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Posts posted by Nimossa

  1. Maybe send an e-mail to paying subscribers. I know it may be intended to "reward" players who always log in but for such a short time span without letting subscribers know is just poor. I was looking forward to checking some fun new stuff when I logged in that weekend but RL stuff got in the way, that pesky RL stuff messing up game time again. So when I got a chance, never expecting an event to last only 1 week, I was very surprised and a lil annoyed. Personally the rewards look like flare to me but it would have been nice to be able to do some new, limited quests. Summer is over, less people are going to be able to log in every day, the game's getting older and losing people as new games come out. I'm just not sure ToR team there are making good decisions on this type of stuff. Anyhows, gtg play some Secret World now =p
  2. Totally agree with much of what your saying. I really have trouble understanding how not letting subscribers know about events like this is good. It leaves a player feeling as though they have missed out on some fun content, I don't know as I didn't get to participate, solely because thier life doesn't revolve around this game.Like many, I cannot be on all the time. Going from Beta, to 6 month sub, now to 1 month recurring, and slowly dwindling away in any sort of appeal to stay here. Not because of this event but because of the domino effect of many things that BW has just blundered on. When you release new content, you let your players know. Once it's out, if it's limited, you let them know when it ends.
  3. Overall, not a terrible suggestion to keep things separate and make both groups somewhat happy. I have only two reservations:

    1)There really isn't a set bonus that would be specific to PVP for every class that wouldn't equate to pretty much making them godlike and still be significant enough to be worth obtaining( if you have any ideas, definitely throw them out there). I suppose you could do something like giving another CC break to those in full PVP gear. It really wouldn't affect PVE, but that would diminish the use of CC to be useless for the most part in PVP if people are carrying the set bonus.

    2) The set bonuses are now on the armoring for top tier gear, if the set bonuses are that much better, you will see PVE players taking the armoring pieces out of PVP gear and leaving all the other mods as is, which would then require those who want to do PVE to grind PVP to be BIS.


    I agree with #1 there, I really don't want to lean to either set of gear being superior, I feel like thats a part of the problem. I like your idea of the anti CC feature for top tier PVP gear, it could be an across the board ability for all classes but I suspect that something like that would make things even more difficult for those just starting out in 50 PVP... unless it's in the recruit gear but that would start a whole other discussion. I'll really have to sit and think about this one before I post something else on it.

    As for #2, I thought about set bonuses for the two types, they are both currently different in the sense that they, generally, do help in their genre's area. I definately wouldn't suggest anything that would want to make other players grind up a certain set just to cannibalize it and stick t in their PVE gear, or visa versa. Thats why I was kind of suggesting that both the PVE and PVP gear have the same top end stats and the expertise be the deciding factor for the raid gear. For example, If a PVE chest had 50 to END, and it was say tier 2 then the corresponding PVP tier 2 chest would also have 50 to END, the only reason one would want to raid in it is because the expertise would be what would mitigate damage from the bosses in HM or NM modes, scaling with thier tiers respectively.

    Now, having said all that, to stop the raiders from getting the same statted gear and moving to PVP to "roll" those guys, would bring in the set bonuses oriented to PVP, could they battle in pvp and have a chance? Perhaps, if they were a skilled player and I'm sure the PVP community has no problem with a skilled player beating you ( I'm expecting major flak for that sarcasm) And could a PVP player go into a raid with entry level gear and survive, maybe, if your group was good, had some or all the PVE gear, know what they were doing, etc, etc. The point is you could cross over into the other area, if you liked, but you'd still be at a disadvantage to those who specifically target those areas of gameplay however not one that would basically cripple a player in either category so much that they just don't even want to play at all.

  4. Pasting this post from one I made earlier on another thread. I wasn't getting any feedback on it and was hoping to get some insight from you folks.


    This subject seems to be one that is constantly discussed and I think about it a lot. I love to PVP and I love to raid with my guildies. I love to be questing alone and have an enemy faction attack me while I have mobs on me and still beat them, and sometimes I don't. It's all part of the game and I get it. I read all the different threads pertaining to this and I see a lot of the same old song. What I have yet to see is a solution other than remove it/keep it in game.

    One of the reasons I see people wanting to keep expertise is because they feel the raiding players should not be able to come in when bored and roll you, you who have been pvp'ing WZ's and grinding it up the hard way. A valid arguement.

    One of the reasons I see people wanting to remove it is because thay chose to level their toon at a more relaxed pace, explore a little more maybe, and didn't "grind it up" to 50, hence they had less time at 50 pvp'ing and furthermore don't have the BM or WL gear. Another valid arguement.

    Theres no denying expertise doesn't play a role in pvp otherwise we wouldn't be on this thread, and the various others. I wanted to throw something out there and see what the PVP and PVE community thought of it. Please understand that it's just an idea and by no means am I trying to say that it will fix everything and SWTOR will be the MMO utopia that all should mass exodus to. One problem at a time, one solution at a time.

    So heres my thought, as far as level 50 gear is concerned what do you all think the outcome would be if expertise were made for PVE only? Let me explain. Most of us agree that the level 50 gear needs to be part of the raiding, especially for those who run the HM and NM modes. Why not make it so that, instead of super stats, the expertise is in fact what helps those peeps out in those raids. The level 50 gear will still have tiers but they'd be expertise tiers with the same stats for the top 50 PVP gear. Now PVP'ers I'm not ripping your hearts out just yet. As I said I love to PVP, and I do believe you should be given a little love for all your hard work, experience and dedication.

    Heres what I'm thinking, I can only speak for a couple of classes about this but the other players I talk to tend to agree that our set bonuses for PVP gear is kind of , meh, for lack of a better word. I truly don't think that it would be the deciding factor between two good players. Perhaps work on a set bonus that is PVP oriented, that would not be useful in raiding/PVE but super helpful in PVP. This would of coarse have to be done on a class to class, spec to spec basis, and would be a great deal of work for the dev team but there is no great reward without a great deal of work. PVP'ers thats not all, reallocating your expertise and tweaking your set bonuses would not be the end, in fact I'd also propose adding a PVP only ablity with a full set of armor. This would also be the case with PVE raid gear.

    There are a few more ideas I can throw into this mix but I just wanted to get some constructive feedback for this stuff so far. It would keep the seperation between PVP and PVE gear that many would like in place yet also give those starting in the 50 PVP bracket a chance, wether or not they have a chance to win based on skill VS gear, and wether or not expertise is or is not the deciding factor. Also, please, I have seen all the mathematical calculations for expertise and heard all the arguements about how it cancels out ... or doesn't.... if everyone was rocking BM or WL. Thats not why I'm posting this, nor am I trying to start an arguement between the two opinions. I'm really just trying to find a solution because I really feel that it is the imagination and creativity of the players that can thrust a game like this into greatness. Peace and hair grease I'm gonna go log in now.

  5. This subject seems to be one that is constantly discussed and I think about it a lot. I love to PVP and I love to raid with my guildies. I love to be questing alone and have an enemy faction attack me while I have mobs on me and still beat them, and sometimes I don't. It's all part of the game and I get it. I read all the different threads pertaining to this and I see a lot of the same old song. What I have yet to see is a solution other than remove it/keep it in game.

    One of the reasons I see people wanting to keep expertise is because they feel the raiding players should not be able to come in when bored and roll you, you who have been pvp'ing WZ's and grinding it up the hard way. A valid arguement.

    One of the reasons I see people wanting to remove it is because thay chose to level their toon at a more relaxed pace, explore a little more maybe, and didn't "grind it up" to 50, hence they had less time at 50 pvp'ing and furthermore don't have the BM or WL gear. Another valid arguement.

    Theres no denying expertise doesn't play a role in pvp otherwise we wouldn't be on this thread, and the various others. I wanted to throw something out there and see what the PVP and PVE community thought of it. Please understand that it's just an idea and by no means am I trying to say that it will fix everything and SWTOR will be the MMO utopia that all should mass exodus to. One problem at a time, one solution at a time.

    So heres my thought, as far as level 50 gear is concerned what do you all think the outcome would be if expertise were made for PVE only? Let me explain. Most of us agree that the level 50 gear needs to be part of the raiding, especially for those who run the HM and NM modes. Why not make it so that, instead of super stats, the expertise is in fact what helps those peeps out in those raids. The level 50 gear will still have tiers but they'd be expertise tiers with the same stats for the top 50 PVP gear. Now PVP'ers I'm not ripping your hearts out just yet. As I said I love to PVP, and I do believe you should be given a little love for all your hard work, experience and dedication.

    Heres what I'm thinking, I can only speak for a couple of classes about this but the other players I talk to tend to agree that our set bonuses for PVP gear is kind of , meh, for lack of a better word. I truly don't think that it would be the deciding factor between two good players. Perhaps work on a set bonus that is PVP oriented, that would not be useful in raiding/PVE but super helpful in PVP. This would of coarse have to be done on a class to class, spec to spec basis, and would be a great deal of work for the dev team but there is no great reward without a great deal of work. PVP'ers thats not all, reallocating your expertise and tweaking your set bonuses would not be the end, in fact I'd also propose adding a PVP only ablity with a full set of armor. This would also be the case with PVE raid gear.

    There are a few more ideas I can throw into this mix but I just wanted to get some constructive feedback for this stuff so far. It would keep the seperation between PVP and PVE gear that many would like in place yet also give those starting in the 50 PVP bracket a chance, wether or not they have a chance to win based on skill VS gear, and wether or not expertise is or is not the deciding factor. Also, please, I have seen all the mathematical calculations for expertise and heard all the arguements about how it cancels out ... or doesn't.... if everyone was rocking BM or WL. Thats not why I'm posting this, nor am I trying to start an arguement between the two opinions. I'm really just trying to find a solution because I really feel that it is the imagination and creativity of the players that can thrust a game like this into greatness. Peace and hair grease I'm gonna go log in now.

  6. after skimming through the boards yesterday i was anxious to pvp last night to see what was up. Yes, i am new to MMO and PVP....don't bash me too badly. Every time i play civil war i get totally obliterated! i rarely can get any medals. Last night was no different. The game was so one sided it wasn't funny. I was attacking and hardly doing any damage. Why can't i do more damage? it is so frustrating. i would get ambushed. it was horrible. A lvl 16 jugg had almost 14000hp and here i was at 11200. At the end of the match i was expecting some XP for my expended energy in the constant battle i was engaged in, but big fat 0 across the board. Void star was great our team didn't win, but I have several kills and received xp and comm


    And No, I don't agree with the philosophy that everyone is a winner, but come on...in warzones you need to battle and i was. I just never got the kill.


    So i play to learn as much as i can.


    Jedi Sent - 39

    Bounty - 17

    Sniper - 19

    Sith Sorc - 14

    Scoundrel - 14


    Don't be discouraged by that experience or by people on this thread for that matter. PVP in any MMO takes a lot of practice. Many here have the advantage of pvp'ing in other MMO's and have a basic idea of how certain things work. It gives them a slight advantage but this, as i said, is experience based. Keep on pushing because the more you pvp is the better you get, you can't get worse. Even if you lose, a lot, keep fighting cause it will only benefit you.

  7. MV is still very useful in pvp and in pve. It's not as bad as many here are making this "Nerf" out to be. The decreased activation time is long overdue, and if your an experienced pvper you can get it do what you need it to do easily. It's great for interrupting large groups attempting to gain objectives in WZ's. It still has an aoe effect, reduced a little albiet, but it's still there. Good troopers, of both advanced class-types, will adapt to this change and make it useful. Others will cry, which is why this thread is here.
  8. I'm unable to equip certain "orange" armor pieces on my companions. My toon is a Trooper and , as you know, all my companions wear heavy/trooper gear. These pieces say they are Trooper Only, it is the only difference I see from other orange gear. I suppose my question is, if this is intended, will it be changed for 1.2 to give players the increased appearance options and if it isn't shall it be fixed?
  9. :(

    Purchased pre-order July 25th. Didin't think to register it on the site until October. Doh!


    I did the same as you. Didn't think something so trivial would matter so much. All my guildies are getting in so I have less and less people to talk to till I get in lol. Redeemed 10/28 bought pre-order 9/4.

  10. This is more of a curious question really. I recently checked the server status for what we have available and I noticed that the server my guild is assigned to is FULL. Does that mean that if we were not picked for early access today that the remainder of the guild, or anyone else on other servers for that matter, will not be permitted to roll on that server? Or does that just show the servers population for the time being and people may be able to roll a character at a "slower" time?
  11. It seems all the people ************ about the 'waves' way of launching don't understand or would rather the server just crash every 5mins if they just let every pre-order sign in willy nilly.


    I totally agree dude, though I am laughing my ***** off at all these downies whining. it's just keeping me occupied till i can play.

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