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Posts posted by Cormanthor

  1. I'll help, it shows last night that the average servers were Standard/Heavy...almost equal.


    For the US maybe, not Europe. I was checking them all night because the recent drop in my server population and there was only 1-2 heavy with the majority being standard. There was a couple light but too many.

  2. you're missing the point - or are just being intentionally obtuse. You, a single person, do not have access to enough data to make an objective comparison or conclusion about server population.


    3 weeks ago was the middle-end of jan. People winding down from the holidays. How do you know a lot of them did not just adjust play-times to fit other things back into there schedules(a lot of people play a ton right off the bat and then less as time goes on but are still playing).


    How do you know - which you ignored - you're not on a server with lots of college kids who went back to school, so are playing at a different time now?


    You don't - theres a million other reasons to. Perhaps people are trying the opposite side but want to try on a diff server(that would be a net loss for your server, but not overall population of the game, thus population would not change overall)


    there are a million reasons - none of you which you can begin to account for.


    For all we know population IS decreasing on your server - but there are 0 objective facts that show it.


    I think the point that is trying to be made is that if there is only roughly 537 people on a server and it is listed as "Standard" then what the hell is light? 537 people between 2 factions on a game world of this size is extremely small.

  3. I'm seeing growth, you're seeing decline, there's no way to say anything meaningful about whether the game as a whole is growing or shrinking.


    A general way of looking at it is the server list in game. There used to be quite a few heavy populated servers for Europe and it is now down to 1-2. Likewise, lightly populated servers did not exsist and now there is a lot of them.


    There is a decline, no denying that, how big is up for debate. See what happens in the next week when resubs kick/do not kick in.

  4. BW don't publish this information, so how is that possible!


    (Unless I missed a major BW policy change)


    Errr, sorry about that, you are correct.


    This site is what I was referencing.




    Go through the options and you can see the decline. I would have argue against the drop 2 weeks ago but this last week has been really harsh on my server. 150+ in fleet to 40-50. Hard to resub when no one is around.

  5. Note it does not depict CURRENT POPULATION.


    Yes it does. And if you go through the options a bit more you will get what the population is on any particular server at this moment.


    What it also shows is that the population is dropping and you can not argue against it.

  6. I may or may not agree on other issues you count here but this is not the case.


    Tell me one MMO which had the better UI as a default than SW:TOR. Tell me one and i will stop this discuss. As a two months old MMO and as a default UI i havent seen any better. So tell me one and i will check!.


    WoW. It was better though not by much.


    1. Less lag.


    2. Custom bars


    Just a couple things to point out. There are a couple things I like about TOR UI but it is way behind the game in terms of what it should be in 2011/12.

  7. Are you kidding? UI is the most successful and beautiful looking UI ive seen in MMOs as a default. And about PVP quitters its the community not the game. Tell me your MMO history and tell me one MMO which -was/is 2 months old- gave you what you ask here? 'None' right?


    If you think Rift gives better sevice then you are free to go play Rift? Because youre here means you prefer SW:TOR to Rift. Again people like you -as always and this will never change- try to compare SW:TOR with other games.



    You need to stop drinking the coolaid. The UI is horrible. Personally I am not quitting over that as it is workable but I am quitting over a lot of different reasons.


    1. Customer Service - Worst I have ever seen in a game and from a company in general.


    2. Game feels lonely. I am apart of a huge guild but the worlds are instanced....***. I want crowed planets in a MMO because you know it is a multiplayer game. Why is it that Imps and Republic missions never really cross like STV?


    3. Faction imbalances - Why is this so hard to fix?


    4. Lack of "pretty" abilities. The game is really dull unless you have a light saber. Look at druid healing spells or warlock spells for reference.


    5. Poorly thought out crew skills/commendation items - Why have anything outside biochem when commendation items are just as good or better than anything you can craft?


    6. Ilum....just wow!


    That is it for now. Customer service is number 1. I have had a ticket in for over 10 days without a response and that was the last straw.

  8. no,




    I would hve agreed with you 3 weeks ago but in the last 2 weeks there has been a significant drop in population across most servers. My server could not even break 50 people last night in fleet for Republic.


    I have looked at the server lists and there is a lot more light/standard and now only 1 heavy.


    Friday night and no one in fleet? Even this afternoon there was only 40. Warzones take forever to get a group and when you do half the time the cancel do to lack of people.


    Bad weekend or a sign of what is to come?

  9. I agree. If I lose one more game of civil war 5-0 I'm going to lose my ****. I'm a pub gunslinger and if I had 5 expertise for every game I've lost by 5 points I'd have 0 expertise just like you.


    I have lost probably about 10-15 games due to this. It happens more than I would like. Sub is cancelled and I am not coming back. Over a week and still no response on my ticket.

  10. Commando's arguably have less mobility than Gunslingers.... You can reposition yourself and move cover... as a Commando you just literally sit in one spot mashing 1.5second cast abilities and channeled Full Auto.


    Your joking right? I have a commando and a gunslinger is way more stationary. I would like to see the gunslinger range increased by 5 more meters.

  11. That's it...........Maybe I'm wrong but I don't ever remember getting any orange items from either drops or quest rewards.


    btw....there are several types of sonic needlers.


    That is the A500, not the A300. The A300 looks like a old school six shooter. it is suppose to be given at the end of Act1 but it seems to bug out. I have a friend who is 50 and he never got it either.

  12. Bull.. Turrets point middle from the beginning. They aren't pointing towards any ship. I don't know who came up with this story, but it's wrong. Checked so myself countless of times when flying to the start point.


    You are right they all face center. The problem is that when the Imps capture a turret the score starts ticking immediately. For Republics the score does not start ticking until the turret starts firing.


    It is poor programming.

  13. What people have to realize is that the 2k per minute valor favours the faction with the highest population, which is mainly Imperial. This means that the low side loses out on a large amount of valor because they can not compete. Being out numbered 7-10 to 1 is not fair or fun.


    How BW thought this would be a good idea is beyond me. Personally I will most likely unsub tonight.

  14. Minimum range on a rocket/rep equivaletn (target tracking according to "trace") Ever thought of firing a bazooka at point blank? You know that all target tracking weapons actually require a min. distance to activate and aquire their target? :)


    I like the minimum range idea, as this one skill spamming is really annoying.




    I am not Gunnery spec but this would total gimp the class. WoW removed minimum range on hunters for a reason.


    If this is added you will then have to give the Merc/Commando more escape tools to use their skills.


    Seriously. Bad ideas are bad. Grav/Tracer is not a problem.

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