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Posts posted by Saetun

  1. When I play my warriors, jumping around and circling defeats me more than those that don't. Simply because when they jump they gain a small distance away from 4m for me to attack but less than 10m for me to leap charge.


    So I am left with only very few options of attacks and am forced to walk around trying to hit the guy while getting burned down by him and his buddies.


    Do this to warriors and especially if you play stealth characters that can jump around or through you for those backstabs and you have high increased advantage.


    Now I know there will be players saying if you get played like this you are bad and yes warriors I am bad with. And so are like 90% people I see getting played like this too.


    So continue your dances people. Players who suck with melee classes like me or have lag/latency issues (and some do) will always fail to this trick. Only very few melee pros can survive this tactic. Take advantage of this!!!


    P.S. And yes doing this used to help in weaving in the past game I used to play which was Aion Online lol But that's another issue, definitely not relevant to this game .



    Simple answer to this, and the most basic fundamental rule of PvP. Play your game, not their game. Don't ever let someone else control your situation. In the situation you describe, you should just walk away! This is exactly what any good pvp'er wants. You chasing him in circles while he kites you. Never let someone dictate how you fight. Never let them draw you away from an objective, even if you only need 2 more hits to kill them! Be a smarter pvp'er. This is exactly the problem with pug pvp groups. All too often inexperienced players allow the other team to dictate the time, place, and tempo of the fight. There is no shame in running away to regroup and coming back with a better approach or sticking to your guns and staying with your objective instead of your target.

  2. they don't need to... People need to get some modern computers, or at least learn how to properly configure the ones they have.


    3 machines in my house that are all used to play SWToR


    Corei7 5820k (OC'ed to 4.1ghz)

    32 GB DDR3

    256GB AData SATA III SSD

    Nvidia 970 GTX


    Corei5 3570k (3.4ghz, stock frequency)

    16 GB Ram

    256GB AData SATA III SSD

    Nvidia 770 GTX


    Corei7 2600k (OC'ed to 4ghz)

    16 GB Ram

    256GB AData SATA III SSD

    Radeon 6970 HD


    All 3 of these different computers run the game without any hint of lag under any load.


    Heres a big hint I have seen as a problem in most MMO's. If you have anything less than a model number ending in 70 from either video card manufacturer, you have a BUDGET low performance machine. These cards are made to allow people to have access to new features (i.e. DX11, shader models, etc...), but are in reality LESS powerful than the previous model line! (i.e. the GTX 770 beats a GTX 960 in most benchmarks, and they are the same price!). If your processor is more than 5 years old, you might need an upgrade. Just because clock speeds haven't increased really, doesn't mean anything. A 4ghz core i7 from 5 years ago, will get beat by a 4ghz from today. By a fairly decent amount. The architecture of processors has changed greatly. if you have an AMD processor, you should replace it. They are no longer relevant and you can buy a midrange corei5 that will smoke even the best AMD processors for less money. Not to mention that AMD does not even support all modern instruction sets any longer (especially when it comes to multicore processing). Intel has been concentrating on efficiency over raw horsepower. And especially in games like SWToR that are CPU heavy the modern architecture really shines.


    When investigated I find most performance issues in most MMO's lie with the user and their computer. No application is ever perfect. A budget computer will always have budget performance. There will always be issues on some machines, no matter what engine is used. Every single one has it's problems and quirks.


    And... if you are on a laptop and complaining... What did you really expect? It's a laptop!

  3. I really don't understand why everyone complains about the engine so much...


    Running just fine here with no complaints whatsoever. (the db queries for some features could use some optimization but the graphics engine runs 100% fine for me). In fact I would say in my case this is one the best performing MMO's I have ever played.

  4. LOL, it's the old pulling back to everyone knows response. I'm talking about this game. Got anything for this one that proves my point wrong?


    Name one MMO that has more PvP servers than PvE that isn't exclusively open world PvP by design. Raiding is easy. Just go count how many raid guilds there are on progression sites compared to not. They are outnumbered at least 10 to 1 if not significantly more.

  5. http://www.cnbc.com/id/100712515


    Disney has invested in EA to develop Star Wars games. They have already been going for 2 years using that money. Where did it go? There have been no games released for the Star Wars franchise in that time period other than SWToR. But for sure it is speculation at this point... I seriously doubt that, that agreement was for investment into an already existing MMO that had no connection to what Disney is/was working on.

  6. @OP


    I find it kind of strange that SWToR is hailed as being one of EA's most profitable titles, but yet you mention lack of development... But EA/Bioware are most certainly investing in it and are building hype... Where is that money and effort going to? Perhaps the content drought is because those resources are being funneled to something better (i.e. frostbite/swtor2).

  7. I run into this in pretty much any end-game MMO. Last year I was playing FFIV: ARR and the same story. If you don't know the fight and know your rotation perfectly you instantly get yelled at, told to l2p, get told to go to this site, watch this youtube video, etc. It's just the culture of end game content nowadays. Funny thing is, like you said in PvP in that game was alot more laid back and I noticed the same thing you noticed, alot less "Call outs" and ppl getting mad. It's strange how PvE'rs morphed into the elitist rage-nerds crowds and the pvpers became the more laid back just havin' fun crowd. Used to be the opposite, I guess fighting AI NPC's is serious business.


    Except... it isn't this way...


    Pvp'er also started doing Pve and now we have the elitist nerd-ragers on both sides of the fence now. Have you even played warzones lately? My ignore list is full from playing pvp.

  8. It's not the operative stacking in regs that is OP. It's snipers! Ran against 4 snipers coordinating with each other the other night. Forget stealth, 4 ambushes from out of your range is far more deadly! They were doing a premade and just dominated WZ's all night.
  9. No, the pause when opening UI elements is because it has to query the server to get the contents of the window. Same thing as the lag when you get off your speeder. It has to query for your current companion and their gear and tell the client to render it. Notice that UI elements that do not contain anything specific to the character or require data from the server always open quicker. It's things like your inventory, crew skills, character sheet, etc.. (ESPECIALLY the legacy window!) that lag. All of which require data not stored on the client to render.
  10. I have really started to wonder if the lag is not necessarily the engine at all. I recently came back to the game after having played at launch. I started over and deleted my launch characters and started on a new server. My first character I made, had 0 lag ever. All the way to 60 and in fps/warzones I never experienced any. But as I created more characters, and even more importantly added them to my legacy and started to level it, lag started to appear. Now every level I get on my legacy the lag gets a little bit worse.


    I wonder if this isn't related to the issue. I can only imagine how monstrous the database queries must be on larger/higher leveled legacies with more unlocks. Every single one of those things on every single character you have has to be referenced every single time you do anything. Why? Because it is all linked. The server has to check what companion buffs you have (as well as other linked benefits) and reference that across all of your characters to find out what your stats actually are to calculate your roll whenever you perform an action. If this is being done on the fly instead of with static flags on the character it could cause a ton of lag over time.


    But this is just a theory. A pretty strong one though as creating a new character on a new server with no legacy recreates my original lag free experience. EQ2 recently went through something similar in that after 10+ years of operation they had people whose character data had become so massive it was causing lag for everyone in any zone with them.

  11. Thanks for the info, very helpful and makes it much clearer.


    as a side note... I am really hating the bolster system... Played at launch before bolster and it felt so much better. Even though I would get owned at times by better geared people at least I felt like I truly had a way to improve my character and maybe someday I could play at that level. Now, I get a piece of PvP gear and feel less powerful than before in some cases. It is very unsatisfying.

  12. Had a few questions myself :


    Will I ever reach a point where my gear actually improves? I was using the 162 bolster pve gear and have been slowly upgrading to the 168 pvp gear, but it doesn't actually increase anything in pvp from what I can tell. So far it seems like getting pvp gear is a waste as the 162 is just as good for all intents and purposes.


    Do augments work in pvp? I have been trying to find definitive evidence but I spent the money and put a few on and they actually seemed to nerf my stats!

  13. Nice theory, but it doesnt address specifics.

    Why would you take a sniper or merc on an 8 man when you wouldn't on a 4?


    Because with 8 you have sufficient resources to guard, assist, protect said sniper and allow them to do their job. It isn't that snipers don't do great dmg in pvp, they do amazeballs dmg. Just in a 4 you can't spare enough people to allow them the time and cover they need to do their job. Snipers are probably the best killers in the game atm, but they are also the most vulnerable.

  14. lets face it, you never see this many of any class in any game with pvp unless it is an OP class. If all other classes are on even ground, and sorcs are so easy to beat why don't the hardcore pvp'ers play them instead of sorc?


    O wait, some do play mercs... but thats another version of the same story anyway...


    The numbers don't lie...

  15. Thats...great. But I like the voice. So. No.


    And in case you forgot, daily mission terminals are text only.


    I just disagree. I want voice over. Its that much better in my opinion. I have never played an MMO where I gave a care about the story. Now I do.


    You should have tried FFXI when it was new. It's not the same game anymore unfortunately. They had truly epic story lines but never forgot that after the story was over there needed to be a damn good mmo behind it to keep people paying.

  16. Have to agree with the OP. This game could have been the fabled "WoW Killer MMO", but it's not anywhere close. It had an IP that rivals Warcraft with the fanbase numbers to match if not beat. It had a development company behind it with the capability to create great games. But once again the money handlers didn't have the faith in their dev team to let them run the show.


    So dissapointed :(

  17. In every game since UO hardcore pvp'ers have flocked to the FoTM OP class/spec/build/etc... whenever there is one.


    So I ask you this :


    If sorc's and mercs are on such even ground with every other class why is every WZ filled with almost nothing but them?

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