heals...hence why we have a Merc on me, and a Sorc on party. ;)

  7. Gotcha, I've checked torhead, and they do cast a Force Barrier shield that reflects all damage back so that was our problem, and I suppose for some reason it only happened to cast onto that one party member lol.


    Thanks for the help/input.


    As for the turrets, you need to be fairly well geared - at least the tanks and healers do as it's a very healing intensive fight more than anything else imo. Our strategy was to off tank the adds and right turret while main tank took left turret, dps down left turret and adds when they spawned, then dps down the right turret.

  8. So we raided EV 8 man normal tonight as a guild, I raided sunday night with a pug and we went 5/5


    I am my groups main tank, and I off tanked the pug a guildie ran main tank for the pug.

    It was easy enough.

    So we got to the Ancient Pylons tonight, when all of a sudden the first mob spawns, and then proceeds to drop aggro randomly and 1-shot my Merc DPS and then instantly aggro back on to me.


    So we retried a few times and this would still happen.

    We swapped him to the other group with our off tank.

    He still got 1 shotted.

    He is well geared in all Champion gear except for a couple pieces of Columi.

    My Merc healer, didn't get 1 shotted.

    My Sorc healer, didn't get 1 shotted.

    My Sniper dps, didn't get 1 shotted.

    My Mara dps, didn't get 1 shotted.


    obvious to say it would only happen to him. since he died 1st mob our button presser was our healer, and would have to constantly put off pushing the b utton to focus on healing me more often than if our dps was actually up. There were numerous times where we came within 1 rotation of beating the puzzle.


    I'm simply wondering if anyone else out there has had this happen, and if this is indeed a bug? We've all submitted a report regardless.

  9. There are so many things wrong with this post I don't even know where to begin. First off, as much as a percentage of the populace seem to think internet is free reign it is not. SWTOR is no different than any other moderated (and it is moderated unless you blatantly ignore their EULA) forum on the internet. Second, you're tired of all those aspects of the game yet you CAN do something about it. It's called stop playing. You just choose not to. I also don't see what that has anything to do with people making derogatory comments on general chat. Third, you probably should re-read the EULA regarding harassment/behavior before you puff your chest and thumb your nose at people.



    By free reign I simply meant they are able to talk about whatever the hell they want within the confines of the TOS/EULA. This is not some censoring agency named Bioware. And if you see below, going back to around page 15 I have repeatedly stated that a lot of the things they have been discussing are not against the TOS/EULA, they are simply found to be offensive and that is not really a violation of the TOS/EULA people are raised differently around the world everywhere doesn't mean someone else is entitled to saying I found that offensive /ban.


    I play because I enjoy the games, and would rather not do those things but I don't mind doing them just like people in general chat may go about talking how they would like using the mannerisms they would like now please stay on topic.


    Go back to round about page 15, and 14. I have repeated the TOS and EULA a multitude of times, outlining exactly what is considered as harassment, and abuse thank you.

  10. It's the internet, it's words. This is not real-life happenings. This is not some person going out and murdering someone. This is not some person going out and foraging some little girls virginity.


    It's the internet.




    I'm tired of grinding levels.

    I'm tired of grinding gear.

    I'm tired of having to pug.


    But I can't really do **** about it.


    As for ToS infractions that's my whole point that no one seems to understand. Unless those comments are directed towards you it is not harassing you and is not a violation of BW's ToS/EULA. Otherwise they have free reign over general chat speaking of what they will even if someone finds it to be offensive.

  11. How dare THEY tell me what SHOULD or SHOULD NOT offend me? Who are THEY to judge me for simply wanting a healthier, more welcoming community for everyone?


    How dare you tell anyone what SHOULD or SHOULD NOT be public mannerism? Who are you to tell anyone they should have been raised differently?


    I don't have a problem with people reporting for reasons within the TOS/EULA, and Noah brings up great points, the game really is contradicting it's TOS/EULA. I'm merely saying you're ridiculous for reporting players that are chatting amongst other players in-game, when it's not *********** directed at you. Not once have you claimed for the chat to be directed (like a troll) at you, you've merely stated that it's public debate in general chat.


    If anyone is acting all self righteous here it is you.



    and for whoever was spouting off about stuff like BW having to maintain the standards, and such. That is pure false. They do not have to continually raise, and maintain the profanity filter, etc. Once it's in place and it does it's job that's all there is to it. They have the option of continuing to but it is not a legal requirement.

  12. I'll make this short and to the point.....yes everyone knows that PvP is broken but what is more troubling are these two things 1) With all these problems in PvP and the server imbalance just what the hel were the testers and beta players doing exactly?! 2) Most of the problems PvP is facing are problems that doesnt take months of design to see so exactly what is BIOWARE doing?


    1) When launch came out their were warzone groups of lv 10-50 (fine I understand the game just came out and the long q's there would be if it was bracketed from the start i get it) BUT then they come out with a lvl 50 bracket leaving the lvl 11's to fight against the lvl 48's and 49's....that doesnt make any sense at all!


    2) Why hasn't Bioware address or better yet correct the bug where a warzone can sometimes allow more players in the warzone giving the all ready over geared IMPS or REPS an even greater advantage? I mean when its 8 vs 8 fine but when its 8 vs 12 ....*** man!?


    3) That leads me to my next point why would you even start a match when its 4 vs 8 in a place like (The voidstar) I mean once the other side gets a whole team set up the other team is all ready in the last room AND then to top it all off when you zone into the match you have to wait to even get into the fight....really bioware....really!?


    4) Ilum.....lets be honest the only thing thats going to save this train wreck is SERVER BALANCE makes no sense to put a cap on it of 100 people per district when 80 are IMPS and 20 are REPS....come on bioware do I really need to tell you this.....man!



    1) the 10-49 bracket is based purely on skill, and you not sucking. As a sniper in the 20's I put out the most damage, have the most kills, the least deaths, and do plenty of objective while I'm at it and normally get plenty of MVP votes. I don't see your problem other than that maybe you just don't get what to do in a PvP WZ?


    2) They've fixed the problem for PvE, and I'm sure that eventually it will get fixed for PvP. BW has stated numerous times that they are mainly focused on the casual players, not the hardcore pvpeeners.


    3) ...QQ I've played better 4v8 than 8v8's. It's all about having an actual team, and strategy and sticking to it. /Faceroll


    4) This is not BW's fault. This is YOUR fault. By your I mean all of our fault. No one plays Republic.

  13. Ah that must be nice, When I go there is nobody there or there kill trading, or one side is just zerging the other. It works great!


    I can pass, so why dont you come up with a logical argument to back the fact that spending all your time against your own faction is not broken or unbalanced. It might be more effective then trying to clam I cant play the game...


    Have a nice day.


    Sounds like you just rolled an unpop server :rolleyes:


    Unsub then, why does BW care? They only need 500,000 subs and I'm sure they'll maintain that for years.

  14. Hey all,


    Our standard group has been running hardmodes for the last 2 weeks. It's typically a guardian tank, sage healer, commando dps, and sentinel dps. We are seeing next to zero variance in drops when running with this premade group.


    The couple times we have swapped out a member or two, is the only time we've seen different drops.


    Take False Emperor for example. We've run it 13 times and seen the smuggler jacket 11 of those times. Twice it's been the Trooper jacket and those 2 times we had swapped out members.


    Are other premade groups seeing this? Don't bother telling me random is random. I know how streaks are possible, but I'd love to know if other people that run with the SAME GROUP are seeing very little variance in drops.




    I run with the same group as well

    Sorceror Healer

    Juggernaut Tank (Me)

    Marauder DPS

    Marauder DPS


    and we always get BH Aim, or IA Cunning gear. That's it. I've gotten the Gloves drop from the 1st boss in Kaon HM, and the other night our Sorc got two pieces from BT HM other than that however it's been all BH and Agent gear....

  15. I never said get rid of cover at all...I said make it OPTIONAL. I did this in caps many times and I guess you guys just can't see it/stupid enough to miss it or are just bent on flaming saying I should reroll



    I'm fine with cover being a class mechanic. Im not fine with it being MANDATORY for our major damage skills. Its just Plain retarded in any kind of organized pvp situation. All you kids saying I don't like the class are wrong I love it, I am now rank 49 valor and I have EXTENSIVE playtime with this character.


    Those of you who like the class mechanic of cover in pvp prove it, I bet none of you have anywhere near the experience I do


    put up or shut up


    As a sniper, I always put out top 3 damage, and have the best KD ratio.





    160k+ easily, along with objective and plenty of medals. I don't see the problem here.

  16. You can't declare yourself a winner just because you are arguing from an weak position ie: the right to break the rules that everyone agreed to.







    Nowhere does that say it has to be directed at an individual. Just doing it in public is enough.




    Harassment Policy


    Our goal is to build a strong community that offers a comfortable atmosphere for all of our players. This means seeing that players have the ability to combat antisocial behavior


    Harassment consists of misuse and/or abuse of game mechanics and verbal harassment with the intention of distressing and offending other players. Game mechanics allow players to interact with the world and each other. For example, the ability to block a doorway is a game mechanic. Use of game mechanics like these is by no means considered harassment in and of itself. The key to determining whether the mechanic is being misused or abused is to determine "intent." Reported incidents are not considered harassment until it is determined by the SWTOR CS that it was done to intentionally to cause distress or to offend other players.


    Harassment is also any behavior that is incessant, inescapable, derogatory and directed specifically at you or your group. Before reporting, a genuine attempt to alleviate the situation should be made by leaving the area or the offending player, or asking them politely to stop. If a sincere attempt has been made to solve the problem and the offending player persists in the behavior, it should be reported.


    Behavior that is always considered harassment includes derogatory and/or hateful comments that are sexual, racist, religious, or related to gender or creed.


    A judgment of valid harassment can result in penalties placed on the harassing party up to and including immediate account closure, based on the severity of harassment and the player's past account history.


    Player versus Player (“PvP”) activities, where available, are not exempt from this policy.

    I ask you to please refer to Article C specifically the section in Bold, Italics, and Underlined.


    Harassment is also any behavior that is incessant, inescapable, derogatory and directed specifically at you or your group. Before reporting, a genuine attempt to alleviate the situation should be made by leaving the area or the offending player, or asking them politely to stop. If a sincere attempt has been made to solve the problem and the offending player persists in the behavior, it should be reported.

  17. In lamens terms for you children to understand the above.


    Grow up. You are playing in an adult environment, an ADULT community as you say, and don't want to be a 5 year old child and don't want to hear "dirty" words then go play Hello Kitty: Rainbow Island like the kids your pretending to be.



    I could take it to a private channel. I don't have to. YOU could turn general chat off, YOU could ignore the person(s), YOU could get in a group with your pals, YOU could also do a multitude of things.

  18. "If /ignore is not of assistance, the profanity filter is deliberately circumvented, or if the harassment is serious enough to request further assistance from a Customer Service Agent"


    Deliberately circumventing the profanity filter is a violation. You're not actually reading most of what you're posting, and you're also purposefully leaving out sections of the rules that don't directly support your argument. You said "Should be blocked by your profanity filter" right after they specified "deliberate misspelling of profanity to avoid being filitered".


    We get it, you hate authority, you probably think yourself a non-conformist and yell "Eff the police" at every private opportunity that you get, you're a rebel, but absolutely nothing about what you've posted indicates that harassment or misude of general chat is alright, or that it's impossible to misuse general chat simply because of your (quite skewed) perception of the rules.


    And by the way, it doesn't matter whether the game has an online rating, if Bioware lays down rules, they can then enforce those rules however they see fit, so if they deem something harassment, or inappropriate, they will.


    I'm in the Military. You just lost. See my post above yours for not including all of the stuff you just posted.

  19. To that, I add:



    If a word is blocked by the filter, then someone at BW has made a judgement that those words should not be said in polite company.


    So basically I just won the argument as all you are presenting to me is the facts that someone has to circumvent the profanity filter, and whilst all the while be talking about you, or to you. Seeing as from the beginning of this thread it has been of topics such as poop, talking about a persons death, etc. and they have not been "trolling" you or pointed at you, yet you've still taken offense in no way have they abused, nor harassed you as they are not involving you. You are involving yourself. :eek:


    Nor are you taking appropriate measures to get away from them, if you're not ignoring them and trying to get away from them. If you simply are reporting them without earnestly trying to get away from them then you're in essence breaking the TOS/EULA yourself. :confused:

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