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Posts posted by Houdani

  1. I play on a "FULL" server and it rarely feels full. Most planet instances have 30-50 folks running around, and often finding a group is a long wait. Even so, while planet side, this isn't a big hindrance.


    However, in the fleet, that's a whole 'nuther story. My fleet typically has fewer than 150 people around. Additionally, that's a highly diluted pool that includes everyone from L10 through L50. So on average there's only 4 other folks my level, or 20 folks within a five level range. When looking for Flashpoint groups, the pickings are slim and often fail to form at all. There just aren't enough people around. On a "FULL" server!


    Honestly, I think these 'full' servers should have 5-10 times more people on them. I guess the medium servers would need 20x more people just to bring them up to snuff. The planets/fleet can still be instanced, which would give everyone the elbow room they need. But that way we wouldn't have to twiddle our thumbs very long while LFG.


    Whodathunk a competent healer would have trouble finding a group?

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