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Posts posted by Xiankai

  1. So now we're making silly/snide remarks in order to distract from the fact that some of the arguments made in this thread are absolutely terrible and derail the topic?


    I feel like I've sufficiently proven my point. I'll go back to avoiding these sorts of threads now until, most likely, a week or so later when my boredom gets the better of me and I come back.


    The only way my 'remarks' would be getting under your skin is if you were feeling guilty. And no I'm not against using indifference instead of logic. Since it's already been done many times over in this thread.

  2. Oh the hypocrisy in this post.


    I'll just point out the most obvious parts with your own words obviously:


    you need to stop hiding behind online anonymity (not having meters) and accept responsibility (having meters and needing to improve instead of not wanting others to see that you're under performing so that you'd be allowed to piggy back ride on them)


    @ days I'm sorry but this is a multiplayer game. Ofcourse you're free to play how you like (when you're alone) but why do you feel entitled to forcing your way upon others?


    If there's 3 people in your party and you're dragging them down while not wanting to improve, why do you feel entitled to them playing the game for you? Why do you think they should not be allowed to play the game how they want?


    Double standards.


    Once again you only read what you want to read. Take the time to actually read and understand before replying. Hiding behind online anonymity is the trademark of someone who needs that meter to feel good about themself (quite the opposite of what you may think.)


    Accepting responsibility is not about performance in a video game, it's about your actions and how you treat others.


    But hey it must be nice if the only thing you have to worry in life is how well the other people in your group are performing. I do envy that.

  3. Anyone else get the feeling that the few elitests in this forum aren't going to play this game longer then 2-3 months anyway? They'll complain till they get what they want, decide they don't like it afterall. Reroll back to WoW when the next patch comes out.


    I say we skip all that rhetoric and just cancel your subs now.



    In all seriousness if the only reason you want it is for displays of grandeur, then you need to stop hiding behind online anonymity and accept responsibility.


    You can keep listing reasons as to why it'd be useful, but it's practicality doesn't outweigh the hostility. This reason alone is enough to keep it out of the game. It is something that shouldn't be ruled out if the player base ever matures though.

  4. I don't believe it. I've set records on WoL on different classes (obviously not all fights) constantly while being in a top 50 guild.


    They can keep dreaming of reaching my level of dps while not wanting to use a dps meter. I've never met a single top dpers that was against damage meters.


    Try again :rolleyes:


    Right well congratulations on your WoL records I'm sure it's a big deal.


    But since you can only come up with 'I'm right, you're wrong' arguments I'm going to ascertain that you are out of legitimate points to support the idea that a dps meters can be beneficial.


    I'm sure that in the end they will end up adding this feature despite the fact that it'll be largely misused by the hubristic player base.


    Obviously you can't see the course of your actions effecting other people. I hope that the big numbers give you some semblance of exhiliration in your life, and that these big words haven't been too hard to comprehend.

  5. Did you plan to have so many people at 50 so soon?


    I know people that are not completely hardcore but with christmas holidays have been able to hit 50 within the first week of launch, they did not space bar through voice acting.


    Now I know we could reroll, play the other faction, do some PvP or just farm.


    But this is NOT a brand new style of game, asking us to do exactly what we were bored with in other mmo's is not going to retain your subs.


    The one thing that would have set you apart from the other mmos is freeform space combat. This game would have stood out in front of all other games of its genre had you included this.


    But asking us to reroll or pvp (most hate pvp that play mmo's) or just farm will stagnate the player base faster than you can spit.


    Either announce something so mouth-wateringly tantilizing that we all continue to prepare for it (farming cash for the freeform ships and weaponry) or watch while hundreds of thousands of subs get cancelled.


    Im not whining, I am concerned for our future.


    (Ignore the first few comments, they will be the fanbois that come out in defence no matter what and almost certainly do not understand the points being raised)


    You sure do expect A LOT from a launch MMO. And the fact that you think MOST people hate pvp is a gross generalization that is just simply NOT true.


    I do like your idea of freeform space combat however things like that take A LONG time to develop. So like other posters have mentioned if your only intent was to get through the game as fast as possible then you are robbing yourself of the real work bioware has been putting into it the past several years.

  6. I don't plan on pugging, so i'm not what you say i am ;). However my point still stands. I also don't need to help "my" cause. Meters are coming.


    No your point does not stand, you think that only the people who do poor DPS are the ones who wouldn't want to see a meter implemented. I can tell you right now that there are going to be people who do more dps then you (believe it or not) that don't want to see this mod come to fruition.


    Yes a dps meter can be a learning tool, yes it will make it obvious if someone in the raid is not trying. However, your posts make it seem like you only want to use this mod to alienate people you deem unworthy.


    Under those circumstances it stops becoming a tool and starts being calumniating. A few other posters have demonstrated that they understand what it intends to be but I can't see any good that would come of it in your possession.

  7. Yeah that's why the people who don't want damage meters are always at the bottom, right under the tank. Because they don't fail, we do!


    Any more brilliant comparisons?




    Since you can't be objective enough to realize this I will point it out to you. Your attitude is EXACTLY why people in this thread are against DPS meters. Lumping us together and then acting like a superincumbent know-it-all does little to help your cause. Take a minute and actually think it through before posting anymore conceited responses.

  8. Anyone who relies on a damage meter to do raids isn't a real raider. Teamwork, not some narcissistic nimrod wins raids.


    I know many mid level DPSers I'd take over a bozo who continually pulls mobs off the tank because he has to show how much DPS he can dish out. Anyone who plays like that more often gets the raid killed.


    I agree with you 100% and I can't help but feel like damage meters almost encourage that type of behaviour which is why I'm hesitant to say that it'd be a positive addition to the game.

  9. If it wasn't for the ego-maniacs who get carried away with the damage meters I would be all in favor of them because they can be a genuinely helpful tool. But it also leads to tunnel visioning and elitism.


    My opinion would be to allow them but only allow officers in raids to view them or only AFTER the fight so people aren't staring at it while they should be doing other things.

  10. Electric Induction should be taken no matter whether you spec Madness, Lightning or Corruption. Reserves is a weird one, it does nothing other than increase your Force pool a little bit and the only purpose of that is to make you take a little longer to go from full force to 0 Force, and you should never be hitting 0 Force anyway so I find it a bit "meh".


    On the topic of worst talent, it's Devour for me. It only comes in ahead of Parasitism because it's on the second last tier in Madness which takes a lot of points to get, and it's total garbage.


    Alright sounds like we have a winner, thanks for the quick reply.

  11. While we're discussing talents, I want to go down the Lightning tree myself, did you guys get Electric induction or reserves on the bottom tier? I'm debating if 100 force power will really be that much towards the end. As oppose to reduction in force power spending.
  12. It'd be in there best interest and ours to offer free transfers, that way people CAN'T use the excuse "my friends and my guild are here". Because then they can all transfer together as is. And you can't stop the wave of "QQ" anymore then you can stop the sun from setting or crap from rolling downhill. If you are intent on continuing to try, I wish you the best of luck.
  13. Arenas have got to be one of the worst ideas ever concieved to integrate into an MMO experience. The system does little to reward the team and instead focuses on the individual with 'special' items so you can look more important then everyone else. And not to mention the rampant elitism that comes with having them.


    Thanks, but I'll pass on blizzards idea of rated pvp. Not to mention the balance issues this game would be centered on if it decided to embrace this system.


    If they HAD to add a rated form of pvp, I wouldn't be against rated WZ's or TDM guild vs guild.


    Things like arena, dps meters, and gear score do nothing but detract from the central purpose of playing an immersive video game, fun.


    If you are unable to function normally or feel good about yourself without flexing your e-peen then you don't need an arena system, you need professional help.

  14. Seriously OP? Did you ever consider the fact that right now it's still technically peak hours for us and off-peak for them? Try checking the server status in the early morning, I bet you'll see the exact opposite.


    If you're tired of waiting in que and refuse to be patient, instead of coming here and having a fit, play on a different server.

  15. Alright so I'm not even sure if I should be posting this here or in the customer service forum. I have friends all over the US and the only people that actually made a guild were on the west coast. So naturally we are trying to get everyone on the same server same guild.. which is kind of a daunting task 20+ people.


    My question and the question that my friends on the east coast are asking, is there going to be a noticeable difference in server latency for them? They are committed to playing the game but don't want to suffer from lag spikes or drops because of poor connectivity. To be more exact if someone here knows server location the one we're looking at is Lord Praven.


    If anyone has information or can point me in the right direction, it'd be much appreciated, thanks!

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