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Posts posted by Dunsky

  1. At the same time it is a change to cater to pve players wishing to pvp in their pve gear. Can I get a bolster so that I can run my pvp gear in 55 Ops?


    NO. We, the pve'ers did not get a bolster.. you got a nerf... asking for a bolster is the wrong angle here.... what you should be asking is that they nerf our pve gear so your gear is viable in level 55 ops... that would be *** for tat so to speak. Also you have a better chance of getting us nerfed than getting a bolster for yourself.

  2. "There should be 2 goals going forward; first would be to milk more cash from current fans by giving them additional items to spend their money on--vanity items "


    NO... if this happens I, sadly, will be gone.. the minute i look a the cartel store and feel the urge to spend more than the 15$ sub i alaready pay.. thats when I will know it's time to leave this game behind. Yes i know wow sold the crystal mount and other junk for real money... but I don't play wow anymore.. And i stopped playing COH when you could buy power sets." So long as i'm not getting milked I don't mind the game going f2p.

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