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Posts posted by SirGusto

  1. It does seem like the innate resilience as utility you get with cloak only resists the first couple dots, then you come out of stealth on 3rd tick or so. Doesn't cleanse. As the actual resilience, i believe thats working corectly
  2. Yeah, the 2nd spec is a bit closer to perfection. I have worked out my version of the perfect spec with a few minor changes. Don't know how to link the details, but its a 0-33-13. The only difference from the 2nd spec listed is no points in the double strike crit damage bonus. 1 point in force speed/mind snap reduction. 2 points in the armor bonus, and 1 in the force bonus.


    The spec changes a little here and there, but mostly just around those points. I mostly rely on hard hitting force attacks, so the double strike only gets used when i need to do another round of my rotation. I don't run from fights, but the couple extra seconds helps for quick start interrupts. The extra armor helps, so i don't have to be nit picky on my targets, and survive a quick swap focus.


    The mindsnap cooldown is the only downside, but as a shadow, you get to pick the target, and can usually stun lock them to death first. Only in large engagements with aoe stuns does it fall short.

  3. The thrill of a good fight. I care not for spawn camping or nub killing. I get a little rush every time i get in a 1v1 or 1v2. As a shadow, I know if played right, i can kill both. Sometimes I underestimate them and get more than i bargained for though.


    I do what I can to play as a team. In reg wz's, I use my team as decoys though to draw off the enemies from my objective.

  4. The match would be won by those who can push and pull. Not much fighting will actually take place. Doesn't really sound that fun to me. Its already super anoying to be pulled into the fire in huttball. Heck, i wouldn't be surprised if thats all certain players do given that pub match's are so uncoordinated.


    I know all i would do is stealth up to you, and push you into the lava. Might be something worth goofing around on, but since some classes don't even have a push, or pull, they would get the short end of the stick.

  5. I see, Thats why i asked. As i said before, pvp is what i do, but i sometimes pve, and have all 72+, but not min/maxed as my focus is pvp. Honestly, this is the first thread i've seen that says to go with so much accuracy. Its usually people giving their reasons for crit, power, or main stat. Is this required for nightmare type modes? I"ve done many hm's, but no nightmares
  6. If your really taking a pounding as a team, and you hear that, its probably a stealth that A. hides when the going gets tough, or B. He really is that good, because you do need to actually play to get the 10 medals or so in a row without dying.


    I'm not sure about ops, but shadows can get at least 5 medals in the first couple minutes. Solo kill taking off node at the beginning, taking the node, 6k dmge in a single blow, throw taunts in the cluster for protection medals. defending the node. The rest of the medals may take the rest of the match to achieve, so I would think they need to be active to be unbeatable.

  7. You really need that much acc for pve? I'm an avid pvp'r so i'm not an expert on shadow pve, but that seems like a big waste of damage to me. Both Breach and SS do not lose their proc when missed or resisted. Just do it again till it lands, or original proc time expires. Its no fun missing on dispatch and a resisted project though, but thats not the end of the world.


    You might always get a melee hit to land, but whats the point if its weak. I could see it being beneficial to those that mostly use melee attacks, but a shadow only has SS and Dispatch that are really effected by acc. Those 2 are situational, and like i said before, SS can be spammed until it lands before the proc runs out. Most our dmge comes from project, which already has over 100% acc.


    I would think that the added dmge from a power/surge enhancement on the breach and SS crits would more than make up for any dmge lost on a missed clairvoyance strike or project. Dispatch and low slash misses are the only downside i see in a power/surge spec shadow. Which can be the decider for some.


    Of course everyone has there own play style, and different things work for different people. Like I said before, i'm into pvp and its a whole different world to pve. But when one has to kill in pvp, you need to get as much damge out as possible, as fast as you can, as often as you can. Thought pve would have the same objective.

  8. 1. Some old school capture the flag.

    2. King of the hill is always fun in a pvp setting.

    3. Some officer ranks similar to swg. The more opposing faction you kill the higher rank (open world or wz).

    4. Player operated or random pve Bases for defense and attacks open world. Many varieties of game modes could come from that.

    5. Large scale wz's or battlefields that are structured with a start and objectives for a full scale conflict that could take hours to win. ( never in this game)


    I cant think of to many more that you cant find a way to do in game. There is a FFA with outlaws den and part of illum. Some scattered open world pvp, but its usually on lower lvl planets with random 55's killing nubs. I have to come rescue people from that from time to time.

  9. Ok, getting your butt handed is pretty vague on what your problem is. So, I'll list off a few things that might help. 33 you say, hmm. 23 skill points i think.


    For DPS make sure to have:

    upheaval, shadows respite

    Shadows mark, shadowy veil for extra armor, or higher stealth lvl

    masked assault, shadow technique, circling shadows

    Infiltration tactics, fade

    profundy, potent shadows.

    I realize 23 points doesn't leave many options, but you may need to pick and choose which to max, amongst others to get to the next tier of skills


    For tank this might help

    Lookin at the list of skills, go with all of them up to the 3rd tier except for expertise since u dont need to do dmge, and shadowsight only helps to see other stealth, but u could anyway if u get close. Not sure if that gets you all the way to one with the force, but that helps regen force.


    This is just what i would do, if i were to start leveling another shadow.

    Other tips include: use your blackout for quick force regen. Use stealth to refresh force potency for added burst. Save resilience for a stealth escape. Fight range at melee distance, and keep melee at range, or whatever our 10m range is. When in doubt, guard a node and practice your fighting with the few occasional attackers. Just make sure to call out that this guy was coming.


    Use planetary coms, and buy power/surge enhancements and mods with higher power for dps. For tank, cant go wrong with absorb, shield rating and defense rating. If its gear you plan on keeping awhile, augment it with the highest lvl you can afford.

  10. Well, I know for a fact that there are some pple that run 2 comps to throw games for their mains if they get them both in a wz. Or throw games just to spite someone they dont like. With the empire side being so much higher rating than the republic, i'm inclined to believe they do this far more often than republic. I'm speaking only for solo, for I have no opinion for team ranked.
  11. For an nonprofessional guide, It details what my group and I went through pretty well. My team was all 55's with no tank. So I taunted him to me since i was clearly the best geared of the group, but that left me unable to use my SS, so the damage came a little slower. We cleared it without to many issues aside from the random assassin trying to kill one of us unsuspecting like, but i scared them off too.


    The other adds were the biggest problem. Make sure to clear the area before clicking on the thing in the bush.

  12. And you signed up for the class that happens to node guard better than anyone else....the class that actually has a better opportunity to engage in those 1v1 duels that damn near every sin/dps operative ive ever seen is basically doing in the midst of where the fighting is thickest WHILE node guarding.


    It's cool if you don't like it, but don't act like you're somehow doing everyone on your team a favor by leaving the undergeared and poorly classed to get gibbed while node guarding by stealth dps that actually play their role rather than running about the scrum like a ptech or warrior class.


    As a dps shadow, i feel i should way in here. Yeah, shadows are good at defence, but if thats what you want your dps shadow to do, You have no tactical advantage. Tank shadows are best for node gaurding, not dps.


    As a dps shadow, I didn't get full obroan min/max to gaurd, unless i take the node myself. I have found lone wolfing to be effective, but I've also found that without me, my teams can never kill multiple healer teams. I could gaurd all day uncontested, but no one can take another node. What good is that?

  13. Are you absolutely sure this is what is happening? As a stealth shadow, I have to physically come out of stealth to try to plant or cap. The action doesn't work if your still in stealth. Only in novare coast clicking the term will take me out of stealth. If it is happening, i'd be more incline to say its a smuggler stealthing his group.


    Now, a lot of times after i get the plant, or cap, I'll stealth out immediately perhaps making it look like a stealth cap to the guys pretending to pay attention. We all know it is easy to lose sight of the door on occasion when distractions arise.

  14. Shadow has some of the best single target damage for bosses. Most other dps classes have great aoe damage which makes the trash quicker. Personally, I dont think the classes matter at all as long as the player knows the fights.
  15. I cant say for certain if thats what they are doing, But I have noticed a distinct difference in latency/lag when facing certain groups. Some seem to be twice as fast as others in there general abilities, while others roll and teleport to where they where rolling to.


    I just chalk it up to bad internet with my 30mb speed, it just seems weird to only happen against certain groups.

  16. is full power/surge (0 crit) with power augments viable?


    edit: what about full power with resolve augments?


    Well, if you must ask, it certainly is viable. I've adapted my playstyle to run with just as you listed. All power/surge, high power mod, with mostly resolve augments. A couple power augments left over from trying both ways.


    I dont expect an insta crit with a SS out of spin kick, So i dont start that way. I'll start in stealth by popping potency, then use FiB, or breach, or both till i get a crit. After that i'll either low slash if theres no proc to use SS, or stun and SS. Usually resulting into a 7-11k crit rewarding my patience with a relic proc. Anyone but tanks are well below 50% by then. Add a 7k+ project crit with another SS. They're about ready to be finished off by a spinning strike.


    edit; for someone that has no crit except for whats in willpower, I do get a LOT of crits.


    This set up works great for such a rotation. I wouldn't recommend no crit rating if you don't have the lucky strike buff from smugglers though.

  17. Healers are most definitely needed in wz's. Healers are supposed to be the first target to drop, that's why they were on you. If you have a tank in the group, his job is your body guard. Dps's job is to down their healer, and/or the easiest target to drop.


    That said, you are the key. If you cant find a way to stay alive with or without help, you just wont be any good to anyone. Kite your attackers every moment of every game. Only stand still when the skill requires it.

  18. I must admit, i'm a bit concerned at what this buff will do. I remember fully what a catastrophe it was if a dps op was on the other team. You died, whenever he decided. There was just no way around it. Didn't even have to be a quality player, just did that knockdown, and shiv. Thats all i remember seeing.


    Now, they were nerfed back to reality with their dps, but still have nothing to keep standing once they unload. I for one feel no pity on them. There are still a few out there that seem to remind me of their op days, and give me a *** moment. Yeah, thats in the hands of an experienced player, but ability is still there to rofl stomp other dps classes.


    But what am I saying. I've been living the good life on my shadow. Dps hasn't been nerfed much since launch. If anything it has gotten a buff. Our dps only blows up under geared or unprepared players though. Get in a ranked match and the dps drops significantly.

  19. just wondering, who out there has there 10 solo kills achievement for each map? Got my solo high today with 9 in ACW.


    Was pretty surprised really. As a shadow, i started off goin to the offnode. Yeah, some of u disagree with that, but I make my opponents work for what they want. Anyway, there was a sorc, and marauder there tryin to cap. Blew up the sorc farely quick, and started wearing the sith down. Had just finished him off when the sorc got back.


    Killed both of them 1 more time each, before 2 other imps finally showed to get their cap. 2-3minutes in, and thats 4 solo kills. As I got back to the team, I see the whole enemy team just getting shredded. This is not normal, like not at all. Nearly this whole team was just way undergeared.


    Upon my newly discovered advantage, i just went on a rampage, killing just about everyone solo. Think it took 4 of them at once to finally subdue me. And still managed to kill half of them.


    I hadn't had that much dominance since launch when 50's were playin with all lvls. And only coming up with 9 solo kills in such a lopsided game, leads me to believe it has to be a rare feat indead. Except for maybe the operatives at launch. They were some quick killin sob's.

  20. As a shadow, I'd love it if friendly fire were on. I can just see the smashers taking each other out or be rendered obsolete in wz's. All them stupid aoe's that get self-casted so its more of a defensive shield goin away. Granted, that's a good idea, i just cant do it.


    That said, it would never happen. the people that tend to be playing aren't very coordinated and it would just be a huge mess.

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