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Posts posted by Amalak

  1. Grats..... now if they only made it worth something, while I do enjoy the toys, it feels as though we were lead to believe that the CE Vendor would be update with rare and unique armor and skins on a regular basis.


    I just wish it would get a lil love here and there, even it was just every 6 months

  2. I hope that my current armor is made obsolete, just like every other MMO that Ive played, when a new level cap and new expansion is out there should be new armor to strive for and new content to challenge us. I would hope at level 55 that I have outgrown my 63 gear :p
  3. I believe that particular schematic is currently unobtainable. Must have been amongst the crystals that were available in the time between patches 1.1 and 1.2.


    I have heard that you can get them or should I say could get them from the pvp purple crafting boxes, but if they were only available for a short time, that would explain why there are only a couple people that show they can craft them on my server. Its a shame :(

  4. Reinforced Matrix Chestguard, and yes like poster already said its from the End of Torvix quest reward, so its pretty easy to get


    **Edited for link


    I wish there were more options like this ingame for medium armor users, aside from the Xenotech Weaponmaster's Vest, there are not very many options for hood up armor especially with my body type 3 and using Ravan's Mask, its the only one I can find without any clipping issues

  5. Just expecting what we've paid for... It's not like asking for new game mechanics and features which were announced post-launch. This is a service which was promised to all who'll pay additional and, honestly, overpriced cost of the Collector's Edition. And all it required would be adding few items into the vendors from time to time. Seen how many social outfits were datamined? I so much suspect they were meant to go into ce stores.


    I agree 100 percent, was just pointing out that WhoDare wasnt trolling him, just pointing out EAware's track record.

  6. No I am not new to how they work. Go troll elsewhere.


    I dont think he was trolling, he was just pointing out the track record for EAware, they give very vague answers and even when they do give a concise answer there is always room for interpretation... so expecting more from them is an exercise in futility

  7. That's just General Chat on any MMO, you should see some of the stuff that comes out on GW2 or WoW. My server's General is tame compared to them. You need to remember that the average IQ is 100, and when it comes to the gaming community, I think the average scales much lower....
  8. My friend has had nothing but trouble buying CC with his credit card they keep telling him its his Credit card company but he can use it to buy other things as well as a cash shop on a different game no problem, the way he found to work around this is to buy EA game cards and buy the cartel coins with that.
  9. Once again, you must have paid for a different version of the game than me. On my version, it's impossible to sell anything on the trade chat, even when you are basically giving it. As for getting stuff, this is a wild dream-I tried once to get some augment kit parts converted into a kit, and the pig that offered his services loled at me and logged off, with 250k credits and my 97 mark 6 parts.


    Oh, I know. I should sit for hours spamming in the trade channel. That's what you call ''community''.


    Too funny :D

  10. rep grinding is one of the things that kinda hurt WoW for me, not killed it but definitely hurt it. I just hope that SWTOR doesn't lean on it as hard as a time sink as WoW did. other than taht, HELL YA 1.7! can't wait!


    I kinda like the rep grinds, but only if it give us unique items, i.e. mounts, weapons or armor, would be kewl if the CM wasnt the only way to get new things... but we'll see :rolleyes:

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