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Posts posted by Boshlord

  1. I got hit yesterday by a Merc with back to back hsm which isn't possible because of the CD on the skill. Only way this is possible is with a hack. I have also been force choked 2 times in a row by the same person which I believe also has a CD. Those are just a couple things I have noticed there are many more some already have been mentioned and some haven't.


    The thing with crits though is the person could have just been lucky with the rng because I have seen streaks when healing myself where I will crit 5 times in a row and then go on streaks of no crits.


    The cheats are definitely there but what you will get here is l2p or if you don't have video it didn't happen, even though everyone knows the hacks are there.


    Was the back to back force choke in world pvp because one could be the legacy ability one and the other normal ability one? Just saying i would take advantage of that if i were a sith warrior having 6 seconds of stun

  2. 1000 points of damage and heal.


    0 expertise: (1000*1 = 1000)*1 = 1000, (1000*1 = 1000) heals, 1000-1000 = 0 diff.

    896 expertise: (1000*1.182 = 1182)*.846 = 999.972, (1000*1.0999 = 1099.9) heals, 1099.9-999.972 = 99.928 surplus heals.

    1291 expertise: (1000*1.2395 = 1239.5)*.8068 = 1000.0286, (1000*1.1326 = 1132.6) heals, 1132.6-1000.0286 = 132.5714 surplus heals.


    surplus heals still doesnt account for the -30% of that 1000 we are actually doing. math more works like this

    (1000*.7*1.1326= 792.82) this means for every 1000 damage a damage dealer would normally do a healer would have to pump out close to 1250


    1000 damage is way greater then 1000 healing buddy get rid of trauma then it would balance

  3. Win more... why should you get similar rewards for a loss?


    You should be rewarded... just not as bad as it is now. Being rewarded for participating otherwise why participate after you start losing. Ohhh its 0/2 in huttball we better all leave suddendly its 8 v 0... I mean sports team get compensation win or lose. Poker you get something if you play decent (such as getting medals). Plus if I have to suffer 8 missreable loses for every 1 win because bioware made my gear worthless over night to get any compensation I would quit now

  4. I have rarely seen any sage say that changes were not needed. Double dip needed to be removed. The problem is, the wrong changes were made and it has made sage healing useless in pvp against competitive teams. In an environment like rated warzones, this will become even more apparent.


    Obviously, you play with premades or people who know what they are doing vs. those who don't.


    So try an experiment. Instead of playing with your premade....try playing against your premade. Then come on here and tell us it's fine. I still won't believe you but at least you'll have a different experience.


    Exactly nerfs were needed these nerfs were overkill. A simple nerfing the free consumption + reducing healing done by 5% would do. Cutting a classes healing by 1/3 peobably a little overkill and when rated starts good luck finding competitive healers on 90% or teams because it will be 8 dps vs 8 dps if something doesn't give

  5. I didn't have quite this bad of an experience but I still wish I would of known about some of these changes. I had full champion gear not really bothering spending hours grinding bm pre 1.2 (I actually had real life **** going on the month leading up to it were I got virtually no playing time). To me I figured that ohhh they have 6 expertise more per piece but less beneficial secondary stats so it wasn't going to make or break me. Friend tells me 1.2 came out and so I hop on to find that wait for it... bm gear has double the expertise that recruit gear has 20% more epertise and all I can think is over night my gear went from equal to the best to a pile of ****.
  6. Perhaps you would have a point that healers were overpowered against pugs, if rateds where not right around the corner, but the fact is this game should not be balancing around what is best for pugs if they want to add rated content. Against good players who know what they're doing your team will not save you, and that was pre 1.2, now your a hindrance to your team if your a healer.


    Everything added in this patch in some way makes life as a healer more difficult, from adding target to target frames, to longer cast times, to lower survivability, shorter interrupt timers, decreased efficiency on heals, increased damage output.


    ^^^^ this and a million times more yes... the fact that its better to run 8 dps now is a disheartening fact especially for me playing a healing sorc and a tank jugger its not right to no longer have a place in pvp...

  7. My only complaint is now I can't even get big heals off on most players because of damage spikes (being uniturrupted) because people die in 4 seconds its bubble shield 1.5 second gcd instant cast HOT 1.5 gcd and then 2.2 second cast = tareget I'm healing is dead even in 1 v 1... this is when playing with battlemasters on my team. Heals are virtually useless when someones dps can negate them + do 100% more damage.
  8. We used to be decent at best, we could stand 1 v 1 fairly well against most classes but it was pure utility that pissed so many people off. Also now that 1.2 came out we have been hit by the nerf bat I'm atleast 30% less effective. Prepatch I could do 300K healing and 100K damage in most full games (except civil war because I ended up bguarding an empty base alone). Post patch with same play style I do 200K healing and 15K damage. Heals no longer even matter in wzs bubbles are decent because they can be precasted but actual heals don't go off nearly as much because the fast pace of the pvp now. So I know its not a learn2play thing even the top sorc on my server has dropped about 100K healing/50K damage since 1.2 came out (in any game I've seen her in)


    Sorc will no longer be the target of nerfs its now mauraders/mercs/operatives (they stealthy kind)

  9. The fast paced pvp killed the idea of tanks/healers being useful in warzones, 8 dps vs 2 healers 2 tanks and 4 dps its obvious now the 8 dps will just steamroll through them.


    not only did they make the game to fast paced now, they nerfed healing to the ground so now you either have a forever long cast to do or you do tiny heals that are useless. Healing has became a game of luck more then skill as far as keeping someone alive. You can't match the speed of dps any more so you have to precast on someone who you think might take damage to keep someone alive. Healers should be able to heal the amount of damage someone can do on another player untill resources run out (assuming all else being equal such as skill and gear) but that is apparently long gone with slower big heals and not enough hots/channeled spells to keep up.


    As far as a tanks usefulness its a joke now besides their few aoe taunts. You place guard on someone and you end up at 60% health and they are still dead in 4 seconds. its just completely not worth bringing someone who isn't a dps any more into a warzone and its becoming more evident of that every warzone I play

  10. Id like it if the three separation functions of expertise were awarded in differing numbers dependent on the spec of gear you had. So for example:


    Tank gear = 10% damage increase, 30% reduction, 15% healing bonus

    Healing gear = 10 % damage increase, 15% reduction, 30% healing bonus

    DPS gear = 30% damage increase, 15% healing bonus, 10% reduction

    Balanced set (new) = 18% to all


    People should make a choice that fits their playstyle and is meaningful on how they operate in PvP.


    This would be a an example of how it should be also, there is no point to give healers a 20%+ bonus to damage and only 9% or so to damage reduction and less then that to bonus healing%


    Hell the healing bonus doesnt even come close to off setting the trauma debuff any more

  11. I want to know in what wrold does it make sense to have expertise make you DPS so much greater it negates the damage reduction.


    My big problem is 1 of the 3 rolls relies heavily on damage. That being DPS.


    A tank would rather have higher mitigation then damage because they arent there to kill people but either keep them alive or complete a task that requires tanking.


    A healer would idealy have more mitigation because it would mean less healing would have to go out


    DPS should both enjoy and hate the damage reduction part due to the fact they live longer but oppents die slower.


    The current system ensures that no one really benefits from expertise being in the game unless you are the DPS


    damage>damage reduction>healing makes NO SENSE. Classes dont balance around having a high damage bonus added to there class. what balances a class is having the ability to play it.


    even if there isnt a counter to what kept expertise from being balanced that healing bonus part of it i would like to say that i would rather have damage reduction on everyone be higher as a healer then have any bonus to healing. The current situation doesnt make any kind of sense to anyone but DPS

  12. to continue the story ill write about my own experience as a healer since this game has came out. First of all I as well have played the entire game as a corruption sith sorc and it seems all good things come and go. When i hit 50 it was about 2 weeks into the game but still there was an array of other level 50 operatives and mercs and many of the other classes who put out insane numbers early in the game. My gear never became good (or what i considered good) untill i got a full champion gear set (for 6 extra expertise im not a big worry over BM gear). For a long time this meant go in and do my daily so i can have a chance at gear and never got a piece from the bag untill i already had the piece from straight buying it. I struggled for about 2 weeks but i enjoyed PVP healing because looking at numbers you can figure you were able to cancle out another players efforts ( heals > damage done by an opposing member). While I would read comments of terrible nerfs on my healing class as well I never thought any of them were detrimental to my class (no more free consumption, sure fine i can manage), however at this point i was unaware of just how much damage would change. Being a healer walking into a warzone yesterday in the same gear realizing it was impossible to keep ANYONE alive. People dropped no matter how much healing i put on them. The name of the game is try and let this person get a kill before they go down. Yes I was targeted some but it didnt matter like before because my team was dieing with or without me there. Also when i was targeted i noticed there was nothing keeping me alive being in light armor and having so much extra damage being thrown my way even against only 1 DPS. At this point i had to start making concious decissions if it was better to allow a team mate the few seconds of extra time so they might actually get a kill and sacrifice myself or heal myself keeping the DPS from moving onto the next target and start wreaking havoc elsewhere.


    Now back to pre 1.2 i would genuinely like how even DPS and healing could be. There were times in huttball were i pulled a maurader or assassin off to one of the expertise powerups and have 5 minutes of fighting with them because i knew it was even, i couldnt do enough damage to pass their self heals and they couldnt do enough to pass my heals. seems fair to me that 1 person should = 1 person (assuming all else equal). But now its 1 DPS > 1 healer/tank. When they upped the DPS from skills and nerfed healing and then on top of that made damage the biggest part of expertise it showed were favoriteism is lieing in 1.2. If any part of expertise should outshine another it should be damage reduction because not everyone in a warzone will do damage or heal but everyone will take damage. I kind of thought this was the idea of adding medals for things like protection and healing but when these are reduced and damage is increased it makes it hard not to jump on the bandwagon and respec to do 5X more damage then possible before.

  13. The only real nerf I am thinking will really affect sorc healing is the change to our big heal. Having a 60% crit chance on it doesn't mean its any more of a viable then normal casting it. A better change would make it straight heal 30% more when force bending is active. This would still allow us to have the ability to crit and would be effective every time. Now with that said the corruption "nerf" is a well deserved considering with pvp gear it would end up being a free heal often times and completly negated another talent option.


    As far as everyone complaining about corruption hurting us face the fact that a good sith sorc would never run out of force unless innervate was chain inturrupted for like 10 times.


    As far as gearing goes we are gonna shift from crit surge to surge alarcicty I believe because we can now almost auto crit on innervate of dark infusion.


    Also as a side note for pvp I think its best to note I used to play a consumption free spec (went hybrid into lightning for AOE roots and mezmerize bubble. With a spec like that I would die maybe 3 times in a game and never oom unless I had to bubble/heal my entire team. Only changed because pve healing seemed to make me oom faster the pvp healing due to the ability to stand and actually heal

  14. The stealther sitting in the end zone waiting for the ball effectively puts the game at 8 vs 7. The stealther isn't dpsing, isn't healing, isn't guarding, isn't doing a damned thing but sitting there.


    Are you honestly going to complain about having a numbers and tactical advantage?


    Yes because there is no counter to the stealther really. Using a sith sorc who HAS to be visible to enemys to see he is being set up to pull a ball carrier can be countered by stunning/knockbacking the sith sorc. Same goes with knowing how to avoid juggernauts leaps you can position your self to gain tactical advantages over these classes and make a lot of these obsolete.


    Honestly this is a learn to play issue if a group set up to do this they are failing

  15. That's right we should take away class design to make it completly bland. You know what makes pvp fun is that abilities are used in fun and interactive ways. Besides with a well cordinated team there is no way a team would score if ball carriers didn't have another option of getting the ball across because of knockbacks/grapples.


    While we are at it I think they need to make it so the ball can't be healed *end sarcasm*

  16. Ya no ****... thats why I stopped healing more than 75K in a match unless I need to win it or the team is really good and I have fun supporting them.


    Bioware is making us play the game wrong, but hey its their game.


    Just heal your 75K and then go and do damage for the rest of the game, thats what i do. Oh yeah and dont forget your 5K healing medal of course, should only take 15 secs to get that one.


    That way I usually get up to 8 easy medals as a "healer".


    Lol I get 300K healing and average 8 medals as a "healer" because medals are a joke in this game.

  17. Gcd is 1.5 seconds so a 2 second stun allows us to do 1 ability and have 1 second left till our next abilty it would be like this

    Hit stun 1.5 second gcd starts

    Targets stunned 2 seconds

    Gcd finishes cast instant/get .5 seconds into a cast)

    Target is unstunned and inturrupts/stuns back

    Wow glad there was that 2 seconds that got me a whole 1/3 of a cast time on my heal.

    If your dieing in a 4 second stun it could be one of 3 things

    1. being hit by more then a sith sorc

    2. they out gear you 1000 times.

    3. The stun starts when you already have dots/75% life already (would say this is most likly and that's still assuming they have wrath proced and get instant cast ls followed by instant cast cl)

  18. Honestly I don't think these can crit. Lightsabers don't seem like something that would be able to (never seen critted weapons before). Not to mention if its sellable why re it when you can sell it for the price of mats atleast (I'm sure someone would pay 25K for it if they will pay 25K for level 34 epic implants) not to mention it can't get you an epic recipe due to the fact all the parts are just mods.
  19. I would assume some hard core raiding guilds say you can't send crews out during raids due to the annoying *** pop ups. I know I've let tanks/dps die in hard modes because of the dam things taking up 90% or my screen
  20. Powertechs can only attack in melee range and since this game is zergfest melee are just a pinball at 50 and cant do anythign good, the only way to make a melee class good is with stealth or a low cd grapple that will allow us to grapple our enemies more often instead of going in melee range and dying


    so i propose a grapple with 20 second cooldown so we can finally be ale to pvp and not die by the 232132132 ranged dps that attack us


    Just what we need is powertechs with more grapples so they can have 2 guarding the base by pulling people endlessly to the sides. I don't see any abused power with this, but when it does happen here I come powertech because no one will ever score a point in huttball

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