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Posts posted by Horkey

  1. You've said this twice now, but I'm really struggling to figure out what such a build brings to the table over Waka 2.0.


    It seems like a fluff damage DOT-spamming spec, which means it'll put up funny numbers in PUG WZs, but be utterly horrible at actually doing anything productive in a close match because it just doesn't have enough reliable killing power.


    I think Waka 2.0 is probably going to be the optimal DPS build for Shadows and Assassins, because it gives up very little in exchange for one of the best AoE attacks in the game. It is at a slight disadvantage versus full tree Infiltration in extended engagements since it has less ability to repeatedly burst without exiting combat, but gains more utility and keeps all of the murdering goodness in short fights.


    Burst is king in PVP and either Waka or full tree have the best burst. Waka has less telegraphed burst and more utility, so I'd say it's a superior spec overall.


    i'm not so sure about this since burst can easily be countered with guards/taunts/bubbles/def cd.

  2. Why do I need to? I have tons of screenshots s@#$#$@ on peoples damage with all my classes. I already linked them when I got called a liar and told I didn't have a shadow/sin.


    Bioware/EA can look at my classes/metrics and others. It doesn't take a genius to figure out something is FUBAR here.


    On my scoundrel if I open up on someone without a dedicated healer, I might kill them but I am taking a dirt nap, without vanish up. On a sin/shadow I can down 2 before I need to vanish and I am in a hell of a lot better shape.


    One class is "working as intended" one is broken. One needs a bit more mitigation, and one classes mitigation needs gutted or their burst nerfed. The burst would effect pve. The mitigation nerf would hurt nothing for the pve crowd.


    Here let me foretell the future for you. In a few weeks, when everyone has 55 augments, and all these people are playing 55 warzones?


    You are going to see the following.


    1. Nerf shadow/sin posts on the entire front page (worse then smash, because when a stealth is op? People are PIS@ED, see vanilla scoundrel, which was the biggest cry for a nerf I have ever seen lol).

    2. Nerf healing/tanking threads.


    Bioware/EA ain't gonna nerf the pve specs. If they don't address this soon? Expect a TO THE GROUND nerf. Then people will troll us, just as badly as you people are trolling PT's/vanguards right now.


    After the overnerf? I will say...


    Told you so. Better this is addressed now. But whatever. Dig your own graves.


    Have even played in level 55 bracket?Crit rating has been nerfed which means that maul will crit very rarely. Even if they do they still don't hit like some sniper abilites. Everyone has a lot hp, armor rating and a lot of survivebility in general. So assassins/shadows can't burst or stunlock to death anyone. And once their burst is gone they are like sitting ducks beacuse of no sustained. Add a healer to opposition and they can't almost anyone. So no, class is not a god mode. . All you have to do is slow them, root them and make sure they get behind as few times as possible.

    However in pre 55 wz they do seem to take out ppl extremely fast. But so do snipers, marauders etc. so thats more of a bolster issue.

  3. Uh...What? Spike procs Duplicity. Discharge. Maul to consume Duplicity proc. Shock. Low Slash after that is to proc Duplicity again, so you can Maul again. That means after Spike procs Duplicity it isn't 4.5 sec after, its 1 GCD and then a Maul.



    On my Deception Sin I don't really recall having trouble with any specific class/type, aside from Juggernauts being very annoying. I was simply going off of what Wakalord says in his Wakajinn thread in the OP:


    While this spec makes for an excellent skirmish fighter, it truly shines when attempting to ninja cap a node. Played correctly you can 1v1 literally any spec in the game (I tend to have most trouble against darkness-based assassins, but only the absolute best. And even then, I still am more than capable of winning).


    I gave him the benefit of the doubt because I've seen him play and he's definitely better than me.


    Spike and low slash proc duplicity on the same cd. you can't proc duplicity with spike and then proc it again 4.5 sec later with low slash. you have to wait for 9 seconds.

  4. so you are quitting because you are too lazy to put a security key on your smart phone or pay 4 bucks for a physical key... awesome we could use less ignorant people like you in the game.


    I personaly can't set up the security key. I've downloaded the app and it asks me for a serial number, when login in to my account here in order to obitain one, the website also asks me for a serial number. An infinite loop and i'm not sure what I'm supposed to do.

  5. I just rolled a marauder and although it has great dmg, it seems that other players can easily kite me. I have almost no utility so there is no way I can prevent them from kiting. There are no stuns at my disposal or anything like that so once force charge is on cd I'm screwed. I'm only level 20 and I'm playing in annihilation. So does it get better later on? Will I get more utilities as I level? Or am I perhaps doing something wrong?
  6. I like the idea of the group finder but when it comes to the heroic quests on the different planets, it totally sucks. These are typically the type of quests that I most commonly do, and it doesn't work.


    You should be able to mark the specific heroics that you want to be LFG for. Then the groupfinder should try and match those selected with others.


    I was LFG on Nar Shadaa, for I don't even know how long.(hours) Didn't get a group even a single time.


    They have a lot of work to do on this tool.




    I don't see how can they work on this. You waitng for hours only means that players are not using LFG tool. and BW can't just force people to use it. However I agree that they should implement option where you can chose which planetary hc you want.

  7. sure, that is what pvp is all about...kill/cap trading and then crying about how broken pvp is.


    it was players fault that they chose not to fight each other and to just trade objectives instead, not BW's. yeah sure you get things done quicker if you co-op with enemy faction...but game should be about having fun. And fighting ppl in open world is much more fun than trading objectives with them. (well at least for ppl who rolled on pvp server and like open world pvp) .

  8. it's not true that you can gain valor just by being afk. I was in ops on my level 33 and I was standing in empire camp, and while the rest of the ops was killing republics I didn't get any valor. So ppl saying that you can just come there with you level 11 alt, and just stand there and gain insane valor are lieing.
  9. So ppl deliberetly chose not to kill enemy players on Illum, and instead they just trade objectives and than they whine on these forums why there is no pvp ?

    Than BW says: " Ok, sure we will encourage you to kill each other. Now you have to kill enemy player to finish daily, and you get nice valor bonus for doing so"

    And now ppl are whinig and asking put things back to the way they were....


  10. Every crafting skill should be able to craft a unique item, or mod that is better than those that are available at vandors. BoP should be removed.

    For example artficer should be able to make epic and unique relic which he can trade with someone with Biochem for reuspable stim. So basically you choose whatever crew skill you like, you get something cool and unique at level 400, you craft a lot of those and sell it on GTN, in the end you use the money earned to buy uniques from ppl with other crew skills.

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