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Posts posted by Rydlin

  1. I think the EA is getting another DDOS attack. please look into it sooner than later unlike yesterday SWTOR. and put info out. you never came back with a reply on twitter other than you were looking into it yesterday however I did notice somewhat of a reply from the dev forum
  2. Is anyone even monitoring the forums or twitter anymore? People have bean posting for over 12hrs about the lag and disconnects on the server. I came back from 2 year break to the game and would like to finish the light vs dark but its hard when I can't play when I have free time to do so. Please at least drop a message saying your looking into it and fix it or do a server reboot. Or what ever you need to do. My internet is working and it shouldn't be anything on my end because I have bean playing problem free for last 2 weeks till now
  3. I think 50m is to cheap. Just think what it takes to max out a guild bank. your not buying a bank your buying basicly a star destroyer. And for those thinking its to high or you will nvr get it what is your guild doing. In 2 months, basically 2 members of our guild did guild sales just to gain money for the ship and were well over 100m.
  4. question, you have this posted:

    Power/Crit: Using the trusty ole' Keren's Simulator, it's seen there is a rather large sweet spot for crit in full 78 gear. You can fall anywhere between 200-360 crit and not see a noticeable difference in average dps output.


    what is the actual crit chance I should be looking for? I have every datacron in the game and at 210crit rating I'm at 26.72 crit chance. I thought the cap was around 20. and same for crit multiplier. thought cap was 70 my surge is at 376 makes my crit mult. 70.54

  5. Ok im really confused about this. Is the space thing we have now going away to be replaced by this new space war thing? Or is it something entirely new and we keep the space thing we have now? Also do we have to pay for this expansion? It says early access the 3rd but doesn't say how we get in?:sul_confused:


    its just a new pvp area, you will have the old space missions still this is just a new concept towards pvp and mixing space combat with it

  6. When new content for end game heroics come its easy to find a group but as time passes its EXTREMELY difficult to find groups for these quests that are required for unlocks. I'm talking about the heroics for items such as the microbinoculars and seekers. please add them to group finder for those who done all the necessary missions to get this far.
  7. Can we get high lvl heroics added to the group finder? it is really hard finding people to help on heroics for such things as the Microbinocular heroics and seeker drone heroic. when content is new its not a problem cuz everyone is looking to do it. but as time goes by it gets harder to find those who need to do the heroics as well.
  8. excited and upset. Another event with rifles as a reward for comms. How about some pistol love, or an event with unique sabers. unless you plan on giving rifle skill to BH's its kind of a slap to a BH's face the lack of love again and again and again. and same with saber carrying classes.
  9. Really dislike the Power tecs new tree. mess's up my setup moving skills to different brackets. I understand adding skills but moving skills up a tier is just unfair as well as modifing existing skills. If this is going to be their setup then us power tecs are getting nerfed big time. Thanks again BW
  10. Not to say i dont agree with you, but the devs that listened got fired. I'm pretty sure the ones still there really need their jobs so they keep quiet. Redirect your anger at the ones that pressed their weight on, because they want quick and alot of money and not a sucessful product: EA. I am definitly not gonna buy EA product easily after this. To do so, is to incentivate the current behavious of running down studios and franchises. Look at C&C, look at Kingdoms of amalur reckoning. If you dont make millions and millions EA is gonna run you down. Its happening to Bioware now.


    I agree. In the begining we would hear back. And I will never buy an EA game again as well. They got greedy and forgot about those who want to play.

  11. Didn't mean to come off hostile. We used to hear back from the devs and now they stay pretty quiet. Everyone has questions but no answers makes it hard. Really feels like any other MMO where the PVP aspect of the game gets ignored thinking its not a big part and the game falls apart. I know not everyone is into PVP. But the majority of players quit cuz of pvp and its broken system and we hear nothing back on fixing or looking into. The majority of info put out is for the PVE and RP side of the game. Warzones are slow coming and still no word of world pvp. But they don't mean didly with a broken system. We get no feedback on their end like they could care less. I understand they can't talk about everything in the works but we can't get a "were looking into it" or "something is in the works" type answer. No answer in fact.


    Hard to believe we had over 20 servers at launch with sometimes an hr wait to get in game cuz servers were full. They are in total deniel thinking people quit cuz of subscriptions. 1.2 brought change, took away world pvp and broke it further. Then the pvp comunity got fed up and packed its bags. I know their are other aspects why people left but I lost an entire guild of PVP players that were big on the server. How much further can u get with a game without comunication with its players about the good and the bad of the game? Or letting them know you here their concerns.


    The state of the game is that the Dev's are in deniel and don't listen. I hate trolling, cuz I enjoy star wars and parts of this game, but your going to continue to see a downward spiral of this game. people will come for f2p but you will soon loose more subscriptions do to ignoring and lying to urself about the true state of the game and what drove everyone away. A good chunk would come back if aspects were broght back and fixed.

  12. ... Please keep your comments and questions coming and I will try to answer the biggest, unresolved questions in these “State-of-the-Game” posts ...


    Biggest. Unresolved. By post count since before game launch and with the same questions since then to now still being unanswered, this question seems to fit both criteria: What changes to the current use of spaceships/space flight are coming, and when?


    Thanks for the feedback and the chance to reply to it.


    are you kidding me, have you read our posts? The biggest issue has bean PVP. The most ignored issue in the game and posts. Its bean almost a week and no word from the Devs. Not evan to aknowledge what we are saying with some excuse about getting back to us.

  13. This. Thank you for defending the obvious intention of the game. When they said "we never expected PVP to be so popular", they meant that they didnt design the game to revolve around pvp, and so it shouldnt. PVP is fine and great as it is. Sure we could use some more warzones, but how about a little more content first, rather than making devs waste time tweaking and retweaking things that work fine the way they are?


    thats right. Many other mmo's fail in this department and yes I hear the other play types and understand your issues. But what you have is 3 types of gamers (RP, PVE, and PVP) RP and PVE are given more and talked about more by the devs. PVP is getting next to nothing and no responses. This game had overloaded servers to begin with and as pvp was brushed aside so did a huge scale of players. The issue was never having to pay, it was the lack of PVP that drives us to play. And still no answers to the pvp community as this thread is over loaded with us complaining and want to be acknoldged that you hear us. If you devs don't know what to do here is an easy suggestion: make 3 seperate threads on suggestion to fix-1 what RPers suggest, 2 what pve suggest, and 3 what PVP suggest. And don't leave us hanging, make comments urself so we know we r heard. The majority of us post not to troll but what to help the game. We want the best gaming experiense but we don't get it and we feel ignored.

  14. And yet again you ignore the biggest topic on peoples minds, PvP. How this wasn't top of your list of reasons you went FTP is beyond me. Everyone I know who has quit, quit over PvP after the balance changes in 1.2. Everyone I know who would like to come back but won't, won't because PvP is still a big mess from 1.2. You should change that top point to read;


    1. Our PvP was awesome. Now people hate it and don't want to play it.


    You've even admitted it yourselves, you had no idea PvP was going to be so popular, so why are you not doing more about it? There are millions of avid PvP'ers out there and SWTOR could be a real home, but it will never be a home to those players if you keep on ignoring your existing ones. Serious changes need to be made to make PvP a hospitable environment again, which means you need to start seriously listening to your player-base.


    Stop ignoring your PvP community, it's beyond a joke now. I can't even begin to describe how little respect I have for you as a games company after the way you've treated the PvP community, it's disgusting, it really is. If serious changes aren't made when FTP hits, I'm out of here, and I won't be the only one I can assure you. And that's not even counting all the potential FTP customers PvP will put off right from the get go given the state it's in now.


    Ignoring the problem won't make it go away, it will however have serious repercussions for the game, like it already has...




    You hit it right their. Just like many other MMO's the pvp comunity is looked down on like we don't exist compared to everyone else and we get ignored. The guild I had played with for yrs has quit ( over a hundred payed subscription members) and now only a cple of us left and it is becouse PVP is seriously hurting. Lots of great suggestions in the forums for fixing and brining back world pvp but we here nothing.


    So please Devs, let us know you hear us so we don't feel ignored and wake up cuz its not the paying that drove them away, its the fact that you abandoned us and fail to aknowledge us and the truth. its like you hear only what you want to hear and not the people like you need to because we play the game. loose us and loose your job. I understand their is a lot to read in the forums but the majority on this thread is telling you PVP needs a proper fix. get it right and you may get those who quit back.

  15. One thing I have yet to hear is when will PVP be fixed and when can we have open world with rewards like illum back? a lot of time and effort is going in this game to the PVE and RP people but feels like the PVP players are pushed aside like other MMO's.


    suggestion would be get rid of cc or have a longer time limit on it for PVP use. another that might fix illum is put up doors on bases, must be out of combat to enter your base to prevent ganking into instant kill points.

  16. When legacy was first talked about the devs said that we could unlock features based on legacy lvl or pay. Most of the items you need to pay for which means basicly lvled legecy is useless. not everyone farms or crafts to make mad money to buy million plus cred unlocks. should be unlockable instantly at high lvl legacy. at the guild summet the devs said either legecy points or credits, thats not the case here.
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