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Posts posted by Valued_Rug

  1. Neat, I just got this quest, promptly failed it, and have the quest in my log.


    A broken quest, ironically it's a freaking platform mechanic. What a joke. This aint lara croft, or assassin's creed. Worst 3rd person movement in a game, and then it ends up in a busted quest like this.


    Putting extreme platforming in for the datacrons was bad enough! I wear my Stay Frosty quest as a badge of honor.

  2. What's so confusing about it?


    If you manage to get out of the spaceport, surely you can go the same way back there.


    I too found this thread because I finished up Nar and couldn't find my way out.


    1- I play once or twice a week, I arrived in Nar 3 weeks ago!

    2- I keep my game windowed, with chrome open for quick googling of quests (who doesn't). If finding info on the web saves me a minute or two, what's the big deal?

    3- In general I think the flow of swtor's worlds so far has been sketchy. Part of the strength of a normal mmo is that they are usually continent based. Continents are good for mainly linear gameplay. Just look at the level ranges in wow, it's usually clear where to go and where not to go. And the map is always marked with an icon.


    The spaceport thing is like if every zone in wow had portals, ships, zeppelins.


    When you don't have that normal linear flow, you need to rely more on iconography than normal. They don't seem to have done that.

  3. I'm only lvl 19, so not that far in. But when I played Essells for the first time I was simply blown away. Now that I've played a lot more heroics and realized that they all aren't as good, I'm bummed. But seriously, it's a really good game.


    Nothing will ever top the feeling of WoW's world to me, but that doesn't mean that I don't have a place for other games. I wonder if more people will find EVE once they tire of SWTOR? Or might EVE lose people that just want some space fun without all the fuss?


    This coming from a more core gamer - cod/halo type.

  4. So far I have gone almost all dark, and once accidentally hit the button to make a light decision. Interestingly, they track total light and dark, so you have an overall total, plus you've got both base stats. In my case (lvl10 rep trooper) I'm 900 towards the dark side, but my points are 1000 dark, 100 light. Really wish I wouldn't have given those credits to Paul.
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